A “great” Democrat leader once said this:

Lets hear what the NAACP has to say about Sen Byrd

Senator Byrd came to consistently support the NAACP civil rights agenda, doing well on the NAACP Annual Civil Rights Report Card. He stood with us on many issues of crucial importance to our members from the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act, the historic health care legislation of 2010 and his support for the Hate Crimes Prevention legislation,” stated Hilary O. Shelton, Director of the NAACP Washington Bureau and Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Policy. “Senator Byrd was a master of the Senate Rules, and helped strategize passage of legislation that helped millions of Americans. He will be sorely missed.”
But the NAACP national crooked Democrat racebaiting opportunists had nothing to say about this. I wonder why….

Yet, somehow Byrd had a long and distinguished career and was highly rated by the NAACP for his record on votes related to Civil Rights
Sucking all the tax money into his state where he named every building after himself.
It's a shame you have no shame.
Yet, somehow Byrd had a long and distinguished career and was highly rated by the NAACP for his record on votes related to Civil Rights
How weird…Byrd changed his position but systemically racist America never did despite electing a Kenyan to the highest office…TWICE

Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D), the District’s nonvoting representative in Congress, said this week that it should be placed in a museum.
“Although formerly enslaved Americans paid for this statue to be built in 1876, the design and sculpting process was done without their input, and it shows,” Norton said in a statement. “The statue fails to note in any way how enslaved African Americans pushed for their own emancipation.”
But some scholars are urging caution as such demands intensify.
The statue, they say, is hugely important in African American history. For many years it was the only statue commissioned and paid for by African Americans and was the only statue dedicated to the promise of the Emancipation Proclamation.

****and yet…Byrd‘s statue stands tall in the halls of the senate, eulogized as a great Democrat leader.
I'm not defending anybody............

But my granny was racist. ONLY because she was raised during the great depression era, where racism was still at a high point, and it was just "life" back then. She mellowed out as she aged. Or so I thought. My Uncles stated differently. But she never showed it to the grandkids if she still was. People can change, but sometimes the ways you were raised really never get squashed, even if you want them to be squashed.

My Great Aunt though, my grandma's sister, actually like some of the black women. She thought they were very good looking and fashionable......this was back in the 80's. She never had a problem with anyone that I was ever aware of. Hell, I never even heard her raise her voice, except once in my life. But thats another story.
But it was just ten years ago when Biden was praising KKK member and Democratic Senator Robert Byrd as a "mentor" and "friend."
Biden: "To me...for a lot of us, he was a mentor and a friend, and for a lot of us, he was a guide," Biden said at Byrd's funeral.
Pelosi: "Senator Byrd's service and leadership are more than worthy to be remembered for many generations to come," she praised. "He was a great American patriot."
Ted Kennedy: “I think there is uniform respect for him for that in the Senate,”
Barry Obama: “America has lost a voice of principle and reason,”

Remember, these are the same holier than thou people that are tearing down statues of George Washington and Lincoln as “racists”. Yet, this guy was the longest serving Democrat Senator in recent history, and best friends with Biden, Obama and the Clintons. You should have seen how they all eulogized and wept for him at his funeral. And his statue still stands tall in the halls of the senate. Tells you all you need to know about them.

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:
Ah, yes. It's the monthly "KKK wuz Democrats" topic. :lol:

The part you tards have been lied to by omission from your propagandists is that that those old timey racists were FAR RIGHT CHRISTIAN EXTREMIST Democrats/Republicans.

The KKK was and is a FAR RIGHT CHRISTIAN TERRORIST organization.

At this point, tards like you then say, "Oh, look. You hate Christians."

Because that's just how stupid you are.
Remember, these are the same holier than thou people that are tearing down statues of George Washington and Lincoln as “racists”. Yet, this guy was the longest serving Democrat Senator in recent history, and best friends with Biden, Obama and the Clintons. You should have seen how they all eulogized and wept for him at his funeral. And his statue still stands tall in the halls of the senate. Tells you all you need to know about them.

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:
Yes, and Byrd had to work long and hard to ake up his racist past. He did the work. He redemed himself to the point where the NAACP put out a statement praising his work for equality in his later years. Bird's racist beginning is only important in reference to how much he changed in his later years.
Yes, and Byrd had to work long and hard to ake up his racist past. He did the work. He redemed himself to the point where the NAACP put out a statement praising his work for equality in his later years. Bird's racist beginning is only important in reference to how much he changed in his later years.
Ah I see, so after being a vile racist pig of the worst kind, it all got washed away because he joined the Democrat party. It doesn’t matter he came from a family of racist pigs, and what else he said about Blacks. The NAACP, which is corrupt arm of the Democrat party (just as the KKK was, funny!) has endorsed said racist pig, so let’s all move along folks. :lmao: :cuckoo:
Did you read your own link?
Evidently not

They don’t object to Lincoln in the statue but the way blacks are depicted

Critics say the Emancipation Memorial — which shows Lincoln holding a copy of the Emancipation Proclamation as an African American man in a loincloth kneels at his feet — is demeaning in its depiction of African Americans and suggests that they were not active contributors to the cause of their own freedom.
Did you read your own link?
Evidently not

They don’t object to Lincoln in the statue but the way blacks are depicted

Critics say the Emancipation Memorial — which shows Lincoln holding a copy of the Emancipation Proclamation as an African American man in a loincloth kneels at his feet — is demeaning in its depiction of African Americans and suggests that they were not active contributors to the cause of their own freedom.
Racists projecting their own racism on others.

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