Senator - The State Terrorist

Graham's case to be tried on charges of calling for murder and international state terrorism
Sorry bout that,

1. Oh the left will snake him, he really fucked up this time.
2. No one can save him now.
3. Graham is insane to make such a comment.
4. The moral high ground lives beneath my feet.
5. Lindsey Graham will soon be no more in politics.
6. No one rushed to defend his comments, hummm.
7. If you don't stand for anything, you fall for everything.

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In terms of the globalists deciding to seize the fertile lands of Ukraine, and even remove and ship abroad humus (the German Nazis did the same thing), and stick medium-range missiles 500 kilometers from Moscow - no doubt.

And one more thing: I am sure that there is a secret plan to relocate part of the white population of America (the "Chosen ones") to Ukraine in view of the coming geophysical catastrophe of planetary scale: the split of the North American tectonic plate
Yeah, sure.
Zelensky, a Jew and junkie, is a protégé of the Deep State. As soon as he came to power, his administration began to sell Ukrainian land and even fertile land to foreigners. They are elementary thieves and war criminals.

Zelensky, a Jew and junkie, is a protégé of the Deep State. As soon as he came to power, his administration began to sell Ukrainian land and even fertile land to foreigners. They are elementary thieves and war criminals.
Garbage being spewed from an anti-Jewish bigot and no doubt stooge of that Russian pig, Putin.
Graham is a career politician scum bag. I can't stand him.

But in this case....I agree. Offing Putin would save a lot of lives and avoid WWIII. It would be great if someone could get the job done.
Amidst the rancorous divisiveness starkly encapsulated by the certified votes of 81,268,924 Americans in November, 2020 vs the violent January, 2021 goon attack on Congress in a failed attempt to prevent that democratic verdict from being recognized, the Graham Cracker has succeeded in bridging a seemingly irreconcilable gap, a rare kumbaya moment of bipartisanship uniting antipodal elements!

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Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) did something remarkable in recent days — he united Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Marjorie Taylor Green (R-Ga.).
Unfortunately for Graham, the congresswomen were brought together in condemnation of him after the senator urged Russian citizens to assassinate their president, Vladimir Putin.

Omar, responding to Graham’s remarks, expressed the wish that politicians would “cool it.” Greene went further, calling Graham’s comments “unhinged.”
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Biden, if not a terrorist, then a direct accomplice of the Bandera terror
No doubt about it. And we need to get back to the conspiracy against Iraq (while Chiney, one of the main "architects" of that military-political plot, is alive with a new heart - which one was transplanted to him and whether it was in the general order,- by the way?!)

Well, and, of course, the history of the "Ukrainian" business of the Biden family. Again, it needs to be investigated BEFORE Biden "kicks the bucket" or his lawyers declare him insane.
Putin has had a target on his back from day one. I think you're missing the point as to why he's still there.
You are absolutely right: some of the oligarchs of Jewish origin did everything to keep him out of power. And now the Jewish conflict in the Kremlin has only worsened. I expect a political "purge" in the Kremlin.
I mean, I think we all agree it would be super, if one of putin's trained assassins dropped a cesium pellet in his coffee.

But this is not how countries should conduct themselves on the world stage.

It's hard for us to appreciate the perspective, but foreigners looking in see and hear "The US calls for Putin's assassination"
This is in addition to the fact that we are disliked (and not without reason) in every country in the world, even in Israel, how ridiculous it is
This is true, lets not forget the dangers right off our shores.
Why would Ukraine be worth a world war to us?

These are not Ukrainians, but people who pretend to be "Ukrainians". In fact, they are Eastern and Central European Jews who are historically forced to call themselves "Ukrainians"... By the way, they are despised in Israel.
These are not Ukrainians, but people who pretend to be "Ukrainians". In fact, they are Eastern and Central European Jews who are historically forced to call themselves "Ukrainians"... By the way, they are despised in Israel.

I read an article years ago about the Jews being used as escape goats by some in very high places. Some Scandinavians, some Royal .
Something to do with the India House [nothing to do with nation of India] , Chatom House. A very interesting study but as I said years ago.
I don't know who wants to rule the world but some do. And they have been planning this for over 100 years.

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