Senate Dems Put Comey On Notice: Answers No Later Than Monday

This is scary delusion. What facts? Human Aberdin's FBI testimony. The FBI decided to do an about face and reopen a serious investigation because they don't have anything.

Reopening an investigation means squat when all you have is some additional emails that MAY.....or MAY NOT have anything to do with the original investigation.
THIS is Comey's Waterloo.

Even a new law graduate can tell you that you FIRST conduct an investigation of the new findings...and THEN indict or absolve.....Comey basically "indicted" Clinton based on ZERO evidence.....evidence that he has not even yet looked at.

There has not been any indictments. So are ignoring facts, and clinging to this fantasy that in the course of two months Comey went from the left's savior, praising his wise judgement to a rogue agent.

Now let's go down the rabbit hole a little further. You believe Comey, with Clinton inches away from victory and being his boss, decides to reopen an investigation after seizing a computer from a sexual pervert and a woman who implicated Obama in her FBI testimony.

You see why what your doing is silly to any outside observer?
Exclusive: FBI still does not have warrant to review new Abedin emails linked to Clinton probe

Ah, the answer to a question I asked in another thread; did the FBI have a warrant to search through Huma's or AW's email or pc's? Now it appears they didn't and that the FBI hasn't even looked at any of the emails. A warrant to search HRC's pc's does not give carte blanche to the FBI.

Comey didn't step in dogshit, he dumped a gallon of gasoline over his head and lit a match. As I said, this will in fact set in concrete trust for Hillary Clinton regarding the whole email nonsense and Trump will look like the clueless dipshit that he is for jumping so quickly on this sinking Comey ship.
Did you happen to miss the part where Comey said that in a separate investigation, information came to light to reopen the Clinton investigation? He does not need a warrant for Clinton to gather information on a separate investigation. He does, however, have the authority to to follow reasonable suspicion and reopen a case.

Now that he has notified the Congress of his intent, he can NOW go to a judge and get a warrant.
There has not been any indictments. So are ignoring facts, and clinging to this fantasy that in the course of two months Comey went from the left's savior, praising his wise judgement to a rogue agent.

Now let's go down the rabbit hole a little further. You believe Comey, with Clinton inches away from victory and being his boss, decides to reopen an investigation after seizing a computer from a sexual pervert and a woman who implicated Obama in her FBI testimony.

You see why what your doing is silly to any outside observer?

Another way of looking at the scenario.....perhaps from Comey's own personal perspective....Comey was part of the investigative team in the Whitewater probe against Clinton.....and Comey is not very much liked by Lynch (common knowledge)....So,his term as FBI director would be up in 3 months anyway.....
But, with this latest stunt. it is no secret that he has become a Trump stooge and, he is hoping that if trump were to win his chances are much better to hold on to his current post...or even be place as head of the DOJ as a "reward."
What, still no warrant?

Exclusive: FBI still does not have warrant to review new Abedin emails linked to Clinton probe

When FBI Director James Comey wrote his bombshell letter to Congress on Friday about newly discovered emails that were potentially “pertinent” to the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, agents had not been able to review any of the material, because the bureau had not yet gotten a search warrant to read them, three government officials who have been briefed on the probe told Yahoo News.

At the time Comey wrote the letter, “he had no idea what was in the content of the emails,” one of the officials said, referring to recently discovered emails that were found on the laptop of disgraced ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin. Weiner is under investigation for allegedly sending illicit text messages to a 15-year-old girl.

As of Saturday night, the FBI had still not gotten approval from the Justice Department for a warrant that would allow agency officials to read any of the newly discovered Abedin emails, and therefore are still in the dark about whether they include any classified material that the bureau has not already seen.

“We do not have a warrant,” a senior law enforcement official said. “Discussions are under way [between the FBI and the Justice Department] as to the best way to move forward.”

said that in a separate investigation, information came to light to reopen the Clinton investigation

....and that "new" information is....................???
You see, in law an accusation....tacit as it may be.....NEEDS some facts to back up the accusation.

Lets say for argument sake that a thorough review of these new emails occurs and after 6 months, NOTHING is found that is indictable towatd Clinton....

What should that half-plus of US voters that saw Comey railroad her chances at the presidency then do to Comey?
said that in a separate investigation, information came to light to reopen the Clinton investigation

....and that "new" information is....................???
You see, in law an accusation....tacit as it may be.....NEEDS some facts to back up the accusation.

Lets say for argument sake that a thorough review of these new emails occurs and after 6 months, NOTHING is found that is indictable towatd Clinton....

What should that half-plus of US voters that saw Comey railroad her chances at the presidency then do to Comey?
Lets not say that. We won't say that because you are tossing out speculation as a smoke screen.

In law, reasonable suspicion is enough to open an investigation of a possible breaking of the law. It also is grounds to reopen a prior investigation that has not been litigated. How the information was obtained, or what it contains is not germane to the current issue Clinton is facing. That issue is that the investigation has been reopened. No accusations have been made, and no information has been leaked.

You, and the rest of the progressives, are going to have to sit and wait on Comey's pleasure to find out what he found out. Just as the GOP had to sit and wait on his pleasure.

However, I'd watch to be sure that there are not additional "unscheduled" meetings between Bill and Loretta...
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As of Saturday night, the FBI had still not gotten approval from the Justice Department for a warrant that would allow agency officials to read any of the newly discovered Abedin emails, and therefore are still in the dark about whether they include any classified material that the bureau has not already seen.

“We do not have a warrant,” a senior law enforcement official said. “Discussions are under way [between the FBI and the Justice Department] as to the best way to move forward.”

The entire procedure has been botched by Comey....and, to be honest, I'm really surprised that a veteran prosecutor has abandoned procedures for some rather selfish contrition toward his fellow republicans.

If Comey has not read even ONE of these "new' emails, he has done serious harm to a candidate based on shaky best....and serious prosecution worst.

In a less charged political climate, the guy would be fired on the spot.
Why would anyone need to do a search on Google when it's on the network news 24/7?

So, "trial by networks"??? Something that right wingers bitched and moaned about when those women accused Trump of sexual predatory practices on the same networks?
However, I'd watch to be sure that there are not additional "unscheduled" meetings between Bill and Loretta...

I don't think that Lynch needs to be prodded very much....Comey is toast under this administration...and I think that Comey well knew that....ergo his pitch to a possible Trump administration for Lynch's job.
As of Saturday night, the FBI had still not gotten approval from the Justice Department for a warrant that would allow agency officials to read any of the newly discovered Abedin emails, and therefore are still in the dark about whether they include any classified material that the bureau has not already seen.

“We do not have a warrant,” a senior law enforcement official said. “Discussions are under way [between the FBI and the Justice Department] as to the best way to move forward.”

The entire procedure has been botched by Comey....and, to be honest, I'm really surprised that a veteran prosecutor has abandoned procedures for some rather selfish contrition toward his fellow republicans.

If Comey has not read even ONE of these "new' emails, he has done serious harm to a candidate based on shaky best....and serious prosecution worst.

In a less charged political climate, the guy would be fired on the spot.

Amen! I'm waiting to see how the Sunday talk shows deal with all this tomorrow. They can't "fairly" bash Hillary - because there is nothing new to bash her with. I would think, and hope, that they would focus on how Comey mishandled this so close to a presidential election.
However, I'd watch to be sure that there are not additional "unscheduled" meetings between Bill and Loretta...

I don't think that Lynch needs to be prodded very much....Comey is toast under this administration...and I think that Comey well knew that....ergo his pitch to a possible Trump administration for Lynch's job.
His pitch? He, and the rest of the world, knows that no matter who wins, he'll be out of government.
Lets not say that. We won't say that because you are tossing out speculation as a smoke screen.

Actually, the TIMING of Comey's allegation against Clinton with NO reasonable connection (at this point) between Weiner-Abedin laptop and Clinton's email probe IS the "smoke screen speculation" that has many people pissed.
We cannot overlook that this is not simply a run of the mill case; its impacts on the will of many within the electorate based purely on a prosecutor's guess work.
His pitch? He, and the rest of the world, knows that no matter who wins, he'll be out of government.

Maybe...or maybe not.....Given Trump's lavish praises of Comey and his experience as a prosecutor, I'm betting he is opting for Lynch's job.
Lets not say that. We won't say that because you are tossing out speculation as a smoke screen.

Actually, the TIMING of Comey's allegation against Clinton with NO reasonable connection (at this point) between Weiner-Abedin laptop and Clinton's email probe IS the "smoke screen speculation" that has many people pissed.
We cannot overlook that this is not simply a run of the mill case; its impacts on the will of many within the electorate based purely on a prosecutor's guess work.
No one is overlooking it. What we are doing is, rightly, pointing out how the progressives were sitting smug when Comey failed to opine or release information in the original investigation, and now are whining like little bitches that he is being as tight-lipped about the reopening investigation as he was on the original.

No one can make any claim on the 'reasonableness' of what connections he may or may not have made.
His pitch? He, and the rest of the world, knows that no matter who wins, he'll be out of government.

Maybe...or maybe not.....Given Trump's lavish praises of Comey and his experience as a prosecutor, I'm betting he is opting for Lynch's job.
I'm betting Trump has already fantasized about who he will put in his cabinet and I doubt it includes Comey. One thing is certain, Clinton won't be keeping him on, if he manages to not commit suicide by next Friday.

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