Senate Democrats All Vote Down Bill Banning China from Buying Land Next to US Military Bases. Why Not Just Give Them the Nuclear Codes?

The bills have zero to do with national security. The Chinese as well as the Russians, British, Israeli and many others spend an inordinate amount of time at the end of runways cataloguing and listening to our aircraft all around the world. And that includes right here in the US. There is no law against parking in a parking area in a van. You want to do something about National Security then do something about that. If you want to do something about trade and economics do something about the chinese buying farm land.
there are laws against spying
Is it your position that the US Fed Govt should approve every sale of land in the US?

Allowing our proven enemy to buy land directly next to military bases here in the US, especially considering all the technological espionage and spying they do - and after during tbe pandrmic they threatened to murder millions of Americans by withholding medications they manufacture / provide to the US if we attempted to hold them accountable, is as stupid and self-defeating as ignoring and violating both Constitution and law to facilitate an illegal invasion that is overwhelming our states and weakening our National Security...IMHO.
Soon china will buy most of the property in the United States. Why start a war when you can seize a country with cash?
there are laws against spying
Yeah, which brings us back to Biden cancelling a highly successful Trump initiative to stop ChiCom technological espionage because Xi called the initiative - which resulted in numerous high-profile convictions of Chinese spies and the reduction of ChiCom tecnological espionage - 'racist'.

Soon china will buy most of the property in the United States. Why start a war when you can seize a country with cash?
The moment China starts a war the US shoumd 'nationalize' all ChiCom property / businesses in the US in tbe name of National Security...

...of course, the massive technological espionage and theft of intellectual US property they are engaged in are acts of 'war'.

Democrats are just too stupid, too greedy, and to corrupt to care. They don't think making a buck in selling out their country is such a big deal because they don't see the 'real harm'.
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Why not just make it illegal to surveille any military or government base as well as making it illegal for foreigners to buy more than 5 acres of farmland? Maybe even confiscate Chinese owned land for national security. They could do a lot if they had the WILL. Hell, they could even turn the Penn Biden Center into a homeless shelter. The big question is why don't Democrats want any part of regulating China? Could it be all the free money they get?
Its my position that they know when foreigners buy land. This seems like a reasonable expectation.

Why would they?

Do you think the Fed Govt tracks every sale of land in the US?

Do you think the Fed Govt should track every sale of land in the US?
Democrats are just too stupid, too greedy, and to corrupt to care. They don't think making a buck in selling out their country is such a big deal because they don't see the 'real harm'.
They are just interested in lining their pockets just like many Republicans.
Why would they?

Do you think the Fed Govt tracks every sale of land in the US?

Do you think the Fed Govt should track every sale of land in the US?
The states sure as fuck track it and the US government has access to those records.
Why not just make it illegal to surveille any military or government base as well as making it illegal for foreigners to buy more than 5 acres of farmland? Maybe even confiscate Chinese owned land for national security. They could do a lot if they had the WILL. Hell, they could even turn the Penn Biden Center into a homeless shelter. The big question is why don't Democrats want any part of regulating China? Could it be all the free money they get?

Is it just the Dems?

What did the Repubs do about this under Trump?
The states sure as fuck track it and the US government has access to those records.

So, just to get this straight, you think it is the Fed Govt's job to track/control the every sale of land in the US?
Was this issue brought up back then? I certainly wasnt aware of it.

Well, it was going on back then, it did not just start in 2021.

So, why was it not brought up when your beloved party held both sides of Congress and the White House?

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