Senator Paul vows to hold up any spending bill to keep the government open past Sept 30 that includes money for Ukraine

Congress is, again, working against the clock on this. Either they pass a spending bill before the end of the month or there will e=be a government shut down. And, as GOP leader say, the repubs will get the blame for it, if it happens. We all know that when repubs capture one of the chambers and a Dem President is in the WH, a shut down is in the cards.
The GOP is really helping Biden. What they haven’t figured out is that the crazier they look, the more appealing Biden appears.
Bidenochio's CIA handlers once again deliberately place their puppet on stage to panhandle. Since it's during a violent inflationary cycle, the handlers know it will look absurd to the collective Unconscious of the hostage population. He is no longer of use to them.
Looks like Americans are fed up......good news for Biden 2024............LOL

New polling shows that a plurality of Americans are supportive of at least a ‘partial government shutdown’ until Congressional Republicans and Democrats can either agree to cut spending or at least keep it at its currently level.

The Rasmussen Reports poll of 1,020 Likely Voters found that only 40 percent of respondents opposed a government shutdown, while 48 percent were supportive. In addition, 63 percent of voters believe that any new spending bill should include provisions to increase border security.

DATA: Most Don’t Mind a Shutdown, Want Border Security in Any Deal. » The National Pulse+

Congress is, again, working against the clock on this. Either they pass a spending bill before the end of the month or there will e=be a government shut down. And, as GOP leader say, the repubs will get the blame for it, if it happens. We all know that when repubs capture one of the chambers and a Dem President is in the WH, a shut down is in the cards.
It does not surprise me one bit that flip-flopper Rand Paul is a stooge for Putin.

He must be a direct descendant of Charles Lindberg.

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