Senate poised to break budget impasse, paving way for government to reopen

Based on Schumer's speech, he won this battle with the GOP hands down. He stated it will remain open until Feb 8th, at which time the bi-partisans will go to the floor and will vote on a DACA proposal. Game, set, match I fear Trump either underestimated the Democrats or doesn't care for his political future anymore. I believe there has to be something to allow some to stay and a process to become citizens, but you cannot do so without the border funding and other considerations.

Get ready for DACA folks and I'm guessing once again GOP gives away something with nothing in return. This would spell disaster for the GOP in the mid terms and most likely re-election in 2020. One million votes for the Democrats, and all it took was three days of no government. Wow. Of course, the House is much tougher to pass anything of this nature.

Get the wall Mr. Trump, do NOT agree without full funding for the wall, chain migration and lottery. Anything else and you've lost politically and otherwise.

Based on what Schumer said? Lord, of course he'll spin it his way.

both sides will spin it there way and their zealots will eat it up and say bad shit about the other side.

Just look at this thread for an example

Of course they will, but I was responding directly to someone specific.
Trying to make it look like he got his way but he lost lol
They did win.

They did just the right amount of posturing for their progressive base.

It was a faux shut-down, nothing really happened.

The President has been shown to be a feeble old fool who gets his orders from pinhead bigot Steve Miller.

The D.C. GOP is chomping at the bit to flush the turd Trump as he's not the useful idiot they were hoping for, but their tits in a wringer with his loyal base. When they finally can't take it anymore and have to take away the pre-dementia old pig's drivers lic., they know they'll be kissing their majority control good-bye for at least a decade.

The Trump cult will not forgive the GOP not matter how much worse it all gets.
nope, schumer shutdown. Democrats Against Children of Americans.

do you Trumpies and Fox Newsies even remember when you willingly gave up your right to form your own opinion in favor of having it given to you via daily talking points....???

Talk about projection, lol.
Trying to make it look like he got his way but he lost lol
They did win.

They did just the right amount of posturing for their progressive base.

It was a faux shut-down, nothing really happened.

The President has been shown to be a feeble old fool who gets his orders from pinhead bigot Steve Miller.

The D.C. GOP is chomping at the bit to flush the turd Trump as he's not the useful idiot they were hoping for, but their tits in a wringer with his loyal base. When they finally can't take it anymore and have to take away the pre-dementia old pig's drivers lic., they know they'll be kissing their majority control good-bye for at least a decade.

The Trump cult will not forgive the GOP not matter how much worse it all gets.
nope, schumer shutdown. Democrats Against Children of Americans.

do you Trumpies and Fox Newsies even remember when you willingly gave up your right to form your own opinion in favor of having it given to you via daily talking points....???
I do remember...nope, schumer shutdown. Democrats Against Children of Americans.
Forget ye not that former "President" O'Bumbles, unlike The Clinton Crime Family, did not strip The Oval office of all the veto pens. OK, oversight, but He did leave in rather a rush.
High noon in the US Senate:
Dems caving? Update: “You’ll hear a resounding ‘yes'”‘
Update: “Mixed polling” driving the cave;
Update: Schumer caves;
Update: Feinstein’s lament...

"Feinstein, who voted no, tells me the shutdown accomplished “not much” and she’s disappointed.
— Andrew Desiderio (@desiderioDC)
January 22, 2018"

A political genius tactician Schumer is not! Bwuhahahaha.......

High noon in the US Senate: Dems caving? Update: "You'll hear a resounding 'yes'"' Update: "Mixed polling" driving the cave; Update: Schumer caves; Update: Feinstein's lament - Hot Air
Based on Schumer's speech, he won this battle with the GOP hands down. He stated it will remain open until Feb 8th, at which time the bi-partisans will go to the floor and will vote on a DACA proposal. Game, set, match I fear Trump either underestimated the Democrats or doesn't care for his political future anymore. I believe there has to be something to allow some to stay and a process to become citizens, but you cannot do so without the border funding and other considerations.

Get ready for DACA folks and I'm guessing once again GOP gives away something with nothing in return. This would spell disaster for the GOP in the mid terms and most likely re-election in 2020. One million votes for the Democrats, and all it took was three days of no government. Wow. Of course, the House is much tougher to pass anything of this nature.

Get the wall Mr. Trump, do NOT agree without full funding for the wall, chain migration and lottery. Anything else and you've lost politically and otherwise.
did we not have a process before? do we not have a process now?

all this "getting around it cause it's difficult" is what brought it on. if we suddenly just en masse allow all "illegals" to be legal, what's the point of even having an immigration system?
RETREAT: Dems Abandon Unpopular 'Schumer Shutdown,' Advance GOP Bill to Reopen Government

"Cloture invoked, overwhelmingly. The pointless & unpopular #SchumerShutdown is ending.
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson)
January 22, 2018

Democrats have managed to accede to Republican demands, demoralize their energized base, give a disengaged president a win, and look like they held a meaningless three day government shutdown — all at once.
— Matt Viser (@mviser)
January 22, 2018"

Nice.... :p
They keep going up against God's anointed, and get their noses bloodied -- EVERY TIME!
So Schumer and Democrats finally decided to vote for a bill they didn't oppose? Thanks for wasting our tax dollars on this. smh
Matt Vespa - Tipsheet – Breaking Political News & Conservative Analysis - Matt Vespahuge-risk-following-shu-n2437787

"Yes, CNN gets pilloried by conservatives for their media bias. MSNBC is another outlet; its sole existence is to keep liberal blood pressures from skyrocketing. Yet, even some things you really can’t spin—and the anchors at both networks, along with the various panels they hosted over the weekend were quite adamant that the Democratic Party might have shot themselves in the foot with the shutdown."

Even the Liberal media could not spin this failure..
10-1 dreamers stay ..
They should stay. They just shouldn't be given citizenship until ALL of the LEGAL IMMIGRANTS seeking citizenship have been given same.

President Trump is not against the DACA recipients staying. He just wants the process to be LEGAL by way of legislation passed by Congress and not ILLEGAL by way of Obama's EO.

Obama ignored the Constitution....many times. Trump is fixing that piece at a time!
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never never never trust the Corrupt Democrats
They are on a mission to create millions of new poor uneducated racist Democrat Voters


Let them fight it out with the millions of poor uneducated racist Trump voters.

We can put it on TV.

180,000 Dreamers against about 5 poor and uneducated Trump supporters.

Sounds like a fair fight to me!

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