Senate poised to break budget impasse, paving way for government to reopen

FIXED IT !!! until Feb 8th when they can pick up where hey left off blaming each other.

Based on Schumer's speech, he won this battle with the GOP hands down. He stated it will remain open until Feb 8th, at which time the bi-partisans will go to the floor and will vote on a DACA proposal. Game, set, match I fear Trump either underestimated the Democrats or doesn't care for his political future anymore. I believe there has to be something to allow some to stay and a process to become citizens, but you cannot do so without the border funding and other considerations.

Get ready for DACA folks and I'm guessing once again GOP gives away something with nothing in return. This would spell disaster for the GOP in the mid terms and most likely re-election in 2020. One million votes for the Democrats, and all it took was three days of no government. Wow. Of course, the House is much tougher to pass anything of this nature.

Get the wall Mr. Trump, do NOT agree without full funding for the wall, chain migration and lottery. Anything else and you've lost politically and otherwise.

McConnell was up before Schumer's speech.

McConnell promised to bring DACA to the floor prior to the February 8th expiration of the CR to be voted on today.

They both compromised. McConnell agreed to bring DACA to a vote and Schumer agreed to the CR and the President got what he requested for the wall.

Each got something.

Dems got nothing. The DACA debate was going to happen at a later date anyway.

Schumer got exactly what he wanted. He knows after it passes the Senate, it will go to the House forcing Ryan to have to get the radical right nutjobs to agree to it. Now the ball is in Ryans court. If the House idiots on his side fail to pass it, the shut down goes from Mitch McConnell to Paul Ryan.

The Dems come out of the otherside looking like heroes to their base, and the House radical righties face annihilation by their base for even looking like they will protect the Dreamers.

If McConnell doesn't bring a floor vote in February, Schumer goes on television and says oh well, we tried, see how dysfunctional the Republicand are.

Now Trumpy is forced to deal with the Democrats to agree to a DACA fix, and the radical right base is now disgruntled with the orange man.

You're in a no win situation with DACA sunshine.
He is not forced to agree to DACA lol. He agreed to bring it to the floor. Nothing more. Bringing it to the floor does not guarantee passage
McConnell was up before Schumer's speech.

McConnell promised to bring DACA to the floor prior to the February 8th expiration of the CR to be voted on today.

They both compromised. McConnell agreed to bring DACA to a vote and Schumer agreed to the CR and the President got what he requested for the wall.

Each got something.

McTurtle has not been a man of his word - We shall see!
And the media updates on the radio admitted there was a Democrat filibuster
Based on Schumer's speech, he won this battle with the GOP hands down. He stated it will remain open until Feb 8th, at which time the bi-partisans will go to the floor and will vote on a DACA proposal. Game, set, match I fear Trump either underestimated the Democrats or doesn't care for his political future anymore. I believe there has to be something to allow some to stay and a process to become citizens, but you cannot do so without the border funding and other considerations.

Get ready for DACA folks and I'm guessing once again GOP gives away something with nothing in return. This would spell disaster for the GOP in the mid terms and most likely re-election in 2020. One million votes for the Democrats, and all it took was three days of no government. Wow. Of course, the House is much tougher to pass anything of this nature.

Get the wall Mr. Trump, do NOT agree without full funding for the wall, chain migration and lottery. Anything else and you've lost politically and otherwise.

McConnell was up before Schumer's speech.

McConnell promised to bring DACA to the floor prior to the February 8th expiration of the CR to be voted on today.

They both compromised. McConnell agreed to bring DACA to a vote and Schumer agreed to the CR and the President got what he requested for the wall.

Each got something.

Dems got nothing. The DACA debate was going to happen at a later date anyway.

Schumer got exactly what he wanted. He knows after it passes the Senate, it will go to the House forcing Ryan to have to get the radical right nutjobs to agree to it. Now the ball is in Ryans court. If the House idiots on his side fail to pass it, the shut down goes from Mitch McConnell to Paul Ryan.

The Dems come out of the otherside looking like heroes to their base, and the House radical righties face annihilation by their base for even looking like they will protect the Dreamers.

If McConnell doesn't bring a floor vote in February, Schumer goes on television and says oh well, we tried, see how dysfunctional the Republicand are.

Now Trumpy is forced to deal with the Democrats to agree to a DACA fix, and the radical right base is now disgruntled with the orange man.

You're in a no win situation with DACA sunshine.
He is not forced to agree to DACA lol. He agreed to bring it to the floor. Nothing more. Bringing it to the floor does not guarantee passage

Yes, it will go to the senate and pass. You could probably count the votes, start with Graham, Collins, McCain probably rolls in on his wheelchair to vote. You get the idea. 48 from the Dems, 12 from the GOP is easy.

The House will be tougher of course, which is why whatever DACA deal comes to the floor it has to be heavy on border funding, getting rid of chain migration, lottery system. Simply has to be there, or, you keep negotiating again as they did now. GOP won the Executive Branch, you have to use your leverage, you won the election, and you cannot give in during such a heavily partisan environment. The Democrats always squeeze the GOP, look at how long Obama went and he was dellghted in the shutdown, knowing it would hurt the GOP.
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Based on Schumer's speech, he won this battle with the GOP hands down. He stated it will remain open until Feb 8th, at which time the bi-partisans will go to the floor and will vote on a DACA proposal. Game, set, match I fear Trump either underestimated the Democrats or doesn't care for his political future anymore. I believe there has to be something to allow some to stay and a process to become citizens, but you cannot do so without the border funding and other considerations.

Get ready for DACA folks and I'm guessing once again GOP gives away something with nothing in return. This would spell disaster for the GOP in the mid terms and most likely re-election in 2020. One million votes for the Democrats, and all it took was three days of no government. Wow. Of course, the House is much tougher to pass anything of this nature.

Get the wall Mr. Trump, do NOT agree without full funding for the wall, chain migration and lottery. Anything else and you've lost politically and otherwise.

Based on what Schumer said? Lord, of course he'll spin it his way.
The Senate appeared poised to break its budget impasse on Monday as Democrats planned to join Republicans in voting for a short-term spending bill that would reopen the government and provide funding through Feb. 8.

The upper chamber was expected to quickly approve the bill, and House members were told to await a possible vote Monday afternoon, raising the possibility that the shutdown would end after just three days.

"We will vote today to reopen the government," Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in a speech on the Senate floor.

nobody caved
Based on Schumer's speech, he won this battle with the GOP hands down. He stated it will remain open until Feb 8th, at which time the bi-partisans will go to the floor and will vote on a DACA proposal. Game, set, match I fear Trump either underestimated the Democrats or doesn't care for his political future anymore. I believe there has to be something to allow some to stay and a process to become citizens, but you cannot do so without the border funding and other considerations.

Get ready for DACA folks and I'm guessing once again GOP gives away something with nothing in return. This would spell disaster for the GOP in the mid terms and most likely re-election in 2020. One million votes for the Democrats, and all it took was three days of no government. Wow. Of course, the House is much tougher to pass anything of this nature.

Get the wall Mr. Trump, do NOT agree without full funding for the wall, chain migration and lottery. Anything else and you've lost politically and otherwise.

Based on what Schumer said? Lord, of course he'll spin it his way.

both sides will spin it there way and their zealots will eat it up and say bad shit about the other side.

Just look at this thread for an example
FIXED IT !!! until Feb 8th when they can pick up where hey left off blaming each other.

I dunno. Suppose the Senate passes a long term fix to DACA. And suppose Schumer offers to pass a long term debt fix if the GOP passes the bill into law.

Trump then has to choose to either tell Ryan not to bring it to a vote or take some compromise along the lines of Graham-Durbin to fund wall construction (and you don't pass the entire cost one year - no program is paid for (-: that way), limit chain migration, end the lottery migration and increase funding for HSA

If Trump refuses compromise again, it seems to me the dems would be seen in a better light than they are now.
Trying to make it look like he got his way but he lost lol
They did win.

They did just the right amount of posturing for their progressive base.

It was a faux shut-down, nothing really happened.

The President has been shown to be a feeble old fool who gets his orders from pinhead bigot Steve Miller.

The D.C. GOP is chomping at the bit to flush the turd Trump as he's not the useful idiot they were hoping for, but their tits in a wringer with his loyal base. When they finally can't take it anymore and have to take away the pre-dementia old pig's drivers lic., they know they'll be kissing their majority control good-bye for at least a decade.

The Trump cult will not forgive the GOP not matter how much worse it all gets.
nope, schumer shutdown. Democrats Against Children of Americans.

do you Trumpies and Fox Newsies even remember when you willingly gave up your right to form your own opinion in favor of having it given to you via daily talking points....???
The Senate appeared poised to break its budget impasse on Monday as Democrats planned to join Republicans in voting for a short-term spending bill that would reopen the government and provide funding through Feb. 8.

The upper chamber was expected to quickly approve the bill, and House members were told to await a possible vote Monday afternoon, raising the possibility that the shutdown would end after just three days.

"We will vote today to reopen the government," Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in a speech on the Senate floor.

nobody caved
Exactly. They walked it back to where they were when Trump reneged on his compromise over Graham-Durban
Not to mention that only the zealots from both parties could be happy with another 3 week CR.

Why do we pay them to do a job if they will not do it?
Based on Schumer's speech, he won this battle with the GOP hands down. He stated it will remain open until Feb 8th, at which time the bi-partisans will go to the floor and will vote on a DACA proposal. Game, set, match I fear Trump either underestimated the Democrats or doesn't care for his political future anymore. I believe there has to be something to allow some to stay and a process to become citizens, but you cannot do so without the border funding and other considerations.

Get ready for DACA folks and I'm guessing once again GOP gives away something with nothing in return. This would spell disaster for the GOP in the mid terms and most likely re-election in 2020. One million votes for the Democrats, and all it took was three days of no government. Wow. Of course, the House is much tougher to pass anything of this nature.

Get the wall Mr. Trump, do NOT agree without full funding for the wall, chain migration and lottery. Anything else and you've lost politically and otherwise.

McConnell was up before Schumer's speech.

McConnell promised to bring DACA to the floor prior to the February 8th expiration of the CR to be voted on today.

They both compromised. McConnell agreed to bring DACA to a vote and Schumer agreed to the CR and the President got what he requested for the wall.

Each got something.

Dems got nothing. The DACA debate was going to happen at a later date anyway.

Schumer got exactly what he wanted. He knows after it passes the Senate, it will go to the House forcing Ryan to have to get the radical right nutjobs to agree to it. Now the ball is in Ryans court. If the House idiots on his side fail to pass it, the shut down goes from Mitch McConnell to Paul Ryan.

The Dems come out of the otherside looking like heroes to their base, and the House radical righties face annihilation by their base for even looking like they will protect the Dreamers.

If McConnell doesn't bring a floor vote in February, Schumer goes on television and says oh well, we tried, see how dysfunctional the Republicand are.

Now Trumpy is forced to deal with the Democrats to agree to a DACA fix, and the radical right base is now disgruntled with the orange man.

You're in a no win situation with DACA sunshine.
He is not forced to agree to DACA lol. He agreed to bring it to the floor. Nothing more. Bringing it to the floor does not guarantee passage

Oh it's going to pass alright. The Democrats will get 11 Republicans in vulnerable districts to vote with them.

It's House Republicans that have the problem. They are already in trouble as it is. Paul Ryan stands a real chance of losing to the guy running against him in Wisconsin. This is an opportunity for him to go out touting a big accomplishment. He just got his big $500,000 pay off from the Koch brothers for the tax bill, so he has nothing to lose, and can position himself for a run at the White house in 2024, with some very deep pockets funding his campaign.

McConnell was up before Schumer's speech.

McConnell promised to bring DACA to the floor prior to the February 8th expiration of the CR to be voted on today.

They both compromised. McConnell agreed to bring DACA to a vote and Schumer agreed to the CR and the President got what he requested for the wall.

Each got something.



Even Trump wants something for the DACA folks. That's never been
in doubt.

BUT, Trump wants to be the President that gets Comprehensive Immigration

They were already negotiating on DACA before the shutdown.

Crying Chuck just overplayed his hand on Friday.

Remember the Assist Head of the DNC said last week that any Dem
who votes for the CR without DACA included will receive no money.

Well...guess what? The DNC ain't gonna have to pay out much money
to candidates,
Senate's top Democrat says he will vote to end shutdown
- Senate breaks Dem filibuster, clearing way to end government shutdown

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., announced on the floor ahead of the test vote that they’ve reached an agreement -- and “will vote today to re-open the government.”

He said this comes with a commitment to negotiate on immigration, and immediately consider such legislation if there’s no agreement by Feb. 8."

Schumer, Pelosi, and the Democrats had this assurance from the Republicans BEFORE they stood with Illegals over Americans by shutting down the Govt!

Schumer and the Democrats had everything they wanted in the budget bill.

McConnell assured Schumer the 1st legislation the Senate would work on after the budget bill passed was Immigration - DACA, ending chain immigration, etc....that 'DACA' was a separate piece of legislation from the budget bill...

...and STILL Schumer led the other trusting lemmings right off the cliff by shutting down the government, proving their priority was / is what is best for illegals over what is best for America / Americans!

D-Gutierez was the 1st Democrat to step back, look what Schumer was leading them into - a self-inflicted political suicide bombing' that was going to kill their hopes for the 2018 Mid-Term elections. Gutierez declared on the news that if accepting the GOP's word that DACA would be addressed next after the budget bill passed he would personally travel to the border and start applying bricks and mortar to help build Trump's wall. 'Bricks for Lives is a good deal'.

Schumer was 100% committed to opposing the GOP / Trump, but, as mentioned, by shutting down the govt he opposed everything the Democrats wanted in the budget bill and betrayed Americans to stand with illegals. Today, not only after the GOP pressured him to do so but after DEMOCRATS watching the collapse of the DNC with this move, Schumer agreed to voting to end the 'SCHUMER-SHUTDOWN'!

81 - 18.....

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