Senator: God Will Not Save Us From Climate Catastrophe

Those who believe in climate change should be pitied. What would they have done with the midwest dust bowl days?

Those like you that are doing everything they can to keep a known danger from being addressed will deservedly damned by the next generation. Willfull ignorance is criminal when it involves danger.
Observation has deviated from the models. it should be warming, but it isn't. Climate scientists baffled. Old Rocks wants to believe it so bad he'll post above about the "warming", then turn around and say it should be cooling.

Observation has deviated from the models. it should be warming, but it isn't. Climate scientists baffled. Old Rocks wants to believe it so bad he'll post above about the "warming", then turn around and say it should be cooling.


Interesting. I post scientific opinion on a scientific subject, and you post flap yap.

I would rather the effects that we are seeing would go away. But it is not happening. And won't happen.
Observation has deviated from the models. it should be warming, but it isn't. Climate scientists baffled. Old Rocks wants to believe it so bad he'll post above about the "warming", then turn around and say it should be cooling.

Yea its changing, you have to be a dummy not to see ts changing, but who cares? we have more important things to worry about. then destroy our way of life and go live under a rock some where. man wont stop it, he doesnt have that much power to do it. An example how are we supposed to stop the Earth from flipping on its axis like it has done before? or how are we supposed to stop the moon from leaving?

Yet we still have those that continue to state nothing is changing. And continue to lie about the actual observed
data. Senator Inhofe is one of the worst.
WASHINGTON -- God will not save us, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) declared in a Senate floor speech on climate change Wednesday that sounded more like a sermon than a political appeal.

Whitehouse has made it his personal mission for more than a year to highlight the catastrophic consequences of climate change every week. His zeal became downright evangelical Wednesday evening, apparently inspired by hearing a fellow senator assert that God won't let people ruin the planet.

In a powerful 17-minute speech, Whitehouse argued that such sentiments amounted to "magical thinking" and smug arrogance that do not gibe with the Bible, let alone reason.

"If we believe in an all-powerful God, then we must then believe that God gave us this earth, and we must in turn believe that God gave us its laws of gravity, of chemistry, of physics," Whitehouse said.

"We must also believe that God gave us our human powers of intellect and reason. He gives us these powers so that we his children can learn and understand earth's natural laws," Whitehouse said.

What intellect tells people is that they are polluting the planet and causing it to warm with foreseeable, catastrophic consequences, Whitehouse contended. He said it was senseless to ignore what the God of knowledge has enabled people to learn.

More: Sheldon Whitehouse: God Won't Save Us From Climate Catastrophe - By Michael McAuliff

Only humankind can save us from the climate catastrophe heading our way - if it isn't too late. More people need to wake up.

Be Fruitful, Multiply, Replenish the Earth. ;) Got it, thanks. :)

The Earth is in a sense, a Temple, right? Personally, do you choose to honor or dishonor it? In a sense, your body is a Temple, do you choose to honor or dishonor it?
Funny how bi-polar democrats want to lock up a kid for carrying a Bible in school but they don't mind preaching a sermon when they think they can make a political point.
WASHINGTON -- God will not save us, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) declared in a Senate floor speech on climate change Wednesday that sounded more like a sermon than a political appeal.

Whitehouse has made it his personal mission for more than a year to highlight the catastrophic consequences of climate change every week. His zeal became downright evangelical Wednesday evening, apparently inspired by hearing a fellow senator assert that God won't let people ruin the planet.

In a powerful 17-minute speech, Whitehouse argued that such sentiments amounted to "magical thinking" and smug arrogance that do not gibe with the Bible, let alone reason.

"If we believe in an all-powerful God, then we must then believe that God gave us this earth, and we must in turn believe that God gave us its laws of gravity, of chemistry, of physics," Whitehouse said.

"We must also believe that God gave us our human powers of intellect and reason. He gives us these powers so that we his children can learn and understand earth's natural laws," Whitehouse said.

What intellect tells people is that they are polluting the planet and causing it to warm with foreseeable, catastrophic consequences, Whitehouse contended. He said it was senseless to ignore what the God of knowledge has enabled people to learn.

More: Sheldon Whitehouse: God Won't Save Us From Climate Catastrophe - By Michael McAuliff

Only humankind can save us from the climate catastrophe heading our way - if it isn't too late. More people need to wake up.

Lmao..... thanks for the mourning joke.

You in mourning? That gives me a sad :(
WASHINGTON -- God will not save us, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) declared in a Senate floor speech on climate change Wednesday that sounded more like a sermon than a political appeal.

Whitehouse has made it his personal mission for more than a year to highlight the catastrophic consequences of climate change every week. His zeal became downright evangelical Wednesday evening, apparently inspired by hearing a fellow senator assert that God won't let people ruin the planet.

In a powerful 17-minute speech, Whitehouse argued that such sentiments amounted to "magical thinking" and smug arrogance that do not gibe with the Bible, let alone reason.

"If we believe in an all-powerful God, then we must then believe that God gave us this earth, and we must in turn believe that God gave us its laws of gravity, of chemistry, of physics," Whitehouse said.

"We must also believe that God gave us our human powers of intellect and reason. He gives us these powers so that we his children can learn and understand earth's natural laws," Whitehouse said.

What intellect tells people is that they are polluting the planet and causing it to warm with foreseeable, catastrophic consequences, Whitehouse contended. He said it was senseless to ignore what the God of knowledge has enabled people to learn.

More: Sheldon Whitehouse: God Won't Save Us From Climate Catastrophe - By Michael McAuliff

Only humankind can save us from the climate catastrophe heading our way - if it isn't too late. More people need to wake up.

Right. The next time you liberals want to preach to the GOP about God how about finding one that believes in God? Sheldon is an atheist. Furthermore, could you explain to us why the liberal teacher who stomped on the name of Jesus during classroom lesson is getting paid $85,000.00 now? Since when do liberal teachers get an 85k bonus for stomping on the name of Jesus as classroom lesson? Please explain that one for us!
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WASHINGTON -- God will not save us, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) declared in a Senate floor speech on climate change Wednesday that sounded more like a sermon than a political appeal.

Whitehouse has made it his personal mission for more than a year to highlight the catastrophic consequences of climate change every week. His zeal became downright evangelical Wednesday evening, apparently inspired by hearing a fellow senator assert that God won't let people ruin the planet.

In a powerful 17-minute speech, Whitehouse argued that such sentiments amounted to "magical thinking" and smug arrogance that do not gibe with the Bible, let alone reason.

"If we believe in an all-powerful God, then we must then believe that God gave us this earth, and we must in turn believe that God gave us its laws of gravity, of chemistry, of physics," Whitehouse said.

"We must also believe that God gave us our human powers of intellect and reason. He gives us these powers so that we his children can learn and understand earth's natural laws," Whitehouse said.

What intellect tells people is that they are polluting the planet and causing it to warm with foreseeable, catastrophic consequences, Whitehouse contended. He said it was senseless to ignore what the God of knowledge has enabled people to learn.

More: Sheldon Whitehouse: God Won't Save Us From Climate Catastrophe - By Michael McAuliff

Only humankind can save us from the climate catastrophe heading our way - if it isn't too late. More people need to wake up.

Right. The next time you liberals want to preach to the GOP about God how about finding one that believes in God? Sheldon is an atheist. Furthermore, could you explain to us why the liberal teacher who stomped on the name of Jesus during classroom lesson is getting paid $85,000.00 now? Since when do liberal teachers get an 85k bonus for stomping on the name of Jesus as classroom lesson? Please explain that one for us!

I sure wish somebody would fork HUGGY over 85 large to stomp on the bejeebuss. Sweet work if you can get it!
WASHINGTON -- God will not save us, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) declared in a Senate floor speech on climate change Wednesday that sounded more like a sermon than a political appeal.

Whitehouse has made it his personal mission for more than a year to highlight the catastrophic consequences of climate change every week. His zeal became downright evangelical Wednesday evening, apparently inspired by hearing a fellow senator assert that God won't let people ruin the planet.

In a powerful 17-minute speech, Whitehouse argued that such sentiments amounted to "magical thinking" and smug arrogance that do not gibe with the Bible, let alone reason.

"If we believe in an all-powerful God, then we must then believe that God gave us this earth, and we must in turn believe that God gave us its laws of gravity, of chemistry, of physics," Whitehouse said.

"We must also believe that God gave us our human powers of intellect and reason. He gives us these powers so that we his children can learn and understand earth's natural laws," Whitehouse said.

What intellect tells people is that they are polluting the planet and causing it to warm with foreseeable, catastrophic consequences, Whitehouse contended. He said it was senseless to ignore what the God of knowledge has enabled people to learn.

More: Sheldon Whitehouse: God Won't Save Us From Climate Catastrophe - By Michael McAuliff

Only humankind can save us from the climate catastrophe heading our way - if it isn't too late. More people need to wake up.

The jerkoff hails from a uber-liberal district. He can say anything k00ky and get away with it there in Rhode Island. All the nuttiest shit on global warming comes from Democrats in k00k left districts........only the warmist OC's all have the political IQ's of small soap dishes and dont realize nobody else cares.
[ame=]The Global Warming Hoax Explained for Dummies - YouTube[/ame]
More: Sheldon Whitehouse: God Won't Save Us From Climate Catastrophe - By Michael McAuliff

Only humankind can save us from the climate catastrophe heading our way - if it isn't too late. More people need to wake up.

Right. The next time you liberals want to preach to the GOP about God how about finding one that believes in God? Sheldon is an atheist. Furthermore, could you explain to us why the liberal teacher who stomped on the name of Jesus during classroom lesson is getting paid $85,000.00 now? Since when do liberal teachers get an 85k bonus for stomping on the name of Jesus as classroom lesson? Please explain that one for us!

I sure wish somebody would fork HUGGY over 85 large to stomp on the bejeebuss. Sweet work if you can get it!

Is that all your own soul is worth to you?
Furthermore, could you explain to us why the liberal teacher who stomped on the name of Jesus during classroom lesson is getting paid $85,000.00 now? Since when do liberal teachers get an 85k bonus for stomping on the name of Jesus as classroom lesson? Please explain that one for us!

Um ... what _are_ you babbling about?

Look, I get it. You're a victim. You're one of the whiniest little victims to ever exist on the planet. Squealing about how the liberals are oppressing good Christian conservatives gives you something akin to sexual pleasure. It's how most conservatives pleasure themselves these days, by proclaiming their victimhood to the world on message boards.

But please, could y'all please get a room and not do it in public? It's grossing people out.
There's not going to be any "climate catastrophe" if the earth is a few degrees warmer.
Observation has deviated from the models. it should be warming, but it isn't. Climate scientists baffled. Old Rocks wants to believe it so bad he'll post above about the "warming", then turn around and say it should be cooling.


Interesting. I post scientific opinion on a scientific subject, and you post flap yap.

I would rather the effects that we are seeing would go away. But it is not happening. And won't happen.

Ray......not for nothing but you consistently post only the scientific opinion that corresponds to the established narrative of the warmists only. Anything not conforming to that is rejected out of hand. Scientists go out and try to predict sun cycles decades into the future.......nothing more than the shit youd get from a snake oil salesman. Models are valuable for helping us understand the science of climate change, but are useless as predictors.

Even Spencer agree's........nobody knows........

Climate Model Predictions: It’s Time for a Reality Check « Roy Spencer, PhD

The models are wrong | Behind The Black

The "models" have zero ability to predict the future and the science community knows it too........but absolutely cannot admit it. That would be like me walking into my job one day and saying that a behaviroal approach to treatment for autism is bogus. People in any field tow the established line or they are lookiing for another line of work. Thats the way it is........and is also the explanation why the whole "peer review" process in science and the medical community is totally rigged. Very logical when it gets right down to it.

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