Senator Reid vows to OBSTRUCT Republican majority

"Senator Reid vows to OBSTRUCT Republican majority"

Actually that is WRONG:
Only 22% of AMERICANS support the Iran 'Deal'
The MAJORITY of CONGRESS, to include DEMOCRATS, oppose the Iran 'Deal'

Obama only needed 1/3rd of Congress, less than the 2/3rds the Constitution calls for to ratify a TREATY, which this IS, thanks to the GOP forfeiting their responsibility - which they do not have the Constitutional authority to do - in order to get this 'deal'!

Reid isn't even happy with letting the bill pass, Obama vetoing it, and then blocking the push-back attempt to override the veto. He doesn't want the record to show that there was opposition to Obama's Iran 'deal'. The historical record will show, if Reid's Filibuster succeeds in forcing the GOP NOT to hold a vote on this, that it was NEVER opposed in Congress because there was never a vote against it. Reid KNOWS the GOP is so GUTLESS that they will not fight this and will just roll-over and move on. HAIL, Mitch McConnell even just came out and DECLARED he would not FORCE Reid to conduct his filibuster or fight to have the vote. He said, 'We only have a limited amount of time in the Senate and will not waste time on bills that have no chance of passing'! WT%?!

As leader of the Senate Reid refused to allow bills passed in the House to come to the floor for discussion let alone a vote. Despite the American people last November historically REJECTING Reid and the Democrats for this type behavior, McConnell is cowardly allowing Reid to STILL act as head of the Senate and block House bills!

It was despicable how the Democrats ignored the majority will of the American people by ramming a MINORITY-supported piece of legislation (the ACA) into law, and now they are helping Obama to do the same thing again, this time ramming their PO$ down the throats of 78% (SEVENTY-EIGHT PERCENT) of Americans who oppose this treasonous/dangerous legislation!

By standing up and declaring they will block any opposition to this bill Reid is showing the world / the American people that the Democrats stand for:
- Arming terrorists, especially the world's leading exporter/supporter of terrorism
- Abandoning our allies and promises made to our allies / the world....just like with the Syrian Red Line
- Providing enemies of this nation, who call for the death and destruction of our allies and this nation, with the very means to carry out their genocidal threats
- Agreeing with Iran that Israel does NOT have the right to exist, which was / is part of the agreement that led to this deal being made
- They are not concerned that Iran has already violated the conditions temporarily put into place and continue to violate them while the deal has not even been signed yet...but we are supposed to buy Obama's word that Iran will NOT violate any of the deal's conditions and if they do there will be consequences. (In 7 years of the Obama administration there has NEVER been any consequences for anyone over any thing! Syrian Red Line, Fast and Furious/Holder's 3 Felony Counts of Perjury, IRS targeting, etc... anyone?!)
- They support a nuclear Arms Race in the Middle East, as Saudi has already declared one is now coming
- That 4 American hostages being held by Iran were / are not important enough or a high enough priority for Obama to even ASK for their return to be part of the deal. (At least Carter asked and even ATTEMPTED to get our hostages of the many reasons Obama has replaced Carter as the Worst US President EVER)

THIS - such actions - is why the Democrats lost in historical, record-setting fashion in November last year...utterly REJECTED by the American people...and nothing has changed! Democrats are today 'spitting in the faces' of 78% of the American people.

Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and anyone who supports Reid, a self-appointed elitist Socialist would-be ruler, is a traitor to this country, to our Constitution, and to the American people! When 'representatives' ignore and give the proverbial middle finger to 78% of the American people in order to ram into existence their own agenda no one can realistically argue otherwise!
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And yet you are so proud of that little midterm win. Tell me again how that helped you.

Considering the partisan tactics of Reid and his sheep, , it didn't.

and the Left cheer him, and the country going further down the drain.

Leftist on another board cheered when there wasnt' enough votes to overturn Obamas Keystone veto, even tho he wanted it to pass because of the jobs it would create, even if they were temporary.

He cheered because the pubs got their asses handed to them.

Screw the country, as long as you can screw pubs/dems, right?

This country has already sunk too low to save, because of people like you, and him.

Keystone again? We didn't need that, and there were very few jobs that would have been created. Quit whining. Your party is weak, and doesn't represent the majority of the country. Get over it.

, and there were very few jobs that would have been created.

Long term, maybe.

Short term, there would have been thousands.

But, as shown, the partisan Left had not only no interest, they actively fought it.

Perhaps 3 or 4 hundred for about three months. Not enough to even register on the charts. The southern half was recently completed. You didn't notice any difference in the unemployment numbers because of that did you?

Pipeline Primer

"Building the pipeline will create jobs in the U.S., but not as many as supporters have claimed, and only for a year or two. The U.S. State Department estimates that 42,100 jobs would be added during construction, but that only 50 workers would be required to operate the pipeline."

Go away, clown.

You lost.

Those numbers include the entire line. Half of which is already done, and with the pipe coming from over seas ( nope, not made here ) and with the pipeline company refusing to agree to use American workers on the actual construction ( go ahead, double check me on that) there are no where near 42,000 jobs associated with it. Again, look at the results of the recently completed southern half. Did anybody see any big change in employment numbers?
Considering all the good will that Republicans built up with Harry Reid when he was trying to get bills passed, it is hard to imagine that Reid would turn on Republicans like this
Considering the partisan tactics of Reid and his sheep, , it didn't.

and the Left cheer him, and the country going further down the drain.

Leftist on another board cheered when there wasnt' enough votes to overturn Obamas Keystone veto, even tho he wanted it to pass because of the jobs it would create, even if they were temporary.

He cheered because the pubs got their asses handed to them.

Screw the country, as long as you can screw pubs/dems, right?

This country has already sunk too low to save, because of people like you, and him.

Keystone again? We didn't need that, and there were very few jobs that would have been created. Quit whining. Your party is weak, and doesn't represent the majority of the country. Get over it.

, and there were very few jobs that would have been created.

Long term, maybe.

Short term, there would have been thousands.

But, as shown, the partisan Left had not only no interest, they actively fought it.

Perhaps 3 or 4 hundred for about three months. Not enough to even register on the charts. The southern half was recently completed. You didn't notice any difference in the unemployment numbers because of that did you?

Pipeline Primer

"Building the pipeline will create jobs in the U.S., but not as many as supporters have claimed, and only for a year or two. The U.S. State Department estimates that 42,100 jobs would be added during construction, but that only 50 workers would be required to operate the pipeline."

Go away, clown.

You lost.

Those numbers include the entire line. Half of which is already done, and with the pipe coming from over seas ( nope, not made here ) and with the pipeline company refusing to agree to use American workers on the actual construction ( go ahead, double check me on that) there are no where near 42,000 jobs associated with it. Again, look at the results of the recently completed southern half. Did anybody see any big change in employment numbers?

Who gives a crap about the employment numbers?

It would have given up to 42,000 people work.

Gave them a chance to pay bills, buy food, etc.

What will it take for you to admit you lost this discussion?

I'm done with it.
Considering all the good will that Republicans built up with Harry Reid when he was trying to get bills passed, it is hard to imagine that Reid would turn on Republicans like this

WT% are you talking about? When Harry Reid was trying to get bills passed he brought them to the floor for discussion and votes, unlike the documented 100+ GOP House bills Reid refused to allow to come to the floor even for discussion!. Most of the Bills - like the failed stimulus bill and the ACA that the majority of the country opposed - should NEVER have been passed. And Boehner and McConnell should be permanently be on Reid's Christmas Card list! Every B$ Liberal agenda item the American people opposed / still oppose has faced little to no opposition because Boehner and McConnell have done EXACTLY what Obama and Liberals have wanted - went back on their word to 'do whatever it takes' to repeal the ACA, refused to oppose Obama's Amnesty, refused to try to defund Planned Parenthood, and Un-Constitutionally forfeited their responsibility to ratify treaties, allowing Obama to only need 1/3rd Congress to get his Iran 'deal' through (while telling the 78% of Americans who oppose this 'dictatorial edict/act' to F* OFF!

Retaliation to the stupidity of the republican party over the last 8 yrs.
They acted like fools they treated like fools.

you just cant make this stuff up!!

ARRA News Service: Reid Vows More Obstruction of Free ...
May 5, 2015 - Harry Reid on Monday after the Nevada Democrat said he would block any new trade deals until Republicans approve new infrastructure ...

The GOP is treated like they are by Liberals because Liberals are Socialist PsO$...which is why they were soundly, utterly, in historical record-setting fashion REJECTED last November. The GOP, since that election, have simply picked up where the Liberals left off...which is why their Washington Establishment candidate Jeb Bush is nearly last right now and why the GOP will suffer the same fate in the next election as Democrats did last November.
Keystone again? We didn't need that, and there were very few jobs that would have been created. Quit whining. Your party is weak, and doesn't represent the majority of the country. Get over it.

, and there were very few jobs that would have been created.

Long term, maybe.

Short term, there would have been thousands.

But, as shown, the partisan Left had not only no interest, they actively fought it.

Perhaps 3 or 4 hundred for about three months. Not enough to even register on the charts. The southern half was recently completed. You didn't notice any difference in the unemployment numbers because of that did you?

Pipeline Primer

"Building the pipeline will create jobs in the U.S., but not as many as supporters have claimed, and only for a year or two. The U.S. State Department estimates that 42,100 jobs would be added during construction, but that only 50 workers would be required to operate the pipeline."

Go away, clown.

You lost.

Those numbers include the entire line. Half of which is already done, and with the pipe coming from over seas ( nope, not made here ) and with the pipeline company refusing to agree to use American workers on the actual construction ( go ahead, double check me on that) there are no where near 42,000 jobs associated with it. Again, look at the results of the recently completed southern half. Did anybody see any big change in employment numbers?

Who gives a crap about the employment numbers?

It would have given up to 42,000 people work.

Gave them a chance to pay bills, buy food, etc.

What will it take for you to admit you lost this discussion?

I'm done with it.

42,000, or 21,000 for the southern half would have made a large difference in those numbers. It didn't happen, so what makes you think it would for the northern half?
Even before Barack Obama took the oath office, Republicans leaders, conservative think-tanks and right-wing pundits were calling for total obstruction of the new president's agenda. Bill Kristol, who helped block Bill Clinton's health care reform attempt in 1993, called for history to repeat on the Obama stimulus - and everything else. Pointing with pride to the Clinton economic program which received exactly zero GOP votes in either House, Kristol in January 2009 advised:
Don't think so.

The GOP is treated like they are by Liberals because Liberals are Socialist PsO$...which is why they were soundly, utterly, in historical record-setting fashion REJECTED last November. The GOP, since that election, have simply picked up where the Liberals left off...which is why their Washington Establishment candidate Jeb Bush is nearly last right now and why the GOP will suffer the same fate in the next election as Democrats did last November.
"May 5, 2015 - Harry Reid on Monday after the Nevada Democrat said he would block any new trade deals until Republicans approve new infrastructure ..."

Funny how when they controlled a near Super-Majority control of Congress (1 seat shy of having one) and were passing cr@p legislation like the failed Stimulus Bill (and it's Obama-admitted NON-existent 'shovel-ready' projects) and ACA (which was opposed by the majority of Americans) the infrastructure was not one of their concerns and they did nothing to try to get such legislation done THEN.

'Infrastructure' is a ploy. Obama's illegal invasion continues, the Iran deal is being rammed through, Planned Parenthood continues running their 'little shop of horrors' at tax payer expense, but now that the GOP is 'in charge' (while Reid proves they are NOT) and there are so many terrible things that need to be fixed Reid / Liberals cast out the 'distraction' that 'other more important things' need to be addressed. (Again, if they are so important why did the Democrats take care of them while THEY were in charge?)
Even before Barack Obama took the oath office, Republicans leaders, conservative think-tanks and right-wing pundits were calling for total obstruction of the new president's agenda. Bill Kristol, who helped block Bill Clinton's health care reform attempt in 1993, called for history to repeat on the Obama stimulus - and everything else. Pointing with pride to the Clinton economic program which received exactly zero GOP votes in either House, Kristol in January 2009 advised:
Don't think so.

The GOP is treated like they are by Liberals because Liberals are Socialist PsO$...which is why they were soundly, utterly, in historical record-setting fashion REJECTED last November. The GOP, since that election, have simply picked up where the Liberals left off...which is why their Washington Establishment candidate Jeb Bush is nearly last right now and why the GOP will suffer the same fate in the next election as Democrats did last November.

Once again, Republicans now have to swim in the dirty pool they created
Just stay on board of the faux news! reports and you will be convinced of everything they tell you.

"May 5, 2015 - Harry Reid on Monday after the Nevada Democrat said he would block any new trade deals until Republicans approve new infrastructure ..."

Funny how when they controlled a near Super-Majority control of Congress (1 seat shy of having one) and were passing cr@p legislation like the failed Stimulus Bill (and it's Obama-admitted NON-existent 'shovel-ready' projects) and ACA (which was opposed by the majority of Americans) the infrastructure was not one of their concerns and they did nothing to try to get such legislation done THEN.

'Infrastructure' is a ploy. Obama's illegal invasion continues, the Iran deal is being rammed through, Planned Parenthood continues running their 'little shop of horrors' at tax payer expense, but now that the GOP is 'in charge' (while Reid proves they are NOT) and there are so many terrible things that need to be fixed Reid / Liberals cast out the 'distraction' that 'other more important things' need to be addressed. (Again, if they are so important why did the Democrats take care of them while THEY were in charge?)

Bills Republicans Have Blocked
Author: Matthew Desmond January 3, 2011 9:49 pm

Here’s just a short list of some of the bills that Republicans have blocked, or attempted to block, since Obama became President:
Tax on Companies that ship jobs overseas
Political Ad disclosure bill
Subpoena Power for the Committee investigating the BP Oil Spill
The Small Business Jobs Act
Benefits for Homeless Veterans
Health Care for the 9/11 First Responders who got sick from being at Ground Zero
Wall Street Reform

Oil Spill Liability
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Fair Pay Act of 2009

Now go on line and check them out yourself. If you are not too lazy.
But we know faux news would say something horrible about all these bills introduced.

The next time someone tells you that the Republicans care about the American people just give them this list of all the bill Republicans wanted to fail.

"May 5, 2015 - Harry Reid on Monday after the Nevada Democrat said he would block any new trade deals until Republicans approve new infrastructure ..."

Funny how when they controlled a near Super-Majority control of Congress (1 seat shy of having one) and were passing cr@p legislation like the failed Stimulus Bill (and it's Obama-admitted NON-existent 'shovel-ready' projects) and ACA (which was opposed by the majority of Americans) the infrastructure was not one of their concerns and they did nothing to try to get such legislation done THEN.

'Infrastructure' is a ploy. Obama's illegal invasion continues, the Iran deal is being rammed through, Planned Parenthood continues running their 'little shop of horrors' at tax payer expense, but now that the GOP is 'in charge' (while Reid proves they are NOT) and there are so many terrible things that need to be fixed Reid / Liberals cast out the 'distraction' that 'other more important things' need to be addressed. (Again, if they are so important why did the Democrats take care of them while THEY were in charge?)
imo, it all goes back to McConnell publicly saying his aim was to make Obama a one termer, at the same time the birthers were running wild. And the question comes back to whether Obama could have gotten some bipartisan legislation that increased the number of health insured without having every goper oppose it. And, I think he could have done that, but he'd never have gotten the universal coverage he promised Ted, and the gop had to turn it's back on the individual mandate that has started out as a gop/Heritage proposal.

But, it's just become so toxic, there's no room for a real lion in the Senate to reach across.
Even before Barack Obama took the oath office, Republicans leaders, conservative think-tanks and right-wing pundits were calling for total obstruction of the new president's agenda. Bill Kristol, who helped block Bill Clinton's health care reform attempt in 1993, called for history to repeat on the Obama stimulus - and everything else. Pointing with pride to the Clinton economic program which received exactly zero GOP votes in either House, Kristol in January 2009 advised:
Don't think so.

Clinton's economic plan was actually quite successful - as opposed to Obama's, especially considering how Obama added over $6 TRILLION in debt - more than EVERY President from Washington to Bush - in only 4 years. He set 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit spending records on the way to accomplishing this. His 1st economic bill was the hideous failed Stimulus bill, promoted as a JOBS bill, that added nearly $1 TRILLION in new debt, contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only pork, included 'shovel-ready' projects that even Obama was finally forced to admit did not exist, and ended up costing tax payers over $742,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have created / saved (though many of those job numbers were 'fudged' - one business revealed Obama had claimed to have created / saved more jobs than there were people working at the company!)

When warned that if he did not accept more budget cuts to show he was serious about cutting the debt or the US Credit Rating would be down-graded, Obama refused to do so. As warned, the US Credit Rating was down-graded as a result for the 1st time in US History! (In response, Obama sent several federal agencies to audit, investigate, and 'punish' the bank for daring to do so! ... all documented)

And as pointed out...and superbly demonstrated by Pelosi who declared to the American people in her best, elitist self-appointed 'ruler' Marie Antoinette impression that they had no RIGHT to know what was in legislation that would drastically change their lives but from which Congress would Un-Constitutionally exempt themselves, Liberals have been acting as Socialist rulers, ignoring the will of the people. This IS why they were soundly, historically rejected and defeated last November. Liberals can try to soothe their bloodied egos by claiming otherwise if they want... I have heard one claim they lost because of low turn-out by their party. YEAH...because not even Democrats wanted to support what Liberals were doing! THAT is partly the definition of being REJECTED, which the Liberals were in Nov 14.
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imo, it all goes back to McConnell publicly saying his aim was to make Obama a one termer, at the same time the birthers were running wild.

1. McConnell SAID this...yet he has done everything he can to ensure whatever Obama wants he gets.
- The majority of Americans demanded a repeal of the ACA - 'No'
- The majority of Americans want an end of Obama's illegal 'invasion' / amnesty - 'No'
- The majority of Americans (78%) want the GOP to fight the Iran deal...the MAJORITY OF DEMOCRATS oppose this deal - 'No'

2. The ORIGINATOR of the 'Birther' movement was NOT the 'TEA Party, as has been historically annotated. If you will remember (or at least acknowledge), it was HILLARY CLINTON who brought up Obama's status / birth certificate when he overtook her for the lead back in 2008. By God, it was HER TURN to be President - how DARE this black guy come out of nowhere to take this away from her campaign 'went there'. So, please 'give credit where credit is due'. :)
Here’s just a short list of some of the bills that Republicans have blocked, or attempted to block, since Obama became President:

Blah, blah, blah

How did ANY of that answer my question:

IF infrastructure was / is SO important to Reid and Liberals, why didn't THEY address it when THEY were in control of Congress?

In Obama's FAILED Stimulus Bill - which admittedly contained NON-existent shovel-ready projects and ended up costing over $742,000 PER job reportedly created/saved - are you telling me they were able to stuff that nearly $1 trillion dollar deficit-spending piece of legislation with OVER 7,000 PIECES OF DNC-ONLY PORK...and they couldn't squeeze in ONE MORE piece of spending to address infrastructure? ROFLOL!
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