Senate Dem. Boxer Proposes to Scrap Border Security to Fund Immigrant Healthcare


CHARTS: Border/Enforcement Spending and Deportation Levels Continue to Skyrocket Under Obama ? Immigration Reform | America's Voice

Of course DHS spending is highest under Obama, someone has to pay for those billions of rounds of ammunition and armored vehicles they are buying like drunken sailors.


Fail because people noticed Obama's back door gun control with his massive ammunition purchases, or fail because you blindly follow your king wherever he chooses to take you?
If this happens we should just merge with Mexico.

I'm dead serious. We would be better off with their tax base and resources.

Let's be honest.
There's already a plan for that, it's called The North American Union. Bush also signed the Security and Prosperity Partnership in 2006 (or 2007) which implements a lot of that.

Look it up if you don't believe me..

This is why I say what I am saying...I'm just saying that we should keep our constitution as we do it.
Obviously, there should be a separate bill on Border Security and voted on before any talk of Amnesty occurs. But don't count on that happening. The NWO Globalists are firmly in control of our Nation now. It's not about the American People anymore. They've made that openly & abundantly clear. When are Americans finally gonna get that?
Obviously, there should be a separate bill on Border Security and voted on before any talk of Amnesty occurs. But don't count on that happening. The NWO Globalists are firmly in control of our Nation now. It's not about the American People anymore. They've made that openly & abundantly clear. When are Americans finally gonna get that?

It is the obvious solution. You don't do anything about the water in the boat until you plug up the leak.

I don't like what's going on lately. Things are getting even worse.
Obviously, there should be a separate bill on Border Security and voted on before any talk of Amnesty occurs. But don't count on that happening. The NWO Globalists are firmly in control of our Nation now. It's not about the American People anymore. They've made that openly & abundantly clear. When are Americans finally gonna get that?

It is the obvious solution. You don't do anything about the water in the boat until you plug up the leak.

I don't like what's going on lately. Things are getting even worse.

The NWO Globalists aren't even attempting to hide their agendas anymore. It's all out there for anyone with common sense to see. It's right in front of our faces. They're openly telling the American People, it's not about them anymore. It's about the New World Order.
Obviously, there should be a separate bill on Border Security and voted on before any talk of Amnesty occurs. But don't count on that happening. The NWO Globalists are firmly in control of our Nation now. It's not about the American People anymore. They've made that openly & abundantly clear. When are Americans finally gonna get that?

It is the obvious solution. You don't do anything about the water in the boat until you plug up the leak.

I don't like what's going on lately. Things are getting even worse.

The NWO Globalists aren't even attempting to hide their agendas anymore. It's all out there for anyone with common sense to see. It's right in front of our faces. They're openly telling the American People, it's not about them anymore. It's about the New World Order.

They can try to do what they want, but I will not give into them. As long as I live, so will the Constitution.
California is on it's way down with the people they have running it..

Of course DHS spending is highest under Obama, someone has to pay for those billions of rounds of ammunition and armored vehicles they are buying like drunken sailors.


Fail because people noticed Obama's back door gun control with his massive ammunition purchases, or fail because you blindly follow your king wherever he chooses to take you?

Fail because you fail, failure.
Obviously, there should be a separate bill on Border Security and voted on before any talk of Amnesty occurs. But don't count on that happening. The NWO Globalists are firmly in control of our Nation now. It's not about the American People anymore. They've made that openly & abundantly clear. When are Americans finally gonna get that?

probably not until we are speaking Spanish and spending our RMB's

Fail because people noticed Obama's back door gun control with his massive ammunition purchases, or fail because you blindly follow your king wherever he chooses to take you?

Fail because you fail, failure.

In other words, you have nothing to back up your "fail" comment, so you're just going to go on repeating it. Typical liberal. Backed into a corner and you lash out.

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