Senate Panel Is Investigating Contents Of Hunter Biden Computer Drive


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2015
Looks like it's heating up....

A Senate committee is investigating the contents of a computer hard drive that allegedly belonged to Hunter Biden, and which reportedly contains emails related to Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings.

The Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee (HSGAC) is attempting to validate the information from the hard drive, which was turned over to the panel last month by the owner of a computer repair shop in Delaware.

“Although we consider communications sent to our whistleblower account confidential, given that the individual spoke with the media about his contact with the committee, we can confirm receipt of his email complaint,” an HSGAC spokesman told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“We are in the process of attempting to validate the information he provided.”

Investigators for the committee met with the shop owner on Oct. 5, according to The New York Post.

The New York Post published a series of stories earlier on Wednesday from documents on the alleged Biden hard drive.

According to the newspaper, the repairman said that a person dropped off the computer for repair in April 2019 but never came to retrieve it.

Federal prosecutors issued a subpoena for the device in December 2019, according to the Post. The repairman said he made a copy of the hard drive before providing it to prosecutors and shared it with a lawyer for Rudy Giuliani.

Giuliani, who has conducted a private investigation into the Bidens’ activities in Ukraine, turned the contents of the device over to The Post on Sunday, according to the newspaper.

Emails from the computer, if verified, would provide new details about Hunter Biden’s work for Burisma Holdings.

Hunter Biden had joined the board of directors of Burisma in April 2014. Joe Biden had just taken over as the Obama administration’s chief liaison to Ukraine following its Maidan Revolution.

Republicans, led by Giuliani, have alleged that Joe Biden intervened to help Burisma because of his son’s position with the company. Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, had been under investigation for bribery in the United Kingdom.

The elder Biden has denied discussing business with his son.

According to the Post, a Burisma executive named Vadym Pozharsky emailed Hunter Biden in December 2015 thanking him for an “opportunity” to meet Joe Biden.

The Biden campaign issued a statement on Wednesday saying that his calendar entries do not show a meeting with Pozharsky.

The computer repairman contacted the Senate committee a day after the panel released a report about Hunter Biden’s business activities, according to The Post.

The report, released on Sept. 23, cited a series of wire transfers from foreigners to bank accounts and businesses controlled by Hunter Biden and his business partners. Some of the transactions were flagged as suspicious by banking regulators, according to the Senate report.

One wire transfer was a $3.5 million transfer from Elena Baturina, a Russian billionaire whose husband was the mayor of Moscow through 2010.

Ye Jianming, the founder of CEFC China Energy Co., also wired hundreds of thousands of dollars to Biden’s accounts, according to the Senate report. Ye has been linked to China Association for International Friendly Contacts (CAIFC), a front group for the People’s Liberation Army.

Republicans on the panel said that Biden’s foreign relationships posed a counterintelligence risk.

Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, the chairman of HSGAC, said that the report of Hunter Biden’s computer drive “raises more questions that must be resolved.”

“There are so many red flags about the Biden family trying to cash in on the Vice President’s position that it can be hard to keep them straight,” he said in a statement provided to the DCNF.
Where is the invoice. LOL This guy said his eyesight is not that good, so why did he read what was wrote on Facebook. You think anyone is dumb enough to believe this crap, only the trampers are this stupid.
Mac Isaac posted about voting for Trump on Facebook in 2016. He wrote in a November 9, 2019, post, a day after Trump’s victory, “So, I decided to go on Facebook today for the first time in a while. Apparently, I am an a******, stupid, racist, sexist, and a d*** that hates his country. And that’s just from my friends. Thank you Facebook for enlightening me. Come on people, we are Stronger Together…… What, too soon?”

Mac Isaac also told reporters he thought the impeachment of Trump was a “sham,” during the October 14 interview. On June 13, 2013, he posted on Facebook, “Biden Bubble, protect us!” and later that same day, “Thank you, Biden Bubble.”
Too bad this came out so close to the election. It should be disqualifying but I don't know if there is anything in the Constitution about this situation.
If the constitution is applied correctly, I bet there is something in there that condems this sort of stuff. Being that we were at war with Britton, and the crimes, spies, and etc at the time, I garantee you that there are things in the constitution that addresses certain activities in which we are supposed to be aware of, and should condem.
Looks like it's heating up....

A Senate committee is investigating the contents of a computer hard drive that allegedly belonged to Hunter Biden, and which reportedly contains emails related to Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings.

The Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee (HSGAC) is attempting to validate the information from the hard drive, which was turned over to the panel last month by the owner of a computer repair shop in Delaware.

“Although we consider communications sent to our whistleblower account confidential, given that the individual spoke with the media about his contact with the committee, we can confirm receipt of his email complaint,” an HSGAC spokesman told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“We are in the process of attempting to validate the information he provided.”

Investigators for the committee met with the shop owner on Oct. 5, according to The New York Post.

The New York Post published a series of stories earlier on Wednesday from documents on the alleged Biden hard drive.

According to the newspaper, the repairman said that a person dropped off the computer for repair in April 2019 but never came to retrieve it.

Federal prosecutors issued a subpoena for the device in December 2019, according to the Post. The repairman said he made a copy of the hard drive before providing it to prosecutors and shared it with a lawyer for Rudy Giuliani.

Giuliani, who has conducted a private investigation into the Bidens’ activities in Ukraine, turned the contents of the device over to The Post on Sunday, according to the newspaper.

Emails from the computer, if verified, would provide new details about Hunter Biden’s work for Burisma Holdings.

Hunter Biden had joined the board of directors of Burisma in April 2014. Joe Biden had just taken over as the Obama administration’s chief liaison to Ukraine following its Maidan Revolution.

Republicans, led by Giuliani, have alleged that Joe Biden intervened to help Burisma because of his son’s position with the company. Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, had been under investigation for bribery in the United Kingdom.

The elder Biden has denied discussing business with his son.

According to the Post, a Burisma executive named Vadym Pozharsky emailed Hunter Biden in December 2015 thanking him for an “opportunity” to meet Joe Biden.

The Biden campaign issued a statement on Wednesday saying that his calendar entries do not show a meeting with Pozharsky.

The computer repairman contacted the Senate committee a day after the panel released a report about Hunter Biden’s business activities, according to The Post.

The report, released on Sept. 23, cited a series of wire transfers from foreigners to bank accounts and businesses controlled by Hunter Biden and his business partners. Some of the transactions were flagged as suspicious by banking regulators, according to the Senate report.

One wire transfer was a $3.5 million transfer from Elena Baturina, a Russian billionaire whose husband was the mayor of Moscow through 2010.

Ye Jianming, the founder of CEFC China Energy Co., also wired hundreds of thousands of dollars to Biden’s accounts, according to the Senate report. Ye has been linked to China Association for International Friendly Contacts (CAIFC), a front group for the People’s Liberation Army.

Republicans on the panel said that Biden’s foreign relationships posed a counterintelligence risk.

Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, the chairman of HSGAC, said that the report of Hunter Biden’s computer drive “raises more questions that must be resolved.”

“There are so many red flags about the Biden family trying to cash in on the Vice President’s position that it can be hard to keep them straight,” he said in a statement provided to the DCNF.

But Trump himself sought to do business with Luzhkov’s government in the late 1990s, according to press reports from the time, SEC filings and comments made by Luzhkov last year. His attempts to build an underground mall in Moscow and renovate two major hotels there were part of a broader push to secure high-profile real-estate deals in Russia, which Trump was still pursuing as recently as 2016 with a proposal for a Trump Tower Moscow.
The GOP report does not support the allegation that Hunter Biden personally accepted money from Baturina, however—only that Baturina wired $3.5 million to a Rosemont Seneca Thornton LLC bank account for a ‘Consultancy Agreement’ in 2014. Mesires denied that Biden had any “interest in” or that he was a “co-founder” of Rosemont Seneca Thornton, “so the claim that he was paid $3.5 million is false.”

Democrats Impeached President Trump over way less than this. Apparently there is a group of Senators going over the contents of Hunter Biden's hard drive.
So let me get this straight. An email taken of a laptop conveniently marked by a Biden foundation sticker brought in by an anomynous person to a computer store and conveniently never picked up. Was then convienently looked through by the computer store. That had a very convienently damaging email on it that talked about a meeting were something undisclosed was talked about with Joe Biden?

This computer store owner handed over the hard drive to some undisclosed part of the federal government that subsequently sat on it. This person then convienently managed to get in contact with Rudi Guilliani lawyer who sat on it for ten weeks to now leak it to the press?

So what part of the constitution exactly handles something that is this level of batshit?
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Penelope, you doth protest too much me thinks as the Whitey author of the assorted Shakespearean plays wrote back 400 years ago or so.

Sleepy Joe Biden's corruption in regards to his crack addict son's $83,000 a month salary from Ukraine is nothing compared to the fact he, along with Barry Obama and Crooked Hillary, was involved in killing Seal Team 6, because Iran extorted them.
Too bad this came out so close to the election. It should be disqualifying but I don't know if there is anything in the Constitution about this situation.
If the constitution is applied correctly, I bet there is something in there that condems this sort of stuff. Being that we were at war with Britton, and the crimes, spies, and etc at the time, I garantee you that there are things in the constitution that addresses certain activities in which we are supposed to be aware of, and should condem.
Like what? I think the constitution has a thing or two to say about how the law works. Not included would be an email taken of a laptop that might or might not be from someone. It has for instance something to say aboit taking private stuff without proper compensation. 5th amendment, look it up it's interesting reading.
Democrats Impeached President Trump over way less than this. Apparently there is a group of Senators going over the contents of Hunter Biden's hard drive.
So let me get this straight. An email taken of a laptop conveniently marked by a Biden foundation sticker brought in by an anomynous person to a computer store and conveniently never picked up. Was then convienently looked through by the computer store. That had a very convienently damaging email on it that talked about a meeting were something undisclosed was talked about with Joe Biden?

This computer store owner handed over the hard drive to some undisclosed part of the federal government that subsequently sat on it. This person then convienently managed to get in contact with Rudi Guilliani lawyer who sat on it for ten weeks to now leak it to the press?

So what part of the constitution exactly handles something that is this level of batshit?

Is it a stretch to believe that Biden’s unqualified, drug addict son, who undoubtedly was receiving a large salary(50k/mth) from a Ukrainian company for doing virtually nothing, would have used his dad’s influence as the Vice President to get such a position. Is it a stretch to think that Joe Biden got a prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold US funding(brazenly on video), who publicly stated that he was going to investigate the corrupt Ukrainian company that was paying his son, to protect him? Is it a stretch to to think Biden has been lying all along about his lack of knowledge of his son’s business contacts in the Ukraine given that there are verified pictures of him playing golf with Hunter and Burisma executives? Is it a stretch to think the FBI would be sitting on this information given the clear bias/corruption that has been shown in the FBI over the last 4 years? Is it a stretch to think that Twitter and Facebook have limited the distribution of this for political purposes? They have always fully vetted tweets and messages regarding Trump, right? They still allow tweets supporting the validity o the Steele dossier, which has been proven over and over to be false. Weird.

Look, don’t be stupid. You know the man lied. Whether or not he committed a crime is another question, but don’t act as if he hasn’t clearly lied. I switched to CNN, not one word. If this was Trump, it would be wall to wall coverage. The fix is in. The media and some federal agencies seem are in the tank. It should be scary stuff to every American, but sadly, many may not even hear about it because it won’t even be reported. Will George Stephanolpous bring it up in Joe’s town hall? Well they make sure Joe gets nice softball questions form the “randomly chosen” people in the audience? My guess is that if it does come up, it will be setup in a way to make Joe look good. What they do not want is people to actually look into the issue because it stinks to high heavens.

BTW, the pictures are valid. The emails can be traced and validated. I am sure the Ukrainian contact has already been told/threatened/paid by Democratic opertatives and maybe even our own FBI to squelch this story.
Is it a stretch to believe that Biden’s unqualified, drug addict son, who undoubtedly was receiving a large salary(50k/mth) from a Ukrainian company for doing virtually nothing, would have used his dad’s influence as the Vice President to get such a position.

I have little doubt that Hunter Biden got the position because his dad is VP. That doesn't mean Joe Biden did anything outside of being VP. In the real world, this happens all the time.

Is it a stretch to think that Joe Biden got a prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold US funding(brazenly on video), who publicly stated that he was going to investigate the corrupt Ukrainian company that was paying his son, to protect him?

Well, yes actually. For starters, the prosecutor only talked about his intention to investigate Burisma recently, as this entire narrative started emerging. This entire episode was reported on in 2016 when it occurred and there was little controversy because at that time everyone knew that Shokin wasn't doing anything to fight corruption in Ukraine.

Is it a stretch to to think Biden has been lying all along about his lack of knowledge of his son’s business contacts in the Ukraine given that there are verified pictures of him playing golf with Hunter and Burisma executives?

That Burisma executive is Devon Archer, who served on the board with Burisma, but not as an executive. Devon Archer is a long time friend of Hunter Biden, I think they were college roommates, so it's not weird at all that they show up in a photo playing golf together. So, yes, it's a stretch given that it's based on faulty information.

Is it a stretch to think the FBI would be sitting on this information given the clear bias/corruption that has been shown in the FBI over the last 4 years?

The Trump government has not had any problems getting documents and information released that fits their narrative.

Is it a stretch to think that Twitter and Facebook have limited the distribution of this for political purposes?

I think FB and Twitter don't want to be used by Russian disinformation campaigns like they were in 2016 so they're proceeding with caution.

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