Senator Grassley appears to be preparing to bust the frame-up of General Flynn

Weekly Update: JW Exposes Comey-Mueller Coordination - Judicial Watch

We filed our FOIA lawsuit against the Justice Department on October 5, 2017, after the agency failed to respond to a July 10, 2017, request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-02079)). Judicial Watch is seeking:

  • A copy of the budget prepared and submitted by Robert S. Mueller III or his staff in his capacity as appointed “Special Counsel to oversee the previously-confirmed FBI investigation of Russian government efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election and related matters.” Temporal scope of this request is from 17 May 2017 to 10 July 2017.
  • A copy of all guidance memoranda and communications by which the Justice Management Division will review the Special Counsel’s Office’s “Statement of Expenditures” prior to or for the purpose of making each public. Temporal scope of this request is from 1 June 2017 to present.
  • A copy of each document scoping, regulating, or governing the Special Counsel’s Office appointed under the leadership of Mueller III. Temporal scope of this request is from 17 May 2017 to present.
A few hours after Judge Ellis’s explosive hearing (here’s ), the Justice Department officially admitted to us that a scope memo existed:

As you are no doubt aware, in conjunction with its opposition to Paul Manafort’s motion to dismiss his criminal indictment, the United States filed on that criminal docket a redacted version of an August 2, 2017, Memorandum regarding ‘The scope of Investigation and Definition of Authority’ conferred on the Special Counsel….

In light of the Special Counsel’s public acknowledgement of the August 2 memo, the government has been assessing whether the acknowledgment alters its prior response to Request No. 3 [for documents describing the scope of Mueller’s authority] of the FOIA request at issue in this suit, and processing the August 2 memorandum to determine if it can release additional portions that have not already been filed publicly, but needs some additional time to complete these tasks.

Judicial Watch is a joke.
Weekly Update: JW Exposes Comey-Mueller Coordination - Judicial Watch

We filed our FOIA lawsuit against the Justice Department on October 5, 2017, after the agency failed to respond to a July 10, 2017, request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-02079)). Judicial Watch is seeking:

  • A copy of the budget prepared and submitted by Robert S. Mueller III or his staff in his capacity as appointed “Special Counsel to oversee the previously-confirmed FBI investigation of Russian government efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election and related matters.” Temporal scope of this request is from 17 May 2017 to 10 July 2017.
  • A copy of all guidance memoranda and communications by which the Justice Management Division will review the Special Counsel’s Office’s “Statement of Expenditures” prior to or for the purpose of making each public. Temporal scope of this request is from 1 June 2017 to present.
  • A copy of each document scoping, regulating, or governing the Special Counsel’s Office appointed under the leadership of Mueller III. Temporal scope of this request is from 17 May 2017 to present.
A few hours after Judge Ellis’s explosive hearing (here’s ), the Justice Department officially admitted to us that a scope memo existed:

As you are no doubt aware, in conjunction with its opposition to Paul Manafort’s motion to dismiss his criminal indictment, the United States filed on that criminal docket a redacted version of an August 2, 2017, Memorandum regarding ‘The scope of Investigation and Definition of Authority’ conferred on the Special Counsel….

In light of the Special Counsel’s public acknowledgement of the August 2 memo, the government has been assessing whether the acknowledgment alters its prior response to Request No. 3 [for documents describing the scope of Mueller’s authority] of the FOIA request at issue in this suit, and processing the August 2 memorandum to determine if it can release additional portions that have not already been filed publicly, but needs some additional time to complete these tasks.

Judicial Watch is a joke.
They have the emails that Hillary said didn't exist................They did it by the Back door..........Huma and others didn't Bleach bit the emails..........

Hillary didn't properly teach them how to a proper criminal and how to delete evidence.........poor things.............
His letter is just smoking hot and burns the crap out of the DOJ and the FBI for not releasing the transcripts/notes of the now infamous ambush meeting between investigators and Flynn.

Its worth the read. Gggggggggg000000 Grassley!

"Accordingly, no later than May 25, 2018, please provide:

1. The information requested in our February 15, 2017 letter, including the transcripts of the

reportedly intercepted calls and any FBI reports summarizing them; and

2. The FBI agents’ 302s memorializing their interview of Flynn and 1A supporting docs,

including the agents’ notes.

In addition, please make Special Agent Joe Pientka available for a transcribed interview

with Committee staff no later than one week following the production of the requested

documents. If you have any questions about this request please don’t hesitate to contact Patrick

Davis of my staff at (202) 224-5225. Thanks for your prompt attention to this important issue."


Charles E. Grassley


cc: The Honorable Dianne Feinstein

Ranking Member

The whole letter at link: CEG to DOJ FBI (Flynn Transcript).pdf

The charging documents are clear as to Flynn's lying. Who knows what kind of cover Grassley is trying to provide.

If actual court documents don't satisfy, the NYT published a timeline. Flynn was lying to anyone who would listen before the FBI interviewed him:

Timeline: What We Now Know About Flynn’s Phone Calls With Russia
The LEAK.............from Steele himself........From Russia with love.

A veteran spy has given the FBI information alleging a Russian operation to cultivate Donald Trump

This was, the former spy remarks, “an extraordinary situation.” He regularly consults with US government agencies on Russian matters, and near the start of July on his own initiative—without the permission of the US company that hired him—he sent a report he had written for that firm to a contact at the FBI, according to the former intelligence officer and his American associates, who asked not to be identified. (He declines to identify the FBI contact.) The former spy says he concluded that the information he had collected on Trump was “sufficiently serious” to share with the FBI.

Mother Jones has reviewed that report and other memos this former spy wrote. The first memo, based on the former intelligence officer’s conversations with Russian sources, noted, “Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 years. Aim, endorsed by PUTIN, has been to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance.” It maintained that Trump “and his inner circle have accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his Democratic and other political rivals.” It claimed that Russian intelligence had “compromised” Trump during his visits to Moscow and could “blackmail him.” It also reported that Russian intelligence had compiled a dossier on Hillary Clinton based on “bugged conversations she had on various visits to Russia and intercepted phone calls.”
The deep state coup plotters are busted! Mewler's witch hunt is crumbling around him.

But in keeping with Grassley's style, which has so often misled his opponents into overconfidence, you have to read between the lines to see where he is heading. The end point: uncovering the plot to frame General Flynn for lying to the FBI, including likely criminal acts by senior members of the FBI.


The killer bombshell is the final paragraph, in which Grassley at long last reveals the name of the other FBI agent present when Peter Strzok interviewed General Flynn about his conversation with Russian ambassador Kislyak and requests an interview with him by committee staff members:

As Sundance of Conservative Tree House points out, "it's likely Chairman Grassley outed the name for a very specific reason."

And what might that reason be? Sundance reminds us of previously released text messages between the lovebirds Peter Strzok and Lisa Page:

Regarding the "widely held belief" that Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe told the FBI agents (Strzok and Pientka) to shape their FBI reports of the interview (FD-302's) to assist a "Flynn lied" narrative…. evidence of that is within the most recent text messages between Lisa Page and Peter Strzok:

[T]he FBI agents who interviewed Lt. General Michael Flynn, "saw nothing that led them to believe [he was] lying." Our own Committee staff's notes indicate that Mr. Comey said the "agents saw no change in his demeanor or tone that would say he was being untruthful." Contrary to his public statements during his current book tour denying any memory of those comments, then-Director Comey led us to believe during that briefing that the agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe he intentionally lied about his conversation with the Ambassador and that the Justice Department was unlikely to prosecute him for false statements made in that interview. In the months since then, the Special Counsel obtained a guilty plea from Lt. General Flynn for that precise alleged conduct.


Oh stop it. Turkey is not a real country and a foreign agent is just a deep state nickname the libs fife to true patriots.....
How Ex-Spy Christopher Steele Compiled His Explosive Trump-Russia Dossier

How good were these sources? Consider what Steele would write in the memos he filed with Simpson: Source A—to use the careful nomenclature of his dossier—was “a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure.” Source B was “a former top level intelligence officer still active in the Kremlin.” And both of these insiders, after “speaking to a trusted compatriot,” would claim that the Kremlin had spent years getting its hooks into Donald Trump.

Source E was “an ethnic Russian” and “close associate of Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump.”

This individual proved to be a treasure trove of information. “Speaking in confidence to a compatriot,” the talkative Source E “admitted there was a well-developed conspiracy of cooperation between them [the Trump campaign] and the Russian leadership.” Then this: “The Russian regime had been behind the recent leak of embarrassing e-mail messages, emanating from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to the WikiLeaks platform.” And finally: “In return the Trump team had agreed to sideline Russian intervention in Ukraine as a campaign issue and to raise US/NATO defense commitments in the Baltic and Eastern Europe to deflect attention away from Ukraine.”

Then there was Source D, “a close associate of Trump who had organized and managed his recent trips to Moscow,” and Source F, “a female staffer” at the Moscow Ritz-Carlton hotel, who was co-opted into the network by an Orbis “ethnic Russian operative” working hand in hand with the loquacious Trump insider, Source E.
His letter is just smoking hot and burns the crap out of the DOJ and the FBI for not releasing the transcripts/notes of the now infamous ambush meeting between investigators and Flynn.

Its worth the read. Gggggggggg000000 Grassley!

"Accordingly, no later than May 25, 2018, please provide:

1. The information requested in our February 15, 2017 letter, including the transcripts of the

reportedly intercepted calls and any FBI reports summarizing them; and

2. The FBI agents’ 302s memorializing their interview of Flynn and 1A supporting docs,

including the agents’ notes.

In addition, please make Special Agent Joe Pientka available for a transcribed interview

with Committee staff no later than one week following the production of the requested

documents. If you have any questions about this request please don’t hesitate to contact Patrick

Davis of my staff at (202) 224-5225. Thanks for your prompt attention to this important issue."


Charles E. Grassley


cc: The Honorable Dianne Feinstein

Ranking Member

The whole letter at link: CEG to DOJ FBI (Flynn Transcript).pdf

The charging documents are clear as to Flynn's lying. Who knows what kind of cover Grassley is trying to provide.

If actual court documents don't satisfy, the NYT published a timeline. Flynn was lying to anyone who would listen before the FBI interviewed him:

Timeline: What We Now Know About Flynn’s Phone Calls With Russia

Grassley wants their notes from the interview and wants one of the agents to give testimony since Comey led the committee to believe Flynn didn't lie.
Read the Transcript of Glenn Simpson's Testimony to Congress

Sworn testimony of Simpson .........Fusion GPS........including hiring of Steele to dig for dirt on Trump........

Paid for by the DNC and Hillaray Campaign.............previously paid for by a Billionaire backer of LITTLE RUBIO........RNC.........

The fairy tale errrrrrrrrrrr dossier compiled by Steele was never paid for by the Washington Free Beacon.

"The Washington Free Beacon did not bankroll the Steele dossier, a highly dubious work of opposition research alleging the Russians have compromising personal and financial information on Donald Trump.

Rather, the conservative newsroom hired the same research firm that later created it, Fusion GPS, in 2016 to investigate Trump and other Republican candidates during the GOP primaries.

After Trump had won the nomination, the Free Beacon dropped the project. It was at that point that Democratic operatives swooped in, bringing along with them former British spy Christopher Steele. It is from Steele’s work that we get all this Russia business."

Once more, for good measure: Conservatives didn't fund the Steele dossier
His letter is just smoking hot and burns the crap out of the DOJ and the FBI for not releasing the transcripts/notes of the now infamous ambush meeting between investigators and Flynn.

Its worth the read. Gggggggggg000000 Grassley!

"Accordingly, no later than May 25, 2018, please provide:

1. The information requested in our February 15, 2017 letter, including the transcripts of the

reportedly intercepted calls and any FBI reports summarizing them; and

2. The FBI agents’ 302s memorializing their interview of Flynn and 1A supporting docs,

including the agents’ notes.

In addition, please make Special Agent Joe Pientka available for a transcribed interview

with Committee staff no later than one week following the production of the requested

documents. If you have any questions about this request please don’t hesitate to contact Patrick

Davis of my staff at (202) 224-5225. Thanks for your prompt attention to this important issue."


Charles E. Grassley


cc: The Honorable Dianne Feinstein

Ranking Member

The whole letter at link: CEG to DOJ FBI (Flynn Transcript).pdf

The charging documents are clear as to Flynn's lying. Who knows what kind of cover Grassley is trying to provide.

If actual court documents don't satisfy, the NYT published a timeline. Flynn was lying to anyone who would listen before the FBI interviewed him:

Timeline: What We Now Know About Flynn’s Phone Calls With Russia

Grassley wants their notes from the interview and wants one of the agents to give testimony since Comey led the committee to believe Flynn didn't lie.

Apparently evidence isn't accepted. In the Court Docs I linked, the specific lies Flynn told are enumerated.
His letter is just smoking hot and burns the crap out of the DOJ and the FBI for not releasing the transcripts/notes of the now infamous ambush meeting between investigators and Flynn.

Its worth the read. Gggggggggg000000 Grassley!

"Accordingly, no later than May 25, 2018, please provide:

1. The information requested in our February 15, 2017 letter, including the transcripts of the

reportedly intercepted calls and any FBI reports summarizing them; and

2. The FBI agents’ 302s memorializing their interview of Flynn and 1A supporting docs,

including the agents’ notes.

In addition, please make Special Agent Joe Pientka available for a transcribed interview

with Committee staff no later than one week following the production of the requested

documents. If you have any questions about this request please don’t hesitate to contact Patrick

Davis of my staff at (202) 224-5225. Thanks for your prompt attention to this important issue."


Charles E. Grassley


cc: The Honorable Dianne Feinstein

Ranking Member

The whole letter at link: CEG to DOJ FBI (Flynn Transcript).pdf

The charging documents are clear as to Flynn's lying. Who knows what kind of cover Grassley is trying to provide.

If actual court documents don't satisfy, the NYT published a timeline. Flynn was lying to anyone who would listen before the FBI interviewed him:

Timeline: What We Now Know About Flynn’s Phone Calls With Russia

Grassley wants their notes from the interview and wants one of the agents to give testimony since Comey led the committee to believe Flynn didn't lie.

Apparently evidence isn't accepted. In the Court Docs I linked, the specific lies Flynn told are enumerated.

Go chew out Grassley. He is very specific in what he is asking for.
The deep state coup plotters are busted! Mewler's witch hunt is crumbling around him.

But in keeping with Grassley's style, which has so often misled his opponents into overconfidence, you have to read between the lines to see where he is heading. The end point: uncovering the plot to frame General Flynn for lying to the FBI, including likely criminal acts by senior members of the FBI.


The killer bombshell is the final paragraph, in which Grassley at long last reveals the name of the other FBI agent present when Peter Strzok interviewed General Flynn about his conversation with Russian ambassador Kislyak and requests an interview with him by committee staff members:

As Sundance of Conservative Tree House points out, "it's likely Chairman Grassley outed the name for a very specific reason."

And what might that reason be? Sundance reminds us of previously released text messages between the lovebirds Peter Strzok and Lisa Page:

Regarding the "widely held belief" that Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe told the FBI agents (Strzok and Pientka) to shape their FBI reports of the interview (FD-302's) to assist a "Flynn lied" narrative…. evidence of that is within the most recent text messages between Lisa Page and Peter Strzok:

[T]he FBI agents who interviewed Lt. General Michael Flynn, "saw nothing that led them to believe [he was] lying." Our own Committee staff's notes indicate that Mr. Comey said the "agents saw no change in his demeanor or tone that would say he was being untruthful." Contrary to his public statements during his current book tour denying any memory of those comments, then-Director Comey led us to believe during that briefing that the agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe he intentionally lied about his conversation with the Ambassador and that the Justice Department was unlikely to prosecute him for false statements made in that interview. In the months since then, the Special Counsel obtained a guilty plea from Lt. General Flynn for that precise alleged conduct.
Guilty plea. Look it up.
prosecutorial abuse. Look it up.
The deep state coup plotters are busted! Mewler's witch hunt is crumbling around him.

But in keeping with Grassley's style, which has so often misled his opponents into overconfidence, you have to read between the lines to see where he is heading. The end point: uncovering the plot to frame General Flynn for lying to the FBI, including likely criminal acts by senior members of the FBI.


The killer bombshell is the final paragraph, in which Grassley at long last reveals the name of the other FBI agent present when Peter Strzok interviewed General Flynn about his conversation with Russian ambassador Kislyak and requests an interview with him by committee staff members:

As Sundance of Conservative Tree House points out, "it's likely Chairman Grassley outed the name for a very specific reason."

And what might that reason be? Sundance reminds us of previously released text messages between the lovebirds Peter Strzok and Lisa Page:

Regarding the "widely held belief" that Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe told the FBI agents (Strzok and Pientka) to shape their FBI reports of the interview (FD-302's) to assist a "Flynn lied" narrative…. evidence of that is within the most recent text messages between Lisa Page and Peter Strzok:

[T]he FBI agents who interviewed Lt. General Michael Flynn, "saw nothing that led them to believe [he was] lying." Our own Committee staff's notes indicate that Mr. Comey said the "agents saw no change in his demeanor or tone that would say he was being untruthful." Contrary to his public statements during his current book tour denying any memory of those comments, then-Director Comey led us to believe during that briefing that the agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe he intentionally lied about his conversation with the Ambassador and that the Justice Department was unlikely to prosecute him for false statements made in that interview. In the months since then, the Special Counsel obtained a guilty plea from Lt. General Flynn for that precise alleged conduct.

Plead guilty. Case closed
Grassley isnt on the need to know list - let him want in one hand and pee in the other - he's as irrelevant as the idiots on this board who demand proof .
The LEAK.............from Steele himself........From Russia with love.

A veteran spy has given the FBI information alleging a Russian operation to cultivate Donald Trump

This was, the former spy remarks, “an extraordinary situation.” He regularly consults with US government agencies on Russian matters, and near the start of July on his own initiative—without the permission of the US company that hired him—he sent a report he had written for that firm to a contact at the FBI, according to the former intelligence officer and his American associates, who asked not to be identified. (He declines to identify the FBI contact.) The former spy says he concluded that the information he had collected on Trump was “sufficiently serious” to share with the FBI.

Mother Jones has reviewed that report and other memos this former spy wrote. The first memo, based on the former intelligence officer’s conversations with Russian sources, noted, “Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 years. Aim, endorsed by PUTIN, has been to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance.” It maintained that Trump “and his inner circle have accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his Democratic and other political rivals.” It claimed that Russian intelligence had “compromised” Trump during his visits to Moscow and could “blackmail him.” It also reported that Russian intelligence had compiled a dossier on Hillary Clinton based on “bugged conversations she had on various visits to Russia and intercepted phone calls.”

That would be Christopher, and his dossier doesn't have a shred of credibility.

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