A “great” Democrat leader once said this:

Remember, these are the same holier than thou people that are tearing down statues of George Washington and Lincoln as “racists”. Yet, this guy was the longest serving Democrat Senator in recent history, and best friends with Biden, Obama and the Clintons. You should have seen how they all eulogized and wept for him at his funeral. And his statue still stands tall in the halls of the senate. Tells you all you need to know about them.

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:
Much more recently, in 2010, that same "great" man said:

"I thought, well now suppose I were black, and my grandson and I were on the highways in the mid-hours of the morning or midnight, and I stopped at a place to get that little grandson a glass of water or to have it go to the restroom, and there's a sign 'WHITES ONLY'... black people love their grandsons as much as I love mine, and that's not right."
They don't have to , they have not persecuted people of a certain skin color like Byrd. In any case, Byrds 'conversion' was purely political.
I don't doubt Byrd's first steps in change were for political reasons, but he got results, He represented his constituants the way they wanted to be represented. They wanted equality, so he fought hard for equality.
I don't doubt Byrd's first steps in change were for political reasons, but he got results, He represented his constituants the way they wanted to be represented. They wanted equality, so he fought hard for equality.
Now they're more equal than the rest of us. 😏
So why are Leftists tearing down Lincoln’s statue?
Because before the Civil War, Lincoln was so concerned about preserving the Union, that he made statements which seemed to have been dismissive of the plight of slaves. ?

But Lincoln wasn’t a Democrat.
I'll bet the stuttering fuck and KKK byrd told the best N jokes... and giggled like little girls.... :laughing0301:

Roudy, I've seen you try to make a big deal out of Robert Byrd's racist beginning a lot of times. I'm sure that makes a great story at your Klan meetings, but it's just silly anywhere else. You really need new material.
Yep. Democrats have a bad history of racism. Can't deny that. Fortunately, the party realized the need for change and changed. The racist history of the Democratic party is just that ---------history.
then you elected “you ain’t black” joey “racial jungle” xiden as president…your history is what most people refer to as the present
Much more recently, in 2010, that same "great" man said:

"I thought, well now suppose I were black, and my grandson and I were on the highways in the mid-hours of the morning or midnight, and I stopped at a place to get that little grandson a glass of water or to have it go to the restroom, and there's a sign 'WHITES ONLY'... black people love their grandsons as much as I love mine, and that's not right."
wow so in 2010 Byrd finally thought having whites only bathrooms wasn’t fair?? that’s very telling that it took him til the 21st century to realize african american love their grandkids
Ah, yes. It's the monthly "KKK wuz Democrats" topic. :lol:

The part you tards have been lied to by omission from your propagandists is that that those old timey racists were FAR RIGHT CHRISTIAN EXTREMIST Democrats/Republicans.

The KKK was and is a FAR RIGHT CHRISTIAN TERRORIST organization.

At this point, tards like you then say, "Oh, look. You hate Christians."

Because that's just how stupid you are.
Still can't face who the Democrats really are.
Yep. Democrats have a bad history of racism. Can't deny that. Fortunately, the party realized the need for change and changed. The racist history of the Democratic party is just that ---------history.
Robert Byrd is recent history as in 2010, Lincoln and George Washington are 100's of years before, yet the Left has selectively decided to tear down Lincoln and Washington.
No excuses. He earned redemption.
He earned it only because he was a Democrat career politician that was good at bamboozling, just like Bidung, who said Obama was special because he was the first black person who could speak properly and present himself well.
Much more recently, in 2010, that same "great" man said:

"I thought, well now suppose I were black, and my grandson and I were on the highways in the mid-hours of the morning or midnight, and I stopped at a place to get that little grandson a glass of water or to have it go to the restroom, and there's a sign 'WHITES ONLY'... black people love their grandsons as much as I love mine, and that's not right."
After being a KKK leader who spoke about blacks as if they were animals, he joins the Democrat party and blah blah blah's some rehearsed bullshit and suddenly all is forgiven. Insane logic, yet very funny.
He earned it only because he was a Democrat career politician that was good at bamboozling, just like Bidung, who said Obama was special because he was the first black person who could speak properly and present himself well.
When do you think I said that?
After being a KKK leader who spoke about blacks as if they were animals, he joins the Democrat party and blah blah blah's some rehearsed bullshit and suddenly all is forgiven. Insane logic, yet very funny.
Wasn't he already a Democrat?

In his autobiography, Byrd wrote that he had become a KKK member because he

“was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision—a jejune and immature outlook—seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions. ... I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened … it has emerged throughout my life to haunt and embarrass me and has taught me in a very graphic way what one major mistake can do to one’s life, career, and reputation.”

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