Senator Graham likes Israeli influence of US elections, is furious Russia may have tried....


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
Lindsay Graham is one of the great frauds of our time, symbolic of everything wrong with the GOP and the US. This man, masquerading as a "conservative Christian" is really a left wing homosexual Jew and porker, and he has never had a molecule of patriotism to any country other than Israel.

Now, Lindsay is joining with Zionist Democrats to demand an investigation into "Russian hacking" in the election.

This is all sour grapes because Hillary had already sold out a US war on Iran over lies and Lindsay now faces a President who may actually be the first patriotic American to hold the Oval Office since 1992. That is big trouble for the Zionist Lobby, which has by far the greatest influence over US elections, as some 70% of the money in US politics today is Zionist.

Israel should be investigated for manipulating US elections and a lot more, like JFK, the 1982 US Marines attack in Lebanon, and 911. Lindsay Graham is against investigating that.

To top it off, Lindsay Graham loves Algore's FRAUD too....

LaDexter, thank you so much for talking about Zionist Lobby: not too many people even dare to mention it. With all the respect to the Jews on USMB, we have to admit the Zionist Lobby and Zionist Mafia existence and huge influence all over the world.
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A lot of Jews do not like Netanyahu. That's why I use the term Zionist.
Graham is a traitor, a kleptocrat, a liar, and absolutely Exhibit A of what is wrong with our country right now.
Tell Graham to stand up when he says that...oh wait he was standing. :laugh: Frankly I'm tired of Graham's BS the little pipsqueak needs to shut up already.
The word "Zionist" is a code word often used by anti-Semites. Israel is the only true ally we have left in the Mid East. The myth of Russian hacking of American elections is a laughable excuse made by desperate psychotic lefties and reinforced by the crooked left wing media.
Israel is the only true ally we have left in the Mid East

In other words, if you aren't 100% for emptying the US Treasury to help Israel, you are an anti-semite...

If you aren't for sending the US military to the Middle East to fight and die for the cause of re-conquering the Promise Land for Israel, you are an anti-semite.

If you noticed it was a cruise missile that hit the Pentagon on 911....
Senator Graham - the mousey insignificant liberal-in-GOP-name-Only, has declared 'he’ll make Putin “pay a price” for election interference'.


No one listens to this guy...for a reason.

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