Senator Reid vows to OBSTRUCT Republican majority

Wait what? I thought Obstruction was a bad thing. Why the sudden change of heart for Democrats? Fair to call em disingenuous hypocrites? You bet.
So are you guys saying it was a Republican that beat him up and will do it again if he obstructs? ;)
Does it matter?

I think some of the mob guys in Vegas got to him and beat his ass for whatever reason.

Reid is responsible for granting gaming licenses at the you go.
How is Reid responsible for issuing gambling licenses ?????
He's Nevada's Senator. That's one of his responsibilities.
No it isn't!!!
Stop bull crudding....!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You must think corruption doesn't exist in America.

I met former California Gov Edmund G. (Pat) Brown once......Gov Jerry Brown's father. A friend of mine wanted to start up a Savings and Loan in San Diego........he had all of the permits and was ready to submit it to the authority responsible for licensing for final approval. Gov Pat Brown walks in and offers to buy his paperwork and permits for a few thousand dollars. My friend spent years and thousands of dollars getting it together and this prick walks in and expects him to turn it all over to him for roughly a finders fee. My friend refused.

Awhile later the application was turned down. The reasons were not clearly stated.

Now who do you think made that happen?

Are you trying to tell me that Sen Harry Reid doesn't have any influence over gaming in his state? From what I've read nothing happens in Nevada without his approval.

Try using your motherfucking brain.
not harry reid, he's a US Senator.....for the state...

He's not in the state legislature....if there was to be bribing, it would be with those in State gvt, who issues licenses.
The Democrats: The party of "Fuck you."
Thanks for clarifying.
Today is FYF day for Black Lives Matters.

Fuck Your Flag.


You already have your panties in a bunch. Use them if you need a fabric fuck.
Does it matter?

I think some of the mob guys in Vegas got to him and beat his ass for whatever reason.

Reid is responsible for granting gaming licenses at the you go.
How is Reid responsible for issuing gambling licenses ?????
He's Nevada's Senator. That's one of his responsibilities.
No it isn't!!!
Stop bull crudding....!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You must think corruption doesn't exist in America.

I met former California Gov Edmund G. (Pat) Brown once......Gov Jerry Brown's father. A friend of mine wanted to start up a Savings and Loan in San Diego........he had all of the permits and was ready to submit it to the authority responsible for licensing for final approval. Gov Pat Brown walks in and offers to buy his paperwork and permits for a few thousand dollars. My friend spent years and thousands of dollars getting it together and this prick walks in and expects him to turn it all over to him for roughly a finders fee. My friend refused.

Awhile later the application was turned down. The reasons were not clearly stated.

Now who do you think made that happen?

Are you trying to tell me that Sen Harry Reid doesn't have any influence over gaming in his state? From what I've read nothing happens in Nevada without his approval.

Try using your motherfucking brain.
not harry reid, he's a US Senator.....for the state...

He's not in the state legislature....if there was to be bribing, it would be with those in State gvt, who issues licenses.

If you say so. I met Pat Brown in 83'. He had been retired for years. He was governor in the 60s.

Course corruption comes from all directions......and this little prick who talks in falsetto is about as corrupt as they come. You may think it's not his place to influence his state......but he does......just as much as Obama seems to get involved in matters of the individual states. That's what Progressives do.

Wake the fuck up.
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Both parties are the parties of obstruction, and you know it.
If only that was true.
u admit it leftard. thanks

Harry Reid Plans To Pay Back Mitch McConnell For Years ...
Dec 10, 2014 - In a new interview, soon to be Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid plans to pay back Mitch McConnell and the Republicans for years of obstruction by ... Still, heading into the next two years, Reid said he doesn't believe the ...

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Poor Mitch McConnell

Forced to swim in the pool he has been pissing in for eight years
Perhaps Harry need to have his lesson REINFORCED with MORE SEVERE punishment!...Both eye's, a nose and all the teeth in his bottom jaw! I'm amazed what $10,000 can buy someone from certain people in Nevada!.... I though that was only in "The Godfather!"

He'll meet with another unfortunate accident, hopefully.
So are you guys saying it was a Republican that beat him up and will do it again if he obstructs? ;)
Most likely the mob.
"Senator Reid vows to OBSTRUCT Republican majority"

Actually that is WRONG:
Only 22% of AMERICANS support the Iran 'Deal'
The MAJORITY of CONGRESS, to include DEMOCRATS, oppose the Iran 'Deal'

Obama only needed 1/3rd of Congress, less than the 2/3rds the Constitution calls for to ratify a TREATY, which this IS, thanks to the GOP forfeiting their responsibility - which they do not have the Constitutional authority to do - in order to get this 'deal'!

Reid isn't even happy with letting the bill pass, Obama vetoing it, and then blocking the push-back attempt to override the veto. He doesn't want the record to show that there was opposition to Obama's Iran 'deal'. The historical record will show, if Reid's Filibuster succeeds in forcing the GOP NOT to hold a vote on this, that it was NEVER opposed in Congress because there was never a vote against it. Reid KNOWS the GOP is so GUTLESS that they will not fight this and will just roll-over and move on. HAIL, Mitch McConnell even just came out and DECLARED he would not FORCE Reid to conduct his filibuster or fight to have the vote. He said, 'We only have a limited amount of time in the Senate and will not waste time on bills that have no chance of passing'! WT%?!

As leader of the Senate Reid refused to allow bills passed in the House to come to the floor for discussion let alone a vote. Despite the American people last November historically REJECTING Reid and the Democrats for this type behavior, McConnell is cowardly allowing Reid to STILL act as head of the Senate and block House bills!

It was despicable how the Democrats ignored the majority will of the American people by ramming a MINORITY-supported piece of legislation (the ACA) into law, and now they are helping Obama to do the same thing again, this time ramming their PO$ down the throats of 78% (SEVENTY-EIGHT PERCENT) of Americans who oppose this treasonous/dangerous legislation!

By standing up and declaring they will block any opposition to this bill Reid is showing the world / the American people that the Democrats stand for:
- Arming terrorists, especially the world's leading exporter/supporter of terrorism
- Abandoning our allies and promises made to our allies / the world....just like with the Syrian Red Line
- Providing enemies of this nation, who call for the death and destruction of our allies and this nation, with the very means to carry out their genocidal threats
- Agreeing with Iran that Israel does NOT have the right to exist, which was / is part of the agreement that led to this deal being made
- They are not concerned that Iran has already violated the conditions temporarily put into place and continue to violate them while the deal has not even been signed yet...but we are supposed to buy Obama's word that Iran will NOT violate any of the deal's conditions and if they do there will be consequences. (In 7 years of the Obama administration there has NEVER been any consequences for anyone over any thing! Syrian Red Line, Fast and Furious/Holder's 3 Felony Counts of Perjury, IRS targeting, etc... anyone?!)
- They support a nuclear Arms Race in the Middle East, as Saudi has already declared one is now coming
- That 4 American hostages being held by Iran were / are not important enough or a high enough priority for Obama to even ASK for their return to be part of the deal. (At least Carter asked and even ATTEMPTED to get our hostages of the many reasons Obama has replaced Carter as the Worst US President EVER)

THIS - such actions - is why the Democrats lost in historical, record-setting fashion in November last year...utterly REJECTED by the American people...and nothing has changed! Democrats are today 'spitting in the faces' of 78% of the American people.

Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and anyone who supports Reid, a self-appointed elitist Socialist would-be ruler, is a traitor to this country, to our Constitution, and to the American people! When 'representatives' ignore and give the proverbial middle finger to 78% of the American people in order to ram into existence their own agenda no one can realistically argue otherwise!

God Damned right!!!!

Fucking A!!!!
you just cant make this stuff up!!

ARRA News Service: Reid Vows More Obstruction of Free ...
May 5, 2015 - Harry Reid on Monday after the Nevada Democrat said he would block any new trade deals until Republicans approve new infrastructure ...

Senator McConnell vows number-one goal was to make sure that Barack Obama a one term President

McConnell is going to be a one term Senate Majority Leader
you just cant make this stuff up!!

ARRA News Service: Reid Vows More Obstruction of Free ...
May 5, 2015 - Harry Reid on Monday after the Nevada Democrat said he would block any new trade deals until Republicans approve new infrastructure ...

I thought Reid was dead...

Only from the neck up

and yet you're all tantruming because you can't have your radical wingnut way.

isn't that cute.

They got to watch the left for four years.......

They should know how to do it pretty well.....

Frankly....both sides crack me up.

amazing how you wingers delude yourselves.

try again after you learn something.
you just cant make this stuff up!!

ARRA News Service: Reid Vows More Obstruction of Free ...
May 5, 2015 - Harry Reid on Monday after the Nevada Democrat said he would block any new trade deals until Republicans approve new infrastructure ...


No need for a tissue...

just acknowledgement if nothing gets done, you only have your side to blame.

So why has it been so hard to get anything done up till now?

Unlike dems, republicans dont' have a big enough majority to pass anything on their own.

But then, you'd know that if you didn't have that makeup in your eyes.

(Hmmm, brown makeup?)

That stuff on their noses isn't makeup....


No need for a tissue...

just acknowledgement if nothing gets done, you only have your side to blame.

So why has it been so hard to get anything done up till now?

Unlike dems, republicans dont' have a big enough majority to pass anything on their own.

But then, you'd know that if you didn't have that makeup in your eyes.

(Hmmm, brown makeup?)

That stuff on their noses isn't makeup....

I know

I've seen only evidence that you know nothing.

but whatever makes you feel better about being such a loser
you just cant make this stuff up!!

ARRA News Service: Reid Vows More Obstruction of Free ...
May 5, 2015 - Harry Reid on Monday after the Nevada Democrat said he would block any new trade deals until Republicans approve new infrastructure ...

I thought Reid was dead...

Only from the neck up

and yet you're all tantruming because you can't have your radical wingnut way.

isn't that cute.

They got to watch the left for four years.......

They should know how to do it pretty well.....

Frankly....both sides crack me up.

amazing how you wingers delude yourselves.

try again after you learn something.

How am I deluding myself ?

Both sides are a waste of oxygen.

Don't trip over your partisanship on your way to the Dunce's corner.
No need for a tissue...

just acknowledgement if nothing gets done, you only have your side to blame.

So why has it been so hard to get anything done up till now?

Unlike dems, republicans dont' have a big enough majority to pass anything on their own.

But then, you'd know that if you didn't have that makeup in your eyes.

(Hmmm, brown makeup?)

That stuff on their noses isn't makeup....

I know

I've seen only evidence that you know nothing.

but whatever makes you feel better about being such a loser

Do you come to these threads to purposely prove you are a moron ?

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