Senator Demands Investigation of Latest Koch Brothers Donation


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Harry Reid is certifiably insane

News that the billionaire Koch brothers have donated $25 million to the United Negro College Fund spurred Senator Harry Reid (D-Nev) to demand an investigation.

"In the midst of a raft of phony scandals the GOP has been trying to cook up on the IRS, Benghazi, and now the terrorists traded for a POW, we see that the two most dangerous men in America are extending their tentacles into yet another sector of society," Reid complained. "I, for one, find this latest development frightening. What sinister plan are they trying to implement?"

Reid contrasted "the very live threat represented by the Koch brothers" with what he characterized as "the dead issue of Benghazi where we see the House Republicans ginning up a completely unnecessary rehash of the events on a night long past. The people who died on that night can't be revived, but the people who's minds will be polluted under the guise of so-called philanthropy by the Kochs can still be saved."​
Harry Reid is certifiably insane

Republican threads always start with a how-to-feel statement.

You heard 'em lemmings. Get to talking about Insanity and Reid. Dont ask why or how just Nike bitch.

Also dont click the link because its to a satire site. Just get angry! 2 minutes of hate starts now
Did he actually use the term "phony scandal" in the same breath as his call for an investigation of a Koch Bothers donation?
Also dont click the link because its to a satire site.

Ha, you got me. :lol:

If the article had referenced anybody else, I might have wondered if it was a joke.

But with Reid, it just fit in too well with what he's actually been saying for years now.
Reid is a crook and a liar and one of the biggest weapons in the GOP's quiver...The media may not be capable of waking up and seeing the truth but the American people are waking up. There were Impeach Obama rally's all across America this past weekend. I never saw rally's like that when Clinton was impeached. Reid is going to lose the Senate and it will be mostly his fault. No one likes him, not even his own contributors. Oh yeah... there are new all time low Obummer presidential approval numbers set to come out this week. Jeeee I wonder why. Can you say below W?
Harry Reid is certifiably insane

SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News,June 8, 2014 Edition

News that the billionaire Koch brothers have donated $25 million to the United Negro College Fund spurred Senator Harry Reid (D-Nev) to demand an investigation.

"In the midst of a raft of phony scandals the GOP has been trying to cook up on the IRS, Benghazi, and now the terrorists traded for a POW, we see that the two most dangerous men in America are extending their tentacles into yet another sector of society," Reid complained. "I, for one, find this latest development frightening. What sinister plan are they trying to implement?"

Reid contrasted "the very live threat represented by the Koch brothers" with what he characterized as "the dead issue of Benghazi where we see the House Republicans ginning up a completely unnecessary rehash of the events on a night long past. The people who died on that night can't be revived, but the people who's minds will be polluted under the guise of so-called philanthropy by the Kochs can still be saved."​

Reid needs to be committed to an asylum, he's plain lost his mind

Oh nvm LOL

well played!
Reid is a true partisan my way is the only way hack and is emblematic of everything that is wrong with Washington.

Soon only liberals will be able to donate to certain organizations, only conservatives will be able to donate to certain organizations.

This is pathetic.

The division pimps have done their job well.

This satirical piece aside, Reid is a megaphone aimed directly at the hordes of low information dimocrat voters. He knows exactly what he's doing and that the dopes will swallow anything he spews.

Soon only liberals will be able to donate to certain organizations, only conservatives will be able to donate to certain organizations.

This is pathetic.

The division pimps have done their job well.


Another idiot easily led by the nose and couldnt bother with finding out if the story is even real or not.

Good job.

Soon only liberals will be able to donate to certain organizations, only conservatives will be able to donate to certain organizations.

This is pathetic.

The division pimps have done their job well.


Another idiot easily led by the nose and couldnt bother with finding out if the story is even real or not.

Good job.

I wonder if you can make it through the day without personal insults and name-calling.

How old are you?

And if you were capable of a little bit of intellectual elasticity, it might occur to you that this story, true or not, does not exist in a vacuum. Hardcore partisan ideologues like you have so polluted political communication in this country that divisions are getting worse and worse.

Instead, you're incurious and immature, as your post indicates.


Soon only liberals will be able to donate to certain organizations, only conservatives will be able to donate to certain organizations.

This is pathetic.

The division pimps have done their job well.


Another idiot easily led by the nose and couldnt bother with finding out if the story is even real or not.

Good job.

I wonder if you can make it through the day without personal insults and name-calling.

How old are you?

And if you were capable of a little bit of intellectual elasticity, it might occur to you that this story, true or not, does not exist in a vacuum. Hardcore partisan ideologues like you have so polluted political communication in this country that divisions are getting worse and worse.

Instead, you're incurious and immature, as your post indicates.


Thats a lot of name calling for someone who wants to condemn someone for name calling.

Face it, you got duped now you want to pull the "lets be civil" shit after falling on your face. Only a hack would say "this story TRUE or NOT"...Guess what. Its not, you got got.

Dont be so...uh...incurious and immature.

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