Senator - The State Terrorist

Putin is a mad man and a danger to the world. Someone taking him out would be the best thing for everyone and it beats losing thousands of lives in military escalation. The West has become weak and that's why he wasn't afraid to roll over into Ukraine and that's why China will eventually try to take back Taiwan.

I thought forum rules said no insults in initial post.

it's slamming Graham, not Putin.
It would be very difficult to take out Putin. It's obvious he has insulated himself, just look at his conferences and the 'football field' conference tables. He doesn't let anyone near him and is heavily guarded. Graham is just sword rattling at this point but, I think a lot of folks wish someone would take the guy out.

This is true, lets not forget the dangers right off our shores.
Why would Ukraine be worth a world war to us?
I have to agree with you here.
I mean, I think we all agree it would be super, if one of putin's trained assassins dropped a cesium pellet in his coffee.

But this is not how countries should conduct themselves on the world stage.

It's hard for us to appreciate the perspective, but foreigners looking in see and hear "The US calls for Putin's assassination"
I mean, I think we all agree it would be super, if one of putin's trained assassins dropped a cesium pellet in his coffee.

But this is not how countries should conduct themselves on the world stage.

It's hard for us to appreciate the perspective, but foreigners looking in see and hear "The US calls for Putin's assassination"
we look as bad as we collectively are.
and it sucks.
This is true, lets not forget the dangers right off our shores.
Why would Ukraine be worth a world war to us?
Good question. Obama de-nuked Ukraine, NATO was enticing Ukraine, it seems this conflict was orchestrated.
Good question. Obama de-nuked Ukraine, NATO was enticing Ukraine, it seems this conflict was orchestrated.

In terms of the globalists deciding to seize the fertile lands of Ukraine, and even remove and ship abroad humus (the German Nazis did the same thing), and stick medium-range missiles 500 kilometers from Moscow - no doubt.

And one more thing: I am sure that there is a secret plan to relocate part of the white population of America (the "Chosen ones") to Ukraine in view of the coming geophysical catastrophe of planetary scale: the split of the North American tectonic plate
And I think we should arrest the anti-American crypto-Jewish clique in the Lower House of Congress
If you are a parody, you’re awful.

If you’re not a parody, you’re awful.

Oh, and Putin is a cocksucker. I hear he might be dying of cancer. Thank God. Hope it’s true.

Have a good night.
If you are a parody, you’re awful.

If you’re not a parody, you’re awful.

Oh, and Putin is a cocksucker. I hear he might be dying of cancer. Thank God. Hope it’s true.

Have a good night.
Don't try so hard to show the dirtiness of your thoughts and the primitivism of your soul: EVERYONE SEES THAT.

Agree with it or no, it's beneath a Senator to say these things publicly. Like it or not, our senators speak for out country.
Quite right. Such irresponsible statements corrupt the nation. And a teenager with an unstable psyche hears it and thinks: "Well, if SENATOR is calling for murder, why don't I take the R-15 and shoot my classmates and teachers: they are so annoying!!!
Maybe I'll get elected Senator then, too!"
we look as bad as we collectively are.
and it sucks.

THEY in Washington are making us into a herd of primitive sheep. It's time to break up this gang led by "Italian" Pelosi and put them in the dock for trying to break up the country and other "feats"
Various Roman Emperors were assassinated when it became evident to the Senators or the Praetorian Guards that their leaders happened to be a few cards short of a full deck.
Rome aside, various leaders throughout history have been assassinated for various reasons.
So, in Putin's case, I fail to see a problem with him having a target on his back, after all, he's put one on the back of Zelensky, whose only crime has been to be elected into power by 73% of his public and wanting to join NATO to protect against the very nation that has now invaded his nation.
Putin has had a target on his back from day one. I think you're missing the point as to why he's still there.

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