Senate GOP Warns They Will Shut Down The Senate

The filibuster is suppose to be for extended DEBATE. I think the filibuster should stay, but it should be mandatory for the senators to get up there on the podium and debate, debate and tell their side till all of their side is told, then it should come to cloture, and senators should be able to vote on the bill.
Can someone tell me the last time a filibuster WORKED? All it is--is a talk-a-thon of blabber in an effort to delay a vote on an issue. Once they're out of breath the vote carries on anyway.

The politicians nowadays are too lazy to even do a filibuster. They just say "We are doing a filibuster" and do absolutely nothing and then the other side whines and complains about how they are holding up legislation when nothing is actually done.

You're right..............the politicians are too lazy to do anything, and somehow have gotten the fillibuster to go from something you actually have to work for (a la Mr. Smith goes to Washington), to just saying that you're going to do it, and actually don't.

Me? I agree with Harry Reid................if they wanna fillibuster, they've got to wait until the bill comes on the floor, and THEN try to block it with a bunch of bullshit.

Wonder how long Michelle Bachmann can fillibuster (or John McStupid for that matter), before they show themselves for the crazy assholes they actually are?
Senators should go back to actual filibusters: stand up and talk until you drop.
Republicans have abused their filibuster privileges to gridlock the legislative process.

Time to revoke their privilege

My understanding is that there's only one day (the FIRST day of the new Congress legislative session) when the rule(s) can be changed. The abuses of the last few years makes changing the rules a necessary measure. Not doing so would be irresponsible.

Did you make that argument when the Republicans were considering the nuclear option?

I'm a firm believer in moderation in all things. The 'nuclear option' is the antithesis of that.
Can someone tell me the last time a filibuster WORKED? All it is--is a talk-a-thon of blabber in an effort to delay a vote on an issue. Once they're out of breath the vote carries on anyway.

The politicians nowadays are too lazy to even do a filibuster. They just say "We are doing a filibuster" and do absolutely nothing and then the other side whines and complains about how they are holding up legislation when nothing is actually done.

You're right..............the politicians are too lazy to do anything, and somehow have gotten the fillibuster to go from something you actually have to work for (a la Mr. Smith goes to Washington), to just saying that you're going to do it, and actually don't.

Me? I agree with Harry Reid................if they wanna fillibuster, they've got to wait until the bill comes on the floor, and THEN try to block it with a bunch of bullshit.

Wonder how long Michelle Bachmann can fillibuster (or John McStupid for that matter), before they show themselves for the crazy assholes they actually are?

You actually have no idea what Reid wants to do, do you?
My understanding is that there's only one day (the FIRST day of the new Congress legislative session) when the rule(s) can be changed. The abuses of the last few years makes changing the rules a necessary measure. Not doing so would be irresponsible.

Did you make that argument when the Republicans were considering the nuclear option?

I'm a firm believer in moderation in all things. The 'nuclear option' is the antithesis of that.

The Nuclear Option was actually limited to judicial nominations, and was a lot less extreme than what Reid is thinking about. That makes you an idiot, or a lying sack of shit. Which is it?
QWB, the GOP Nuclear option was anything but limited; it was very extreme.
Nope, I don't like it either, QWB.

I do think, though, that when someone wants to filibuster, he or she has to get on their feet and stay there.
Did you make that argument when the Republicans were considering the nuclear option?

I'm a firm believer in moderation in all things. The 'nuclear option' is the antithesis of that.

The Nuclear Option was actually limited to judicial nominations, and was a lot less extreme than what Reid is thinking about. That makes you an idiot, or a lying sack of shit. Which is it?

Au contraire. The Democrats, who were in the minority, were using the filibuster to block a limited number of Bush's judicial selections, and the Republicans didn't want it to be use at ALL. That's why the Republicans wanted the nuclear option.

However, Republicans who are NOW in the minority in the Senate, have been using the filibuster a record amount of times for ALL kinds of legislation, not just judicial appointments. Reid is only attempting to return balance to the Senate in order to keep the legislative process from grinding to a halt by a minority that seems intent on using the rules in a way that they were never intended to be used.
Can't happen.

Why would you say that? They certainly can change the rules of the Senate at the beginning of each new congress. Making republicans who wish to filibuster legislation actually carry on debate in order to do so is not so extreme, if you ask me.
Where is the budget that Republicans have passed?

You mean in the House, right?

"House GOP Budget Plan Rejected By Senate Democrats"

House GOP Budget Plan Rejected By Senate Democrats

Reid should stop snorting and start passing budgets

I don't see a signed budget coming out of the House?

What happened? Does passing a House budget that slashes taxes and has no chance of meeting a consensus in Congress constitute a passed budget?

Evidently not

This is what happened this year:

Democrats who control the chamber defeated four Republican proposals, including a plan that passed the House in March. The entire Senate also unanimously rejected President Obama’s 2013 budget, voting 99-0 against it, following a 414-0 vote against it in the House earlier this year.

“A stunning development for the president of the United States in his fourth year in office,” said Sen. Jeff Sessions, Alabama Republican.

Congress is required by law to pass a budget by April 15, then write the annual spending and tax laws to carry out the budget’s targets.

But for the third straight year, Democrats didn’t offer a plan of their own in the Senate. The last time it did pass one was in 2009, when Democrats controlled all the levers and wrote the measure that paved the way for them to pass Mr. Obama’s health care law.

Read more: Democrat-led Senate votes down 4 GOP budgets for 2013 - Washington Times Democrat-led Senate votes down 4 GOP budgets for 2013 - Washington Times
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Nope, I don't like it either, QWB.

I do think, though, that when someone wants to filibuster, he or she has to get on their feet and stay there.

That would require lots of people to sit around and listen, which is the real reason they changed the rules.
I'm a firm believer in moderation in all things. The 'nuclear option' is the antithesis of that.

The Nuclear Option was actually limited to judicial nominations, and was a lot less extreme than what Reid is thinking about. That makes you an idiot, or a lying sack of shit. Which is it?

Au contraire. The Democrats, who were in the minority, were using the filibuster to block a limited number of Bush's judicial selections, and the Republicans didn't want it to be use at ALL. That's why the Republicans wanted the nuclear option.

However, Republicans who are NOW in the minority in the Senate, have been using the filibuster a record amount of times for ALL kinds of legislation, not just judicial appointments. Reid is only attempting to return balance to the Senate in order to keep the legislative process from grinding to a halt by a minority that seems intent on using the rules in a way that they were never intended to be used.

If it was wrong for the Republicans to use the Nuclear Option to change the rules it is wrong for the Democrats to do it. Any other stance makes you an idiot.
Did you make that argument when the Republicans were considering the nuclear option?

I'm a firm believer in moderation in all things. The 'nuclear option' is the antithesis of that.

The Nuclear Option was actually limited to judicial nominations, and was a lot less extreme than what Reid is thinking about. That makes you an idiot, or a lying sack of shit. Which is it?

You think he can't be BOTH?
Senate Republicans Warn They Will Shut Down The Senate If Harry Reid Goes Through With Unprecedented Plan To Change Filibuster Rules…​

They better.

Via Politico:

A partisan war is brewing that could bring the government to a screeching halt as early as January — and no, it’s not over the fiscal cliff.

It’s all about the filibuster.

Democrats are threatening to change filibuster rules, in what will surely prompt a furious GOP revolt that could make those rare moments of bipartisan consensus even harder to come by during the next Congress.

Here’s what Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is considering: banning filibusters used to prevent debate from even starting and House-Senate conference committees from ever meeting. He also may make filibusters become actual filibusters — to force senators to carry out the nonstop, talkathon sessions.

Republicans are threatening even greater retaliation if Reid uses a move rarely used by Senate majorities: changing the chamber’s precedent by 51 votes, rather than the usual 67 votes it takes to overhaul the rules.

“I think the backlash will be severe,” Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), the conservative firebrand, said sternly. “If you take away minority rights, which is what you’re doing because you’re an ineffective leader, you’ll destroy the place. And if you destroy the place, we’ll do what we have to do to fight back.”

“It will shut down the Senate,” the incoming Senate GOP whip, Texas Sen. John Cornyn, told POLITICO. “It’s such an abuse of power.”​


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GOP warns of shutdown over filibuster - Manu Raju -

Good. I hope they do it. 2014 can't get here fast enough.

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