Senate Dems Running For Prez Just Realized Pelosi Threw Them Under Bus With Impeachment Strategy

Wasn’t it so so so important for national security that the Democrats had to ram this impeachment through?

Now we are going to sit on it?

It has become so clear this is nothing but a political stunt.
thats a lame talking point. Had the house gone to the courts it could have taken months and would have relinquished the public pressure Congress. The public by and large is about facts and truth so most want to hear from anybody who knows something that’s relevant. Taking a few days to make a stronger case vs months to rely on a judges opinion are completely different strategies.
Perhaps Nazi should have taken a few more days in the House when they were making their case. Too bad she had to rush to 'SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY'............before going on vacation for a month.
Wasn’t it so so so important for national security that the Democrats had to ram this impeachment through?

Now we are going to sit on it?

It has become so clear this is nothing but a political stunt.
thats a lame talking point. Had the house gone to the courts it could have taken months and would have relinquished the public pressure Congress. The public by and large is about facts and truth so most want to hear from anybody who knows something that’s relevant. Taking a few days to make a stronger case vs months to rely on a judges opinion are completely different strategies.
Perhaps Nazi should have taken a few more days in the House when they were making their case. Too bad she had to rush to 'SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY'............before going on vacation for a month.
A few more days?? Is that how long you think the court process involving the WH ignoring subpoenas would take?? Wake up man
View attachment 299335

Keep them in Washington for the trial ahead of caucuses. Who benefits from this strategy if it rolls out this way? Biden. But Republicans could argue they all should recuse for conflict.

View attachment 299337

Senate Dems running for president have just now realized Nancy Pelosi threw them under the bus with her DOPEY impeachment strategy
Right because nobody will be watching the impeachment trial and these senators will get no exposure. Haha
They would get exposure, but wouldn't be able to control what kind and how much. And McConnell is in the driver's seat because he can keep them in session as long as he likes. Kind of makes Pelosi's games look a little less wise.
if I’m just looking at the game of it all, Pelosi has seen gains from holding the articles. Multiple senators have publicly stated that they would like to hear from witnesses, some emails were released giving more intel about the held funds, and Bolton has publicly stated that he is prepared to testify. Had she turned them over right away those element may not have come out. Love her or hate her she seems to know what shes doing

There's really not much of a different way to look at it, other than a game, as that's how they've handled this from the beginning, with preventing the supposed initiator from revealing his sources to shutting down inconvenient questions to refusing to allow the opposition a day to call witnesses to using focus groups to determine the articles to rushing it through because it's such an emergency only to put the brakes on and bring the whole thing to a standstill. All they've done is lay the groundwork for the Senate to play some games with the timing as well, and I could easily see McConnell holding the trial specifically to prevent democrats from campaigning.
Yup Dems were playing power games for sure. Reps and trump were playing distraction and obstruction games and now Mitch and Nancy are playing their games. I’m sick of it all... how about you?
You loved it while Nazi was shitting on the process..............all the sudden you are tired of it.

How cute.
Wasn’t it so so so important for national security that the Democrats had to ram this impeachment through?

Now we are going to sit on it?

It has become so clear this is nothing but a political stunt.
thats a lame talking point. Had the house gone to the courts it could have taken months and would have relinquished the public pressure Congress. The public by and large is about facts and truth so most want to hear from anybody who knows something that’s relevant. Taking a few days to make a stronger case vs months to rely on a judges opinion are completely different strategies.
Perhaps Nazi should have taken a few more days in the House when they were making their case. Too bad she had to rush to 'SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY'............before going on vacation for a month.
A few more days?? Is that how long you think the court process involving the WH ignoring subpoenas would take?? Wake up man
Not my fault Nazi ignored the process.
Right because nobody will be watching the impeachment trial and these senators will get no exposure. Haha
They would get exposure, but wouldn't be able to control what kind and how much. And McConnell is in the driver's seat because he can keep them in session as long as he likes. Kind of makes Pelosi's games look a little less wise.
if I’m just looking at the game of it all, Pelosi has seen gains from holding the articles. Multiple senators have publicly stated that they would like to hear from witnesses, some emails were released giving more intel about the held funds, and Bolton has publicly stated that he is prepared to testify. Had she turned them over right away those element may not have come out. Love her or hate her she seems to know what shes doing

There's really not much of a different way to look at it, other than a game, as that's how they've handled this from the beginning, with preventing the supposed initiator from revealing his sources to shutting down inconvenient questions to refusing to allow the opposition a day to call witnesses to using focus groups to determine the articles to rushing it through because it's such an emergency only to put the brakes on and bring the whole thing to a standstill. All they've done is lay the groundwork for the Senate to play some games with the timing as well, and I could easily see McConnell holding the trial specifically to prevent democrats from campaigning.
Yup Dems were playing power games for sure. Reps and trump were playing distraction and obstruction games and now Mitch and Nancy are playing their games. I’m sick of it all... how about you?
You loved it while Nazi was shitting on the process..............all the sudden you are tired of it.

How cute.
I loved it?? That’s you lying and making stuff up again. Why do you do that?

I’ve been against impeachment from the very beginning. Grow up and learn how to have an honest debate.
Wasn’t it so so so important for national security that the Democrats had to ram this impeachment through?

Now we are going to sit on it?

It has become so clear this is nothing but a political stunt.
thats a lame talking point. Had the house gone to the courts it could have taken months and would have relinquished the public pressure Congress. The public by and large is about facts and truth so most want to hear from anybody who knows something that’s relevant. Taking a few days to make a stronger case vs months to rely on a judges opinion are completely different strategies.
Perhaps Nazi should have taken a few more days in the House when they were making their case. Too bad she had to rush to 'SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY'............before going on vacation for a month.
A few more days?? Is that how long you think the court process involving the WH ignoring subpoenas would take?? Wake up man
Not my fault Nazi ignored the process.
no shit, I didn’t blame you
Wasn’t it so so so important for national security that the Democrats had to ram this impeachment through?

Now we are going to sit on it?

It has become so clear this is nothing but a political stunt.
thats a lame talking point. Had the house gone to the courts it could have taken months and would have relinquished the public pressure Congress. The public by and large is about facts and truth so most want to hear from anybody who knows something that’s relevant. Taking a few days to make a stronger case vs months to rely on a judges opinion are completely different strategies.
Perhaps Nazi should have taken a few more days in the House when they were making their case. Too bad she had to rush to 'SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY'............before going on vacation for a month.

She Schruted it! Big Time!
View attachment 299335

Keep them in Washington for the trial ahead of caucuses. Who benefits from this strategy if it rolls out this way? Biden. But Republicans could argue they all should recuse for conflict.

View attachment 299337

Senate Dems running for president have just now realized Nancy Pelosi threw them under the bus with her DOPEY impeachment strategy
fucktardo was in on making sure it happened also. just like assholes to run away from the responsibility of their own actions.
View attachment 299335

Keep them in Washington for the trial ahead of caucuses. Who benefits from this strategy if it rolls out this way? Biden. But Republicans could argue they all should recuse for conflict.

View attachment 299337

Senate Dems running for president have just now realized Nancy Pelosi threw them under the bus with her DOPEY impeachment strategy
fucktardo was in on making sure it happened also. just like assholes to run away from the responsibility of their own actions.
Through it wasn’t articulated very ellogantly you do make a good point. I believe every dem candidate did voice support for impeachment. Can’t really complain about it now that’s it actually happening.
View attachment 299335

Keep them in Washington for the trial ahead of caucuses. Who benefits from this strategy if it rolls out this way? Biden. But Republicans could argue they all should recuse for conflict.

View attachment 299337

Senate Dems running for president have just now realized Nancy Pelosi threw them under the bus with her DOPEY impeachment strategy
fucktardo was in on making sure it happened also. just like assholes to run away from the responsibility of their own actions.
Through it wasn’t articulated very ellogantly you do make a good point. I believe every dem candidate did voice support for impeachment. Can’t really complain about it now that’s it actually happening.
Yea I didn't bother prettying up their idiocy.

They made the move, good or bad, iwn it.
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Wasn’t it so so so important for national security that the Democrats had to ram this impeachment through?

Now we are going to sit on it?

It has become so clear this is nothing but a political stunt.
thats a lame talking point. Had the house gone to the courts it could have taken months and would have relinquished the public pressure Congress. The public by and large is about facts and truth so most want to hear from anybody who knows something that’s relevant. Taking a few days to make a stronger case vs months to rely on a judges opinion are completely different strategies.
Again it's a game to them. If they truly were more concerned with truth and justice than with political strategy, it wouldn't have mattered if the court fight went all the way through the election. What they did was essentially admit they are playing a political game with the scheduling by rushing for a while, then suddenly putting on the brakes. Wanting the Senate to make up for their incompetence is a losing strategy.
View attachment 299335

Keep them in Washington for the trial ahead of caucuses. Who benefits from this strategy if it rolls out this way? Biden. But Republicans could argue they all should recuse for conflict.

View attachment 299337

Senate Dems running for president have just now realized Nancy Pelosi threw them under the bus with her DOPEY impeachment strategy
Right because nobody will be watching the impeachment trial and these senators will get no exposure. Haha
They would get exposure, but wouldn't be able to control what kind and how much. And McConnell is in the driver's seat because he can keep them in session as long as he likes. Kind of makes Pelosi's games look a little less wise.
if I’m just looking at the game of it all, Pelosi has seen gains from holding the articles. Multiple senators have publicly stated that they would like to hear from witnesses, some emails were released giving more intel about the held funds, and Bolton has publicly stated that he is prepared to testify. Had she turned them over right away those element may not have come out. Love her or hate her she seems to know what shes doing

There's really not much of a different way to look at it, other than a game, as that's how they've handled this from the beginning, with preventing the supposed initiator from revealing his sources to shutting down inconvenient questions to refusing to allow the opposition a day to call witnesses to using focus groups to determine the articles to rushing it through because it's such an emergency only to put the brakes on and bring the whole thing to a standstill. All they've done is lay the groundwork for the Senate to play some games with the timing as well, and I could easily see McConnell holding the trial specifically to prevent democrats from campaigning.
Yup Dems were playing power games for sure. Reps and trump were playing distraction and obstruction games and now Mitch and Nancy are playing their games. I’m sick of it all... how about you?
I can ignore it. As long as it keeps them from dreaming up new ways to interfere in my life, it's a net positive.
Wasn’t it so so so important for national security that the Democrats had to ram this impeachment through?

Now we are going to sit on it?

It has become so clear this is nothing but a political stunt.
thats a lame talking point. Had the house gone to the courts it could have taken months and would have relinquished the public pressure Congress. The public by and large is about facts and truth so most want to hear from anybody who knows something that’s relevant. Taking a few days to make a stronger case vs months to rely on a judges opinion are completely different strategies.
Again it's a game to them. If they truly were more concerned with truth and justice than with political strategy, it wouldn't have mattered if the court fight went all the way through the election. What they did was essentially admit they are playing a political game with the scheduling by rushing for a while, then suddenly putting on the brakes. Wanting the Senate to make up for their incompetence is a losing strategy.
well they can care about truth and justice and winning their case and still play the games to best achieve their goals. That’s why politics has become about games... unfortunately they are effective.

Each side justifies their “games” because they are aimed at achieving the objective. The Dems saw the republicans as trying to distract by pointing blame at the Bidens and the whistleblower so they shut them out. The Reps think the whole thing is a hoax and based on hatred towards trump. None of that stuff has anything to do with the actual events that took place In Regards to trumps accused abuse of power. So we waste time arguing about the distractions and not the substance
This whole thing is so ridiculous. When are the Dimms going to add Soleimani to the articles of impeachment?
View attachment 299335

Keep them in Washington for the trial ahead of caucuses. Who benefits from this strategy if it rolls out this way? Biden. But Republicans could argue they all should recuse for conflict.

View attachment 299337

Senate Dems running for president have just now realized Nancy Pelosi threw them under the bus with her DOPEY impeachment strategy
Right because nobody will be watching the impeachment trial and these senators will get no exposure. Haha
It’s the Democrats complaining, Dufus.
It's an emergency ....its urgent
We have to impeach


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