Senate votes 0-57 for single payer, most Democrats vote "present"

Hilarious. Trump's senate is able to bring a bill for single payer to a vote before a 62nd repeal vote. LOL
Hilarious. Trump's senate is able to bring a bill for single payer to a vote before a 62nd repeal vote. LOL

Politics dude. All those Dems who voted NO are now on record as opposing SP. Might be a problem for them in 2018 or 2020 when the Democratic Party espouses SP but nobody in the Senate would support the idea in 2017.
Bernie couldn't even vote for it. LMFAO.

Oh well...more bullshit from our criminal political class.
Hilarious. Trump's senate is able to bring a bill for single payer to a vote before a 62nd repeal vote. LOL

Politics dude. All those Dems who voted NO are now on record as opposing SP. Might be a problem for them in 2018 or 2020 when the Democratic Party espouses SP but nobody in the Senate would support the idea in 2017.
Huh? Single payer is not in the Dem platform. Or are you saying they will in 2018 or 2020 because Dump's deathcare will be such a disaster? I guess we'll see.
The real story here is those Republicans who voted for repeal when they knew it would be vetoed, now voting against repeal.

We have no need for cowards in our government. They need to be removed from office at the next election.
Hilarious. Trump's senate is able to bring a bill for single payer to a vote before a 62nd repeal vote. LOL

Politics dude. All those Dems who voted NO are now on record as opposing SP. Might be a problem for them in 2018 or 2020 when the Democratic Party espouses SP but nobody in the Senate would support the idea in 2017.
Huh? Single payer is not in the Dem platform. Or are you saying they will in 2018 or 2020 because Dump's deathcare will be such a disaster? I guess we'll see.

You haven't heard Pocahontas and Schumer and other Dems talking up SP as the wave of the future? Are you seriously suggesting that wasn't their end game plan all along? I dunno that the GOP will come up with anything at all, hard to tell what the hell is gonna happen. What I do know is that the ACA IS A TOTAL DISASTER right now and is getting worse.
Hilarious. Trump's senate is able to bring a bill for single payer to a vote before a 62nd repeal vote. LOL

Politics dude. All those Dems who voted NO are now on record as opposing SP. Might be a problem for them in 2018 or 2020 when the Democratic Party espouses SP but nobody in the Senate would support the idea in 2017.
Huh? Single payer is not in the Dem platform. Or are you saying they will in 2018 or 2020 because Dump's deathcare will be such a disaster? I guess we'll see.

You haven't heard Pocahontas and Schumer and other Dems talking up SP as the wave of the future? Are you seriously suggesting that wasn't their end game plan all along? I dunno that the GOP will come up with anything at all, hard to tell what the hell is gonna happen. What I do know is that the ACA IS A TOTAL DISASTER right now and is getting worse.
I know when Dems had full control they passed a bill with over 100 GOP amendments that WAS NOT single payer. So keep speculating away if you want. Your healthplan is worse than the ACA, and that's why no republican will stand behind it. Their most common argument is "well, we have to pass something, right? Losers.
Why would they vote for This bogus amendment ?

Why are the GOP playing games?
Hilarious. Trump's senate is able to bring a bill for single payer to a vote before a 62nd repeal vote. LOL

Politics dude. All those Dems who voted NO are now on record as opposing SP. Might be a problem for them in 2018 or 2020 when the Democratic Party espouses SP but nobody in the Senate would support the idea in 2017.
Huh? Single payer is not in the Dem platform. Or are you saying they will in 2018 or 2020 because Dump's deathcare will be such a disaster? I guess we'll see.

You haven't heard Pocahontas and Schumer and other Dems talking up SP as the wave of the future? Are you seriously suggesting that wasn't their end game plan all along? I dunno that the GOP will come up with anything at all, hard to tell what the hell is gonna happen. What I do know is that the ACA IS A TOTAL DISASTER right now and is getting worse.
I know when Dems had full control they passed a bill with over 100 GOP amendments that WAS NOT single payer. So keep speculating away if you want. Your healthplan is worse than the ACA, and that's why no republican will stand behind it. Their most common argument is "well, we have to pass something, right? Losers.

Are you telling me that the ACA had over a 100 GOP amendments? I call BS.
Hilarious. Trump's senate is able to bring a bill for single payer to a vote before a 62nd repeal vote. LOL
An attempted AMENDMENT to a given bill is not a bill in itself. Standard house keeping and quite frankly a joke.
Hilarious. Trump's senate is able to bring a bill for single payer to a vote before a 62nd repeal vote. LOL

Politics dude. All those Dems who voted NO are now on record as opposing SP. Might be a problem for them in 2018 or 2020 when the Democratic Party espouses SP but nobody in the Senate would support the idea in 2017.
I've never credited the Democratic Party base with much of a long term memory when it comes to the actions of the elite in the party.
Hilarious. Trump's senate is able to bring a bill for single payer to a vote before a 62nd repeal vote. LOL

Politics dude. All those Dems who voted NO are now on record as opposing SP. Might be a problem for them in 2018 or 2020 when the Democratic Party espouses SP but nobody in the Senate would support the idea in 2017.
I've never credited the Democratic Party base with much of a long term memory when it comes to the actions of the elite in the party.

I'm guessing the Repubs will remind them when the times comes.
Hilarious. Trump's senate is able to bring a bill for single payer to a vote before a 62nd repeal vote. LOL

Politics dude. All those Dems who voted NO are now on record as opposing SP. Might be a problem for them in 2018 or 2020 when the Democratic Party espouses SP but nobody in the Senate would support the idea in 2017.
Only in dupe world...Very infotaining...
Hilarious. Trump's senate is able to bring a bill for single payer to a vote before a 62nd repeal vote. LOL

Politics dude. All those Dems who voted NO are now on record as opposing SP. Might be a problem for them in 2018 or 2020 when the Democratic Party espouses SP but nobody in the Senate would support the idea in 2017.
That doesn't mean shit to the voting base losers. Hillary was against gay marriage, she voted for the Iraq war. Obama was against gay marriage, john the flip flopper really need to explain that?

The voting base are pathetic puppets and they will vote the way the media and hollywood tells them to vote.

Single payer is for fuckups in fucked up countrys...
That costs half as much and has better results, dupe. But ACA (the GOP plan) is as good as we can do. FIX IT as we'll be doing forever...Fix the costs we have after 40 years of GOP/crony Big Health.
Why would they vote for This bogus amendment ?

Why are the GOP playing games?
That's all healthcare desperately needed by Americans is....a game

Republicans don't care about anything other than taking away Obamacare
Single payer is for fuckups in fucked up countrys...
That costs half as much and has better results, dupe. But ACA (the GOP plan) is as good as we can do. FIX IT as we'll be doing forever...Fix the costs we have after 40 years of GOP/crony Big Health.

I have the best healthcare professionals in the world providing me care under my private plan, no Obamacare needed, no government moocher handout needed, I don't need governments help thanks but no thanks.

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