Senator rober byrd, democrat, was a member of the klan, tear down his statue...

Are your posts supposed to actually be coherent?

Maybe you can post a translation?

This perpetual parade of Islam Christiananality pedophile mentalities for almost 60 years rewriting history lacks white washing translation except for that KKK super ego "man is God" .
[QUOTE="Syriusly, post:]
Byrd was a Klan member from the early 40's to somewhere before 1952-maybe 11 years total.
For a man who was a Senator for 51 years-none of them as a KKK member-yeah it was a passing fad'-or as he called it "the worst mistake' he ever made.[/QUOTE]

But he was 50 years ago. Enough for the trump cult to dredge up.
No mention of don Sr as a KKK guy
Yeah tear down anything with Byrd's name on funny can libs get?
He should be remembered for having denounced the kkk.

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Lol he only did so when it became politically expedient to do so. Byrd was not just a member of the Klan he was an organizer, recruiter, and Exalted Cyclops of the Klan, it was more than a passing fad.

Byrd was a Klan member from the early 1940's to somewhere before 1952- maybe 11 years total.

For a man who was a Senator for 51 years- none of them as a KKK member- yeah it was a 'passing fad'- or as he called it "the worst mistake' he ever made.

Which is one of the reasons the NAACP honored him.

Isn't it fascinating that white Conservatives are busy condemning Byrd now for his racism- while the NAACP praised Byrd for how he changed- and ended up supporting civil rights.

He wasn't just a member, again he was a organizer, recruiter, and Exalted Cyclops you laughable fuck, he didn't distance himself from the Klan until it became a political albatross when he ran for the House in 1952 and didn't actually denounce him until 1997. The NAACP is a left wing DNC front, show me when they have ever denounced a modern Democrat or endorsed a Republican.

Laughablefuck? Foul mouth?
Dead giveaway for a limited Ed.
I missed your college mr PhD
Please list it
He should be remembered for having denounced the kkk.

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Lol he only did so when it became politically expedient to do so. Byrd was not just a member of the Klan he was an organizer, recruiter, and Exalted Cyclops of the Klan, it was more than a passing fad.

Byrd was a Klan member from the early 1940's to somewhere before 1952- maybe 11 years total.

For a man who was a Senator for 51 years- none of them as a KKK member- yeah it was a 'passing fad'- or as he called it "the worst mistake' he ever made.

Which is one of the reasons the NAACP honored him.

Isn't it fascinating that white Conservatives are busy condemning Byrd now for his racism- while the NAACP praised Byrd for how he changed- and ended up supporting civil rights.

He wasn't just a member, again he was a organizer, recruiter, and Exalted Cyclops you laughable fuck, he didn't distance himself from the Klan until it became a political albatross when he ran for the House in 1952 and didn't actually denounce him until 1997. The NAACP is a left wing DNC front, show me when they have ever denounced a modern Democrat or endorsed a Republican.

Yep- to you white nationalists- the NAACP is just a 'left wing DNC front.

The NAACP honored one of the last Republicans to fight for Civil Rights for African Americans
Everett M. Dirksen: Everett Dirksen on the Issues > Honored by the NAACP, 2009

Late Senator Everett Dirksen honored by NAACP in Cable Broadcast | CW Notes
Yeah tear down anything with Byrd's name on funny can libs get?

If local communities want to tear down any monuments to Byrd- fine with me.

Odd isn't it that the White Nationalists are not celebrating Byrd?

Almost like they knew that he renounced them.........
A caller on the Dan and Amy show today pointed out that Senator robert byrd, a life long democrat who was a recruiter for the klan and a good friend of bill and hilary clinton........has a statue in his home state...

That statue must come down.....statues of racist democrats need to come his must be torn down and destroyed......

They have a whole page on wikipedia of locations named after this racist democrat...who said he would rather see Old Glory trampled, than to let N*****s serve alongside whites in the army.....

List of places named after Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

Here is his statue....put it on the list for destruction...

West Virginia is wild!
Unless tearing it down will make Trump look bad, forget it.
His vagina bragging grabbing and his own words make him a pathetic short fingered man
A caller on the Dan and Amy show today pointed out that Senator robert byrd, a life long democrat who was a recruiter for the klan and a good friend of bill and hilary clinton........has a statue in his home state...

That statue must come down.....statues of racist democrats need to come his must be torn down and destroyed......

They have a whole page on wikipedia of locations named after this racist democrat...who said he would rather see Old Glory trampled, than to let N*****s serve alongside whites in the army.....

List of places named after Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

Here is his statue....put it on the list for destruction...

West Virginia is wild!
Unless tearing it down will make Trump look bad, forget it.
His vagina bragging grabbing and his own words make him a pathetic short fingered man
But his sex starved cult high school white boys are SO jealous
He should be remembered for having denounced the kkk.

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Lol he only did so when it became politically expedient to do so. Byrd was not just a member of the Klan he was an organizer, recruiter, and Exalted Cyclops of the Klan, it was more than a passing fad.

Byrd was a Klan member from the early 1940's to somewhere before 1952- maybe 11 years total.

For a man who was a Senator for 51 years- none of them as a KKK member- yeah it was a 'passing fad'- or as he called it "the worst mistake' he ever made.

Which is one of the reasons the NAACP honored him.

Isn't it fascinating that white Conservatives are busy condemning Byrd now for his racism- while the NAACP praised Byrd for how he changed- and ended up supporting civil rights.

He wasn't just a member, again he was a organizer, recruiter, and Exalted Cyclops you laughable fuck, he didn't distance himself from the Klan until it became a political albatross when he ran for the House in 1952 and didn't actually denounce him until 1997. The NAACP is a left wing DNC front, show me when they have ever denounced a modern Democrat or endorsed a Republican.

Yep- to you white nationalists- the NAACP is just a 'left wing DNC front.

The NAACP honored one of the last Republicans to fight for Civil Rights for African Americans
Everett M. Dirksen: Everett Dirksen on the Issues > Honored by the NAACP, 2009

Late Senator Everett Dirksen honored by NAACP in Cable Broadcast | CW Notes
Just so you know calling us White Nationalists is not an insult. We white patriots have no problem with that phrase.
I can see why libs think it to be an insult, because they hate any nationalist white, black, brown or green or blue. But if you think you are angering us with that you are as wrong as you can be.
He should be remembered for having denounced the kkk.

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Lol he only did so when it became politically expedient to do so. Byrd was not just a member of the Klan he was an organizer, recruiter, and Exalted Cyclops of the Klan, it was more than a passing fad.

Byrd was a Klan member from the early 1940's to somewhere before 1952- maybe 11 years total.

For a man who was a Senator for 51 years- none of them as a KKK member- yeah it was a 'passing fad'- or as he called it "the worst mistake' he ever made.

Which is one of the reasons the NAACP honored him.

Isn't it fascinating that white Conservatives are busy condemning Byrd now for his racism- while the NAACP praised Byrd for how he changed- and ended up supporting civil rights.

He wasn't just a member, again he was a organizer, recruiter, and Exalted Cyclops you laughable fuck, he didn't distance himself from the Klan until it became a political albatross when he ran for the House in 1952 and didn't actually denounce him until 1997. The NAACP is a left wing DNC front, show me when they have ever denounced a modern Democrat or endorsed a Republican.

Laughablefuck? Foul mouth?
Dead giveaway for a limited Ed.
I missed your college mr PhD
Please list it

USF, why do you support an Exalted Cyclops of the KKK?
If local communities want to tear down any monuments to Byrd- fine with me.

Odd isn't it that the White Nationalists are not celebrating Byrd?

Almost like they knew that he renounced them
When you white and black America haters are finished cleansing America let us know okay? Hopefully your work continues right up to the midterm elections. That will be awesome....tearing down American history just in time for another vote of the people. YES!
He should be remembered for having denounced the kkk.

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Lol he only did so when it became politically expedient to do so. Byrd was not just a member of the Klan he was an organizer, recruiter, and Exalted Cyclops of the Klan, it was more than a passing fad.

Byrd was a Klan member from the early 1940's to somewhere before 1952- maybe 11 years total.

For a man who was a Senator for 51 years- none of them as a KKK member- yeah it was a 'passing fad'- or as he called it "the worst mistake' he ever made.

Which is one of the reasons the NAACP honored him.

Isn't it fascinating that white Conservatives are busy condemning Byrd now for his racism- while the NAACP praised Byrd for how he changed- and ended up supporting civil rights.

He wasn't just a member, again he was a organizer, recruiter, and Exalted Cyclops you laughable fuck, he didn't distance himself from the Klan until it became a political albatross when he ran for the House in 1952 and didn't actually denounce him until 1997. The NAACP is a left wing DNC front, show me when they have ever denounced a modern Democrat or endorsed a Republican.

Yep- to you white nationalists- the NAACP is just a 'left wing DNC front.

The NAACP honored one of the last Republicans to fight for Civil Rights for African Americans
Everett M. Dirksen: Everett Dirksen on the Issues > Honored by the NAACP, 2009

Late Senator Everett Dirksen honored by NAACP in Cable Broadcast | CW Notes

A) I'm a Kekistani Nationalist and you are the one defending an Exalted Cyclops of the KKK.

B) He hadn't been in Congress for 40 years so spare me. Your assertion that the NAACP isn't in the bag for the DNC is too fucking laughable for words.
Follow the media at your own risk democrats....they led you to failure in November and they are leading you to it again...see! they hate Trump so much they can't see straight. They will destroy the leftwing and the DNC.
If local communities want to tear down any monuments to Byrd- fine with me.

Odd isn't it that the White Nationalists are not celebrating Byrd?

Almost like they knew that he renounced them
When you white and black America haters are finished cleansing America let us know okay? Hopefully your work continues right up to the midterm elections. That will be awesome....tearing down American history just in time for another vote of the people. YES!

A caller on the Dan and Amy show today pointed out that Senator robert byrd, a life long democrat who was a recruiter for the klan and a good friend of bill and hilary clinton........has a statue in his home state...

That statue must come down.....statues of racist democrats need to come his must be torn down and destroyed......

They have a whole page on wikipedia of locations named after this racist democrat...who said he would rather see Old Glory trampled, than to let N*****s serve alongside whites in the army.....

List of places named after Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

Here is his statue....put it on the list for destruction...

West Virginia is wild!

Nice try...You do try so hard

But no, the statues of Byrd were not erected to honor his service to the klan. They were erected to honor his public service after he had denounced the klan

However, The statues to Lee and Jeff Davis were erected to honor the Confederacy. A nation comprised of 40% slave and created to ensure the perpetual continuation of slavery
I knew you would never denounce one of your own. It was a given!
Now that is funny.

“These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It'll be Reconstruction all over again. [Said to Senator Richard Russell, Jr. (D-GA) regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1957]”
Lyndon B. Johnson
Now that is funny

“And isn’t it funny. I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it,” O’Donnell recalled Trump saying. “The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

“I think the guy is lazy,” Trump said of a black employee, according to O’Donnell. “And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”

Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist | HuffPost

Did Trump use ..

Did 2aguy lie about President Johnson in order to attack Democrats.

Why yes he did.

No..I told the truth about have to lie in desperation to hide who Johnson really the past, you could lie about the racist LBJ and no one could prove you were you are shown to be a liar immediately.
He should be remembered for having denounced the kkk.

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Lol he only did so when it became politically expedient to do so. Byrd was not just a member of the Klan he was an organizer, recruiter, and Exalted Cyclops of the Klan, it was more than a passing fad.

Byrd was a Klan member from the early 1940's to somewhere before 1952- maybe 11 years total.

For a man who was a Senator for 51 years- none of them as a KKK member- yeah it was a 'passing fad'- or as he called it "the worst mistake' he ever made.

Which is one of the reasons the NAACP honored him.

Isn't it fascinating that white Conservatives are busy condemning Byrd now for his racism- while the NAACP praised Byrd for how he changed- and ended up supporting civil rights.

He wasn't just a member, again he was a organizer, recruiter, and Exalted Cyclops you laughable fuck, he didn't distance himself from the Klan until it became a political albatross when he ran for the House in 1952 and didn't actually denounce him until 1997. The NAACP is a left wing DNC front, show me when they have ever denounced a modern Democrat or endorsed a Republican.

Byrd was a member of the klan when they were hanging black men from trees...and Lyndon Johnson voted against the anti lynching laws.....
He should be remembered for having denounced the kkk.

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Lol he only did so when it became politically expedient to do so. Byrd was not just a member of the Klan he was an organizer, recruiter, and Exalted Cyclops of the Klan, it was more than a passing fad.

Byrd was a Klan member from the early 1940's to somewhere before 1952- maybe 11 years total.

For a man who was a Senator for 51 years- none of them as a KKK member- yeah it was a 'passing fad'- or as he called it "the worst mistake' he ever made.

Which is one of the reasons the NAACP honored him.

Isn't it fascinating that white Conservatives are busy condemning Byrd now for his racism- while the NAACP praised Byrd for how he changed- and ended up supporting civil rights.

He was a member when they were hanging blacks from trees...and Lyndon Johnson voted against the Republican created anti lynching laws.....they were two vile racists....and you are protecting them.

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