Senator Warren refused birthday gift from her opponent!

Ayyadurai avers he invented email. I'm sure he'll do and say all sorts of nutty things over the course of his candidacy for her seat.
The Gateway Pundit giving journalism a bad name one story at a time. No wonder it's the DEPLORABLES go to site..
That, and all of trumps Russian bots clogging up social media sites just might work a second time. Kinda like how Obama ran against bush 43 twice, and met with great success both times.
Hah! Liz “Pocahontas” Warren’s Senate Challenger Sends Her 23&Me DNA Kit for Her Birthday

Damn that's cold Pocahontas! Poor thing...running against a REAL Indian and she doesn't like it.
You're such a fucking idiot it's beyond belief. Everyday Senator Warren fights for YOU and she's one of the few that does.
Trump doesn't care about you. His HC plan and dozens other examples prove it.

Senator Warren is a wealthy elitist percenter that fights for herself and her cheekbones....after they were her dotted lined path to becoming 1/32 Native Americann.
Hah! Liz “Pocahontas” Warren’s Senate Challenger Sends Her 23&Me DNA Kit for Her Birthday

Damn that's cold Pocahontas! Poor thing...running against a REAL Indian and she doesn't like it.
You're such a fucking idiot it's beyond belief. Everyday Senator Warren fights for YOU and she's one of the few that does.
Trump doesn't care about you. His HC plan and dozens other examples prove it.
She doesn't fight for me at all. I am not her constituent. Oh and President Trump didn't come up with the health are bill. GOP senators and congressman did.
Hah! Liz “Pocahontas” Warren’s Senate Challenger Sends Her 23&Me DNA Kit for Her Birthday

Damn that's cold Pocahontas! Poor thing...running against a REAL Indian and she doesn't like it.
You're such a fucking idiot it's beyond belief. Everyday Senator Warren fights for YOU and she's one of the few that does.
Trump doesn't care about you. His HC plan and dozens other examples prove it.
Yeah, she says shit like that.. Guess thats why she voted no on auditing the FED?
Dude, that shit is funny. Someone trolled her for some bullshit.
Hah! Liz “Pocahontas” Warren’s Senate Challenger Sends Her 23&Me DNA Kit for Her Birthday

Damn that's cold Pocahontas! Poor thing...running against a REAL Indian and she doesn't like it.
You're such a fucking idiot it's beyond belief. Everyday Senator Warren fights for YOU and she's one of the few that does.
Trump doesn't care about you. His HC plan and dozens other examples prove it.

Senator Warren is a wealthy elitist percenter that fights for herself and her cheekbones....after they were her dotted lined path to becoming 1/32 Native Americann.

Has Fox News must have recently deemed financial success a crime the way you're talking!
Hah! Liz “Pocahontas” Warren’s Senate Challenger Sends Her 23&Me DNA Kit for Her Birthday

Damn that's cold Pocahontas! Poor thing...running against a REAL Indian and she doesn't like it.
You're such a fucking idiot it's beyond belief. Everyday Senator Warren fights for YOU and she's one of the few that does.
Trump doesn't care about you. His HC plan and dozens other examples prove it.

Senator Warren is a wealthy elitist percenter that fights for herself and her cheekbones....after they were her dotted lined path to becoming 1/32 Native Americann.
She's devoted her life fighting for families and the middle class. She's Wall Street biggest nemesis.
You're an ignorant partisan putz who doesn't even know who's on your side.
Hah! Liz “Pocahontas” Warren’s Senate Challenger Sends Her 23&Me DNA Kit for Her Birthday

Damn that's cold Pocahontas! Poor thing...running against a REAL Indian and she doesn't like it.
You're such a fucking idiot it's beyond belief. Everyday Senator Warren fights for YOU and she's one of the few that does.
Trump doesn't care about you. His HC plan and dozens other examples prove it.

WTH is wrong with these idiots?

Any politician who is on their side is the enemy.
The vote only for politicians wanting only to further enrich the 1%.

And, give them the 4th grade tactic of name calling and they'll keep it going for years and years.
Hah! Liz “Pocahontas” Warren’s Senate Challenger Sends Her 23&Me DNA Kit for Her Birthday

Damn that's cold Pocahontas! Poor thing...running against a REAL Indian and she doesn't like it.
You're such a fucking idiot it's beyond belief. Everyday Senator Warren fights for YOU and she's one of the few that does.
Trump doesn't care about you. His HC plan and dozens other examples prove it.

WTH is wrong with these idiots?

Any politician who is on their side is the enemy.
The vote only for politicians wanting only to further enrich the 1%.

And, give them the 4th grade tactic of name calling and they'll keep it going for years and years.
Anyone else see the irony here? He whines about NAME CALLING but calls people Idiots.....what a moron.
Hah! Liz “Pocahontas” Warren’s Senate Challenger Sends Her 23&Me DNA Kit for Her Birthday

Damn that's cold Pocahontas! Poor thing...running against a REAL Indian and she doesn't like it.
You're such a fucking idiot it's beyond belief. Everyday Senator Warren fights for YOU and she's one of the few that does.
Trump doesn't care about you. His HC plan and dozens other examples prove it.

Senator Warren is a wealthy elitist percenter that fights for herself and her cheekbones....after they were her dotted lined path to becoming 1/32 Native Americann.

BS, as usual.

Her father was a janitor. Yes, she's wealthy but, unlike your hero, she earned it. And, unlike the orange buffoon you worship, she's smart.

Waited tables at 13, university scholarship at 16.

Hah! Liz “Pocahontas” Warren’s Senate Challenger Sends Her 23&Me DNA Kit for Her Birthday

Damn that's cold Pocahontas! Poor thing...running against a REAL Indian and she doesn't like it.
You're such a fucking idiot it's beyond belief. Everyday Senator Warren fights for YOU and she's one of the few that does.
Trump doesn't care about you. His HC plan and dozens other examples prove it.

WTH is wrong with these idiots?

Any politician who is on their side is the enemy.
The vote only for politicians wanting only to further enrich the 1%.

And, give them the 4th grade tactic of name calling and they'll keep it going for years and years.
Anyone else see the irony here? He whines about NAME CALLING but calls people Idiots.....what a moron.

If the shoe fits ...

And, YOU are an idiot.
Damn that's cold Pocahontas! Poor thing...running against a REAL Indian and she doesn't like it.

Taking DNA samples of the body runs against a long standing Tidewater indian tradition which could bring much bad luck to its warriors by angering the father spirits of her great land! Lucky thing she held fast. Like all things liberal, it isn't facts that matter anyway, otherwise there would be no liberals. What is important is what you convince yourself of first, for if you don't believe the malarky yourself, you stand less chance of convincing others.
Hah! Liz “Pocahontas” Warren’s Senate Challenger Sends Her 23&Me DNA Kit for Her Birthday

Damn that's cold Pocahontas! Poor thing...running against a REAL Indian and she doesn't like it.
You're such a fucking idiot it's beyond belief. Everyday Senator Warren fights for YOU and she's one of the few that does.
Trump doesn't care about you. His HC plan and dozens other examples prove it.

Senator Warren is a wealthy elitist percenter that fights for herself and her cheekbones....after they were her dotted lined path to becoming 1/32 Native Americann.
She's devoted her life fighting for families and the middle class. She's Wall Street biggest nemesis.
You're an ignorant partisan putz who doesn't even know who's on your side.
Yeah because socialism always works out so well. The fake bitch lived off the public titty, it's all she knows.
Hah! Liz “Pocahontas” Warren’s Senate Challenger Sends Her 23&Me DNA Kit for Her Birthday

Damn that's cold Pocahontas! Poor thing...running against a REAL Indian and she doesn't like it.
You're such a fucking idiot it's beyond belief. Everyday Senator Warren fights for YOU and she's one of the few that does.
Trump doesn't care about you. His HC plan and dozens other examples prove it.

Senator Warren is a wealthy elitist percenter that fights for herself and her cheekbones....after they were her dotted lined path to becoming 1/32 Native Americann.
She's devoted her life fighting for families and the middle class. She's Wall Street biggest nemesis.
You're an ignorant partisan putz who doesn't even know who's on your side.
Yeah because socialism always works out so well. The fake bitch lived off the public titty, it's all she knows.

Except, that's a lie.

Seriously, why do RWNJs always lie?

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