"Senate launches Treason Investigation"

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
It's about time. The Senate will have it's hands full between Barack Obama wire tapping Trump Towers.....now it appears that they were conspiring to ruin him during his campaign! The plot thickens. So maybe they will not only charge Obama with treason but Hillary Clinton too! Good! Put them all behind bars! That is where criminals belong!

BREAKING: Senate Announces Major TREASON Investigation. Hillary Implicated. - Tea Party News
Angry Patriot Movement) – Finally, the Senate is figuring out that the Democrats were not only spying on Donald Trump… they were conspiring to RUIN him during his campaign!

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to FBI Director James Comey, asking for records of agreements the agency had with Christopher Steele — a man who wrote a heinous memo for Trump’s political enemies detailing ties to Russia. A man who Hillary Clinton hired. (via The Hill)

After Steele created this memo, the mainstream media published this information with the unverified allegations, which the White House denied, of course.

In February, it was discovered that the FBI had an agreement with Steele. It was arranged so Steele could continue his investigation into Donald Trump, on behalf of the FBI, without implicating them in their crimes.
speaking of investigations ...

Senators Graham, Whitehouse demand proof of Trump wiretap claim

“We request that the Department of Justice provide us copies of any warrant applications and court orders — redacted as necessary to protect intelligence sources and methods that may be compromised by disclosure, and to protect any ongoing investigations — related to wiretaps of President Trump, the Trump Campaign, or Trump Tower,” wrote Graham and Whitehouse. “We will be glad to review any such applications and orders once they are disclosed, and proceed as appropriate with the oversight the President has requested.”

FBI Director James Comey has said Obama did not authorize any wiretaps and has asked the Justice Department to publicly refute Trump's accusations.
I agree that an investigation regarding Espionage and Treason should be conducted, but at this point Hillary I am not sure Hillary is the one I would start with. Here's a list that IMO should be considered:

Top to Bottom Investigation needed -- Illegal leaks from within the CIA about the Trump camp weren't too big of a deal for the CIA (and the Obama holdovers) and other Intel Agencies...until the CIA just got handed their ass by a mole who decided to turn the tables and leak all of THEIR secrets.
-- A thorough investigation from top to bottom needs to be conducted, and no matter what the head of the CIA needs to be GONE. He has proven he can't handle his agency and was in charge when one of the largest leaks ever just happened.

CNN reported Obama collected personal and otherwise info on Trump and his team in his last days in office, right before he turned the information over to 16 Intelligence agencies...who then leaked the info after Trump became President. The information came from Obama, so he facilitated the illegal leaks.
-- Why do we have 16 (SIXTEEN) Intel agencies, and do we need 16 separate agencies? You know how hard it must be for 16 Intel Agencies to work together / to get 16 agencies to share info? (The CIA, for example, doesn't like to share with anyone...but just shared with EVERYONE - not by choice)

God only knows who obtained access to Hillary's un-authorized, illegal, UN-secure server which contained, as the WH declared, 'information so classified it could not be released in any format because it would cause grave danger to our national security'. Despite the contents of her server being THAT classified and vital to national security an entire laundry list of characters who had no security clearance or not enough clearance to access her server in fact DID have access to her server and that information: Her lawyers, her IT tech, Huma and her pedophile/pervert husband, employees of a Tech Firm who kept her server in their BATHROOM, and even her MAID! Every person who had access ILLEGALLY should be identified and investigated.

The man was getting $50k a pop speaking gigs from a company run by Vlad's old friends - ex-KGB. Slick Willy has some 'splaining to do.

John Podesta was former White House chief of staff and the chairman of Hillary Clinton's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign. WHILE acting as Hillary's campaign chairman, he and Hillary were emailing back and forth, using her secret personal e-mail / server. ALSO While Podesta was doing all this he was ALSO working as a Lobbyist for a Russian Bank - Known as the 'KGB Bank' - run by EX-KGB and which was / is extremely well connected with Russian Leader Vladimir Putin and their Spy Agency. Podesta was paid $170K to do so...and he BROKE THE LAW by never registering himself as a 'Foreign Agent'.
-- "In March 2016, the personal Gmail account of John Podesta, a former White House chief of staff and the chairman of Hillary Clinton's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, was compromised in a data breach, and a collection of his emails, many of which were work-related, were stolen. Cybersecurity researchers as well as the United States government attributed responsibility for the breach, which was accomplished via a spear-phishing attack, to the hacking group Fancy Bear, affiliated with Russian intelligence services"

Podesta was basically hacked by the very same people he was working for - the Russian Intelligence / Spy Agency. They hacked his computer - and thus probably Hillary's UN-Secure computer/server - and accessed his e-mail...which included e-mail from Hillary. WAS PODESTA REALLY THIS F*ING STUPID OR DID HE ALLOW THE RUSSIANS TO HAVE ACCESS TO HIS COMPUTER AND FILES AND THUS POTENTIALLY OTHERS...LIKE HILLARY'S? Podesta's ass needs to be dragged in and investigated 'with extreme prejudice'!

32 Democrats met with Russians, 2 lied about it before Congress, 1 met with Putin, and 1 has a history of exchanging gigts with Russian Ambassadors despite lying about having never met with any. That would be PELOSI. Most of the other Democrats seem harmless - I would still investigate them, but I would focus on Pelosi, forcing her to explain her lie, her relationships with Russians, and explain her 'gift exchanging' with Russians.

Trump is not the source of the CRIMINAL, ILLEGAL leaks but is rather a victim of a few of them. The DNC was exposed as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites because of them. The CIA just got BENT OVER because of them, and our national security is taking major hits because of them. Our Intel community is leaking like a sieve, and to save his own 'Legacy' - putting that over our national security - our national security has taken hits.

I hope Trump goes 'Medieval' on their asses now - finds out who is responsible, no matter what the leak and no matter who it is and fries their asses for TREASON!

The Obama administration's unauthorized investigation of candidate Trump, maybe the Clinton Foundation and the leaks allegedly from "intelligence sources". Maybe somebody will ask the chairman of the Armed Services committee why he called a successful Military raid a failure. While they are at it and if the statute of limitations isn't up the committee might charge all those democrats who undermined the Iraq conflict (after they approved it) with treason. ,
Let's find out how much Trump owes the KGB, and work from there
Despite the FBI saying there is no connection / collusion between Trump and the Russians, you and others still have speculation...meanwhile we KNOW Podesta broke the law while working for the Russian Intelligence Agency / 'the 'KGB Bank' and we KNOW Bill Clinton was getting paid by Ex-KGB to give speeches....
Looking at those tax returns is a good start.
Obama used the Fake News 'The Russians hacked the election' and 'Trump colluded with Russians' LIES to launch his own 'Watergate' against Trump during the 2016 election...and now you want to use them to get access to Trump's personal taxes...

Let's find out how much Trump owes the KGB, and work from there
Definitely. Looking at those tax returns is a good start.
Tea Party Times? :eusa_eh: SERIOUSLY? :rofl:

His own AG is embarrassed by Donnie's tweet
What happened to all those teabaggers anyways?

they're choking down Russian nut sacks now days ...
Actually they're the ones pointing out how Hillary's husband and her campaign manager are working for Ex-KGB and Russia's Spy Agency...

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