Senator Claims Obama Tied to ISIS

Let's see: take Seal 6's testimony as truth, or listen to Stolen Valor Vigilante on this.
Let's see: take Seal 6's testimony as truth, or listen to Stolen Valor Vigilante on this.

Apparently you still can't read....and when did you spend your supposed 12 years of service, and what was your combat wound that got you 100% disability?.... Asked a few dozen times, with no answers!
You did not get an honorable discharge, which puts your twisted questions to shame. I served 12 years, have a disability pension, and get 100% VA care, as I have told you time and again, Stolen Valor Vigilante.

Seal Team 6's story or your silliness? Not hard to choose is it?
Lot of Democrats lie as well, Jones.

When you play homer to Stolen Valor Vigilante's homer, you do not serve America well.
Let's see: take Seal 6's testimony as truth, or listen to Stolen Valor Vigilante on this.

Apparently you still can't read....and when did you spend your supposed 12 years of service, and what was your combat wound that got you 100% disability?.... Asked a few dozen times, with no answers!
You did not get an honorable discharge, which puts your twisted questions to shame. I served 12 years, have a disability pension, and get 100% VA care, as I have told you time and again, Stolen Valor Vigilante.

Seal Team 6's story or your silliness? Not hard to choose is it?

Lying twice, once about me, and then about your disability and service....typical subversive :bsflag:
You did not get an honorable discharge; I told the truth above as I have repeatedly here.

You have lied again and again.

You are what you are today as you were almost fifty years ago: not honorable, Vigilante.
You did not get an honorable discharge; I told the truth above as I have repeatedly here.

You have lied again and again.

You are what you are today as you were almost fifty years ago: not honorable, Vigilante.

You lie twice, once about me, and then about your STOLEN VALOR SERVICE and disability.... Besides being a liar, you're a COWARD! Where and when did you serve Jakeass....the WORLD wants to know!
Stolen Valor Vigilante did not receive an Honorable Discharge although he claims he served in Vietnam as a wire bunny.

I served 12 years honorably on active duty, and I receive a disability pension with 100% VA care.
Stolen Valor Vigilante did not receive an Honorable Discharge although he claims he served in Vietnam as a wire bunny.

I served 12 years honorably on active duty, and I receive a disability pension with 100% VA care.

That's a lie, or why not tell us where you were and what you did, as I have done.... It's been weeks asking you and no answer.... think that is enough PROOF that you are not only a coward, and someone stealing Valor from patriots, but you are what I've contended from the start, a lowly subversive plant!
Everybody on this Board of a decent character who have been here for some times knows that my post above is consistent with what I have said through the years. If you wish to find out other material, then go through my posts.

What you think does not matter squat to any moral person or honorable veteran.

You did not get an Honorable Discharge, Stolen Valor Vigilante.
Everybody on this Board of a decent character who have been here for some times knows that my post above is consistent with what I have said through the years. If you wish to find out other material, then go through my posts.

What you think does not matter squat to any moral person or honorable veteran.

You did not get an Honorable Discharge, Stolen Valor Vigilante.

You say I didn't...PROVE IT...simple enough.... I say you're a liar, backed up by you not telling us where and when you served and your SUPPOSED combat injury...put up or shut up, Jakeass!
Stolen Valor Vigilante, you said you served, and you said you did not use you GI Bill benefits because your daddy said a man made his own way.

That is a lie. Not once have you ever claimed your discharge was Honorable, not once in the dozens of exchanges on this Board. I will give you credit for being honorable enough to not claim that which is not yours to claim. To do so would be to throw shame on all of your buddies who served and especially on any who did not come home.

You attack me, an honorable veteran, who has been consistent from day one on the Board more than five and one half years ago with my service and my disability and my VA care.

Shame on you.
Stolen Valor Vigilante, you said you served, you said you did not use you GI Bill benefits because your daddy said a man made his own way.

That is a lie. Not once have you ever claimed your discharge was Honorable, not once in the dozens of exchanges on this Board. I will give you credit for being honorable enough to not claim that which is not yours to claim. To do so would be to throw shame on all of your buddies who served and especially on any who did not come home.

You attack me, an honorable veteran, who has been consistent from day one on the Board more than five and one half years ago with my service and my disability and my VA care.

Shame on you.

Why would any VETERAN, who posts in here have to say he had an Honorable discharge?... Has Hossfly said so, although we both know he's more of a hero than anyone else in here? You may have been on the board, 5 years, and I only one, but in that time, I've seen you do nothing but CLAIM you're a Republican, and constantly bash conservatives that make up the majority of the Republican party. AND you STILL won't say where, when and what you supposed combat disability is. I rest my case, the forum can make up their own minds!
Because you attacked me, StolenValorVigilante.

My service and my Republicanism are never answerable to the likes of you.

You won't say your DD Form 214 has your service characterized as Honorable. As you have grown older, you know you can't do that to those whom you served.

Whenever you wrongly attack me, I will hit you harder. And I will always be honorable in doing it.
Because you attacked me, StolenValorVigilante.

My service and my Republicanism are never answerable to the likes of you.

You won't say your DD Form 214 has your service characterized as Honorable. As you have grown older, you know you can't do that to those whom you served.

Whenever you wrongly attack me, I will hit you harder. And I will always be honorable in doing it.

Sorry Jakeass, but my previous post sums it up. You're TOAST to most Republicans as well as TRUE Veterans!

The love affair is the far right with Putin.
I hear this all the time, Jake, but what far righters love Putin? They all know he's been a street thug, murderer and all around bad guy.
I don't think it's a matter of like Putin. It's just Obama pales in comparison to a world leader that obviously thinks if his own country before all others. Obama doesn't like America, and he does everything he can to make us look bad in the eyes of the world. It's gotten to the point that none of our allies can count on us anymore because Obama practically ignores them. He treats our enemies better than strong "former" allies.
And when you say stuff like that about the President of the United States, you are cuckoo for coco puffs.
Because you attacked me, StolenValorVigilante.

My service and my Republicanism are never answerable to the likes of you.

You won't say your DD Form 214 has your service characterized as Honorable. As you have grown older, you know you can't do that to those whom you served.

Whenever you wrongly attack me, I will hit you harder. And I will always be honorable in doing it.

Sorry Jakeass, but my previous post sums it up. You're TOAST to most Republicans as well as TRUE Veterans!STILL NO ANSWER!
That is right: you have not answered whether your service was characterized as Honorable. But it's good you won't tell a lie and say it was.

My Republicanism and my service is beyond touch by you.
Because you attacked me, StolenValorVigilante.

My service and my Republicanism are never answerable to the likes of you.

You won't say your DD Form 214 has your service characterized as Honorable. As you have grown older, you know you can't do that to those whom you served.

Whenever you wrongly attack me, I will hit you harder. And I will always be honorable in doing it.

Sorry Jakeass, but my previous post sums it up. You're TOAST to most Republicans as well as TRUE Veterans!STILL NO ANSWER!
That is right: you have not answered whether your service was characterized as Honorable. But it's good you won't tell a lie and say it was.

My Republicanism and my service is beyond touch by you.

See post #94 in this thread.... you're HISTORY!

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