Senator Blumenthal: Americans let me just say - you're getting your money’s worth in Ukraine. The Moscow military has been degraded by one half."

Try actually looking at sources from across the globe. The West tells one story, Russia tells another story, and everyone else is somewhere in the middle with either Western or Russian leanings. In all cases, none of it matches up, which means using your brain to determine what is the most likely truth, and it surely isn't the Western propaganda, that simply does not adhere to reality.

F'n A!
I dont believe anything coming from anywhere. War produces the most propaganda.

F'n A!
No thanks, try looking up sources outside your little box on your own. You would simply whine about my choices, without actually looking at any of them. What you will find is that virtually every Western source is an exact parroting of the same information, all single sourced from the Ukraine, none of it independently verified and peddled as fact. That should tell you something. Russian sources are certainly laden with propaganda, but also significantly more detailed, whereas Ukrainian 'news' is always broad based, lacking anything other than inuendo, and their 'wins' are so spare and spread out, one wonders what happens in the weeks or months between them. Stop being a rube.
No thanks, try looking up sources outside your little box on your own. You would simply whine about my choices, without actually looking at any of them. What you will find is that virtually every Western source is an exact parroting of the same information, all single sourced from the Ukraine, none of it independently verified and peddled as fact. That should tell you something. Russian sources are certainly laden with propaganda, but also significantly more detailed, whereas Ukrainian 'news' is always broad based, lacking anything other than inuendo, and their 'wins' are so spare and spread out, one wonders what happens in the weeks or months between them. Stop being a rube.
Post a few examples, then.
Try actually looking at sources from across the globe. The West tells one story, Russia tells another story, and everyone else is somewhere in the middle with either Western or Russian leanings. In all cases, none of it matches up, which means using your brain to determine what is the most likely truth, and it surely isn't the Western propaganda, that simply does not adhere to reality.

The Russian media is 100% controlled by the Russian government.

"Western Media" is not controlled by any government and consists of hundreds of independent news organizations. Admittedly, these are controlled by independent corporations.

News from Russia is almost always propagating & exaggerating positive news (from Russia's point of view), while hiding negatives. Plus there is quite a lot of absolute lies - like the original reasons for invading Ukraine.

"Western" News agencies tend to report on both good news and bad news - with some exaggerating. Rarely do they out right lie.

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