Senate Democrats All Vote Down Bill Banning China from Buying Land Next to US Military Bases. Why Not Just Give Them the Nuclear Codes?

Every sale that goes to a foreigner? Absolutely.

In order to know if it were to a foreigner they would have to track them all.

Not really the job of the Fed Govt to anyone that believes in small government.
Trump actually created a highly successful initiative against ChiCom technical / Intellectual theft that resulted in numerous high-profile convictions and reduced the on-going ChiCom espionage.

Biden terminated it.

Did he do anything about them buying land in the US? You know, the topic of the thread.
Well, it was going on back then, it did not just start in 2021.

So, why was it not brought up when your beloved party held both sides of Congress and the White House?
That doesnt mean people knew about China buying land next to military bases. Its a problem, so why dont we just fix it? Why does this have to be a politcal thing?
Just more PATHETIC contrarian bullshit from you, as ALWAYS!!!

Odd that you lack the balls to answer the questions.

Well, not really, all you do is make drive by attack post.

How boring
Conservative commie rubes are so easy to manipulate. They fall for _anything_, because they want to fall for it. If they don't act like weepy pissheads, they'll be tossed out of their cult.
READ: I have no comment on the actual topic, so I will revert to spewing blathering childish insults so I don't have to acknowledge the real world

I do not typically buy processed meat products like SMITHFIELD, but definitely no one should buy SMITHFIELD.

I cannot believe we let China buy that company.
Don’t know. Trump sold them a lot of it.

Ask him the next time you’re at one of his loser rallies.

One track mind. Did Trump forget to give you a reach around or something? Dems want China to own farmland next to military bases in the USA and you refer to TRUMP?

When I sold my last house, a Chinese holding company offered me $15k over market. I turned them down and sold it to a young family of 4.

100% true story. The Chinese are buying as much property in the US as possible.

No fucking way am I selling to the motherfucking CHINESE.
Why should China be able to buy land in the US at all? The US can't buy land in China, nor can American citizens, or Chinese citizens.

Because the State-Run education system has produced a few generations of ignorant citizens.
and The Democrat Party has been bought by China.
Good question, at what point are we the people cool with the Fed Govt dictating who a private individual can sell their land to.

I just bought a house in Oct. As the crow flies it is about 10 miles from an AFB. Should I have needed to prove I am a citizen to buy the house?

Based on your Social Media posts - yes.

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