Senate Democrats All Vote Down Bill Banning China from Buying Land Next to US Military Bases. Why Not Just Give Them the Nuclear Codes?

Anti-American Commiecrats show their true allegiance. Commies of a feather...
Conservative commie rubes are so easy to manipulate. They fall for _anything_, because they want to fall for it. If they don't act like weepy pissheads, they'll be tossed out of their cult.

OMG! It's the exact same lame answer everywhere from environment to politics!

Mammooth show us the experiment linking 120OPM CO2 to temperature.

Mammy responds: Conservative commie rubes are so easy to manipulate. They fall for _anything_, because they want to fall for it. If they don't act like weepy pissheads, they'll be tossed out of their cult.
Conservative commie rubes are so easy to manipulate. They fall for _anything_, because they want to fall for it. If they don't act like weepy pissheads, they'll be tossed out of their cult.
Yet, you can't seem to provide anything to discredit the OP.
Just your usual diatribe broadbrushing about conservatives that haunt your every waking thoughts.

So, do you think other countries should own lands near sensitive areas?
Simple question. Can you handle it?
The Chinese (if a Chinese owns it, it's actually belongs to the Chinese Government) already owns over 2 billion dollars worth of farm land in the US and the largest pork processing plant in the US. At what point does it become against the economy to sell them more?
The food grown is all exported to China.
The Dims have a good working relationship with the communist chinese. A vote for China's interests is a vote for an opulent mansion in your future.... just ask Josef Stolen.

And China doesn't mind looking away while their democrat shills fuck kids.
Groomercrats treasoncrats I can't keep up with how bad this party is now, And I have always been pretty liberal, pro-choice etc. This is just awful. Everything in China is CCP why not just give them the nuclear codes.. I think the plan is to hack those so they can launch a preemptive attack with no fear of retaliation. The deal is the Dems will be tipped off so they can get their families to the bunkers.

I'm a big believer that when it comes to passing or not passing bills that there are legitimate reasons for voting no or yes that are in the fine print that aren't obvious. So, I'd like to know what their reasons actually are for voting it down. Maybe some lefty on here can make sense out of this because, right now, I sure as hell can't. As it currently stands, it looks like China has Democrats in their back pocket.
The Chinese (if a Chinese owns it, it's actually belongs to the Chinese Government)
Well, no. That's not how it works.

already owns over 2 billion dollars worth of farm land in the US
So, 0.2%.

And that's not "China" owning it. It's "some people with ties to Chinese investors" owning it.

I can see why you're so terrified. After all, TheParty ordered you to be terrified.
Well, no. That's not how it works.

So, 0.2%.

And that's not "China" owning it. It's "some people with ties to Chinese investors" owning it.

I can see why you're so terrified. After all, TheParty ordered you to be terrified.

Say hi to the Chairman for me.
Say hi to the Chairman for me.
It's odd. Chinese money drives the GOP, but they projecxt their love of CCP on to normal people.

Why? Because the CCP commands its Republican lackeys to do that.

Vrenn, when your Russian masters and Chinese masters tell you to jump in different directions, which ones do you obey? That must be a tough decision for you.
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It's odd. Chinese money drivds the GOP, but they projecxt their love of CCP on to normal people.

Why? Because the CCP commands its Republican lackeys to do that.

Vrenn, when your Russian masters and Chinese masters tell you to jump in different directions, which ones do you obey? That must be a tough decision for you.

I took an oath 5 times in my lifetime that says you are wrong.

I, (state your name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

And nowhere does it say have an expiration date, Comrade. Say hi to your Chairman
I took an oath 5 times in my lifetime that says you are wrong.
Yet you've pledged your loyalty to Republican domestic enemies of the Constitution, and so by proxy to their Russian and Chinese paymasters.
Yet you've pledged your loyalty to Republican domestic enemies of the Constitution, and so by proxy to their Russian and Chinese paymasters.

I pledge to defend against you. It's in my oath whether you are a domestic or foreign, you are still a terrorist.

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