Senator Gillibrand Loud About Women; Quiet About Muslim Women

Yes. Give us an example of where Gillibrand explicitly said she did not include Muslim women in her advocacy for women's rights,

since that is now what you just claimed.
She hasn't included them. Not ever. That's the point which you are DODGING (rather ineffectively)

Now, YOU give us an example where she HAS included Muslim women in her advocacy for women's rights. Where she specifically referred to the abuses suffered by Muslim women, and the causes of it coming from the Koran and Hadiths. Your turn, Mr Dodge.
When Senator Gillibrand speaks does she specifically state she's excluding Muslims or is it the case that she's not assuming all Muslims rape and beat their wives?
Doesn't matter what she assumes. The FACT is the Islam preaches severe misogeny (wife beating, discrimination, etc) against women. Gillibrand talks about oppression of women, but she doesn't mention the worst oppression to women of all >> Islamic oppression (misogeny)

That's fine. Just wanted to make it clear to me that you condone the actions of Warren Jeffs and Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints since you failed to mention them.
In defense of them how? I can provide plenty of links of Gillibrand fighting to get them better education, healthcare, etc.
I'm not taslking about helathcare or education, or general things. I'm talking about the SPECIFIC problems /abuses of Muslim women, due to Islam. (and you know it)

"Them ?" Go ahead. Let's see just one that mentions MUSLIM women and their particular plight >>> (Koran 4:34. Koran 4:24, Koran 4:11, Koran 2:282, Koran 2:228, Koran 5:6, Koran 24:31, Koran 4:3, Koran 33:50, plus more that a dozen of the Hadiths)

A Woman Worth Less than a Man in Islam
A Muslim woman is a woman. When Gillibrand speaks out for women, that is a category that Muslim women fit into. Unless, of course, you found a link to her saying "except Muslim women."
That's fine. Just wanted to make it clear to me that you condone the actions of Warren Jeffs and Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints since you failed to mention them.
So you assume that one condones something , based on them not speaking about it ? You need to get counseling. I mean really.
Are we talking about American women being abused? I mean dump on Gillibrand all you want over her hypocrisy with Clinton, but this thread is both bigoted and factually irrelevant, but those things often go hand in hand. LOL
Yes. I'm talking about AMERICAN women being abused. AMERICAN women who also happen to be Muslim.

And if you are willing to bypass them in protecting them from Islam and its immoral and illegal doctrine, then it is YOU who are the bigot.

And you said "factually irrelevant" Care to explain what the hell you're trying to talk about ? (and not doing a very good job)

Muslim Americans are protected under our laws the same way Americans of other faiths are. The treatment of women by some of these so-called "Christians" is every bit as immoral and dangerous. You can quit your hatred for the Muslim faith at any time.

You just don't like Sen. Gillibrand because she speaks up for all women.

BTW: I didn't know that Porter is a Muslim.
That's fine. Just wanted to make it clear to me that you condone the actions of Warren Jeffs and Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints since you failed to mention them.
So you assume that one condones something , based on them not speaking about it ? You need to get counseling. I mean really.

It went right over your head that I used the same standard you set.
A Muslim woman is a woman. When Gillibrand speaks out for women, that is a category that Muslim women fit into. Unless, of course, you found a link to her saying "except Muslim women."
The abuses of Muslim women are so severe, and are so strongly rooted (1400 years of the Koran), that they require specific mention of THEM, and THEIR plight. Simply speaking out for women in general, doesn't cut it.

Women in general don't have the same plight that Muslim women have. This is 2 very SEPARATE categories. Only a numbskull would be unable to see that.
Theyre deathly scared of speaking out against muslims. Mercy killings, rape, female genital mutilation etc. Mums the word.
Gillibrand and her type have been fighting against those things for centuries. Still are.
Gillibrand and her type are two faced lying hypocrites and have been around since the beginning of time.

If you can come up with some content to add, feel free to try again :thup:
A Muslim woman is a woman. When Gillibrand speaks out for women, that is a category that Muslim women fit into. Unless, of course, you found a link to her saying "except Muslim women."
The abuses of Muslim women are so severe, and are so strongly rooted (1400 years of the Koran), that they require specific mention of THEM, and THEIR plight. Simply speaking out for women in general, doesn't cut it.

Women in general don't have the same plight that Muslim women have. This is 2 very SEPARATE categories. Only a numbskull would be unable to see that.
"Women" is one category. As much as you try to argue otherwise, Muslim women are, in fact, women.
It went right over your head that I used the same standard you set.
It went PAST my head because it is changing the subject. The subject is pertaining to Islam. Stick to that (topic) or get out of the thread.

If you wish to discuss another topic, I trust you can find the start new thread button.
Theyre deathly scared of speaking out against muslims. Mercy killings, rape, female genital mutilation etc. Mums the word.
Gillibrand and her type have been fighting against those things for centuries. Still are.
Gillibrand and her type are two faced lying hypocrites and have been around since the beginning of time.

If you can come up with some content to add, feel free to try again :thup:
My opinion is content, moron. This is a forum. I guess you forgot how quickly Gillibrand turned on the Clintons.
A Muslim woman is a woman. When Gillibrand speaks out for women, that is a category that Muslim women fit into. Unless, of course, you found a link to her saying "except Muslim women."
The abuses of Muslim women are so severe, and are so strongly rooted (1400 years of the Koran), that they require specific mention of THEM, and THEIR plight. Simply speaking out for women in general, doesn't cut it.

Women in general don't have the same plight that Muslim women have. This is 2 very SEPARATE categories. Only a numbskull would be unable to see that.

I live in an area with a large Muslim population. I haven't seen what you are referring to at all. They behave just like Christians, Jews, and others.
Talking stupid is all hes got.
I'm hearing a lot of that. They know they've got nothing to say on this subject, and they're trying to weasel there way around it. One thing about liberals. They don't mind looking assinine, and pretending it's smart. :rolleyes:

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