Senator Warren refused birthday gift from her opponent!

The Gateway Pundit giving journalism a bad name one story at a time. No wonder it's the DEPLORABLES go to site..
she doesnt figh tfor me, she fights agains t my lawful exercise of god given, constitutionally protected rights

bitter clinging swiftie

EXACTLY what has she done that is "agains t [sic] my lawful exercise of god given, constitutionally protected rights".

Please be precise and link to proof of what she did.

Thank you.
The Gateway Pundit giving journalism a bad name one story at a time. No wonder it's the DEPLORABLES go to site..
she doesnt figh tfor me, she fights agains t my lawful exercise of god given, constitutionally protected rights

bitter clinging swiftie

EXACTLY what has she done that is "agains t [sic] my lawful exercise of god given, constitutionally protected rights".

Please be precise and link to proof of what she did.

Thank you.
Elizabeth Warren on Gun Control
The Gateway Pundit giving journalism a bad name one story at a time. No wonder it's the DEPLORABLES go to site..
she doesnt figh tfor me, she fights agains t my lawful exercise of god given, constitutionally protected rights

bitter clinging swiftie

EXACTLY what has she done that is "agains t [sic] my lawful exercise of god given, constitutionally protected rights".

Please be precise and link to proof of what she did.

Thank you.
Elizabeth Warren on Gun Control

So, you want the "right" to shoot children many many times.

Okey dokey.

The Gateway Pundit giving journalism a bad name one story at a time. No wonder it's the DEPLORABLES go to site..
she doesnt figh tfor me, she fights agains t my lawful exercise of god given, constitutionally protected rights

bitter clinging swiftie

EXACTLY what has she done that is "agains t [sic] my lawful exercise of god given, constitutionally protected rights".

Please be precise and link to proof of what she did.

Thank you.
Elizabeth Warren on Gun Control

So, you want the "right" to shoot children many many times.

Okey dokey.

huh???can you qoute any post of mine in any thread where I even conddoned shooting children,m much less expressed a desire to do so?
The Gateway Pundit giving journalism a bad name one story at a time. No wonder it's the DEPLORABLES go to site..
she doesnt figh tfor me, she fights agains t my lawful exercise of god given, constitutionally protected rights

bitter clinging swiftie

EXACTLY what has she done that is "agains t [sic] my lawful exercise of god given, constitutionally protected rights".

Please be precise and link to proof of what she did.

Thank you.
Elizabeth Warren on Gun Control

So, you want the "right" to shoot children many many times.

Okey dokey.

huh???can you qoute any post of mine in any thread where I even conddoned shooting children,m much less expressed a desire to do so?

Oh, sorry.

I thought you said you disagreed with Warren's stand on gun control which does not take away or threaten the right to own and use guns but is geared toward saving lives, especially from mass shootings and most especially, children.

You gun nutters don't care who you hurt. All you want is more and more and more guns and any attempt to mitigate damages, such as we've done with other dangers, sends you into a twit.

Carry on.

she doesnt figh tfor me, she fights agains t my lawful exercise of god given, constitutionally protected rights

bitter clinging swiftie

EXACTLY what has she done that is "agains t [sic] my lawful exercise of god given, constitutionally protected rights".

Please be precise and link to proof of what she did.

Thank you.
Elizabeth Warren on Gun Control

So, you want the "right" to shoot children many many times.

Okey dokey.

huh???can you qoute any post of mine in any thread where I even conddoned shooting children,m much less expressed a desire to do so?

Oh, sorry.

I thought you said you disagreed with Warren's stand on gun control which does not take away or threaten the right to own and use guns but is geared toward saving lives, especially from mass shootings and most especially, children.

You gun nutters don't care who you hurt. All you want is more and more and more guns and any attempt to mitigate damages, such as we've done with other dangers, sends you into a twit.

Carry on.

there is no such thing as gun control, only infringement. no gun law ever passed has prevented any crimes, yet americans with guns stop millions of crimes a year.
and warran's stand on guns and the second amendment DOES threaten my right to own guns. if she had her way, 5 of my rifles aned serveral dozen of my magazines would be illegal.
bitter clinging swiftie

EXACTLY what has she done that is "agains t [sic] my lawful exercise of god given, constitutionally protected rights".

Please be precise and link to proof of what she did.

Thank you.
Elizabeth Warren on Gun Control

So, you want the "right" to shoot children many many times.

Okey dokey.

huh???can you qoute any post of mine in any thread where I even conddoned shooting children,m much less expressed a desire to do so?

Oh, sorry.

I thought you said you disagreed with Warren's stand on gun control which does not take away or threaten the right to own and use guns but is geared toward saving lives, especially from mass shootings and most especially, children.

You gun nutters don't care who you hurt. All you want is more and more and more guns and any attempt to mitigate damages, such as we've done with other dangers, sends you into a twit.

Carry on.

there is no such thing as gun control, only infringement. no gun law ever passed has prevented any crimes, yet americans with guns stop millions of crimes a year.
and warran's stand on guns and the second amendment DOES threaten my right to own guns. if she had her way, 5 of my rifles aned serveral dozen of my magazines would be illegal.

So, saving the lives of children isn't important to you.

(I'd bet you're anti-choice and call yourself christian.)


So, you want the "right" to shoot children many many times.

Okey dokey.

huh???can you qoute any post of mine in any thread where I even conddoned shooting children,m much less expressed a desire to do so?

Oh, sorry.

I thought you said you disagreed with Warren's stand on gun control which does not take away or threaten the right to own and use guns but is geared toward saving lives, especially from mass shootings and most especially, children.

You gun nutters don't care who you hurt. All you want is more and more and more guns and any attempt to mitigate damages, such as we've done with other dangers, sends you into a twit.

Carry on.

there is no such thing as gun control, only infringement. no gun law ever passed has prevented any crimes, yet americans with guns stop millions of crimes a year.
and warran's stand on guns and the second amendment DOES threaten my right to own guns. if she had her way, 5 of my rifles aned serveral dozen of my magazines would be illegal.

So, saving the lives of children isn't important to you.

(I'd bet you're anti-choice and call yourself christian.)

I support saving the lives of children, thats why I am for campus carry.
Im not a christian, I'm a deist.
as far as anti choice, I am pro choice. it iss my choice and my choice only what caliber of self defense tool I use and the amount of rounds that I keep in said tool.
Hah! Liz “Pocahontas” Warren’s Senate Challenger Sends Her 23&Me DNA Kit for Her Birthday

Damn that's cold Pocahontas! Poor thing...running against a REAL Indian and she doesn't like it.
You're such a fucking idiot it's beyond belief. Everyday Senator Warren fights for YOU and she's one of the few that does.
Trump doesn't care about you. His HC plan and dozens other examples prove it.

Senator Warren is a wealthy elitist percenter that fights for herself and her cheekbones....after they were her dotted lined path to becoming 1/32 Native Americann.
She's devoted her life fighting for families and the middle class. She's Wall Street biggest nemesis.
You're an ignorant partisan putz who doesn't even know who's on your side.

She is not fighting for families. Case in point: one of the biggest expenses families face are higher education costs yet she has taken $300k to teach ONE class. Further, she is not a Wall Street nemesis..... she is a Wall Street cronyist. Wall Street is replete with liberal elites.... trashing Wall Street is just a prop to rile up the rank and file Democrats full of class envy. You keep insulting me and only provide specious references to Warren's so called greatness. How about some substance and validation in your retort? Otherwise, you look even more foolish with your ignorant putz hurls.
Hah! Liz “Pocahontas” Warren’s Senate Challenger Sends Her 23&Me DNA Kit for Her Birthday

Damn that's cold Pocahontas! Poor thing...running against a REAL Indian and she doesn't like it.
You're such a fucking idiot it's beyond belief. Everyday Senator Warren fights for YOU and she's one of the few that does.
Trump doesn't care about you. His HC plan and dozens other examples prove it.

Senator Warren is a wealthy elitist percenter that fights for herself and her cheekbones....after they were her dotted lined path to becoming 1/32 Native Americann.

BS, as usual.

Her father was a janitor. Yes, she's wealthy but, unlike your hero, she earned it. And, unlike the orange buffoon you worship, she's smart.

Waited tables at 13, university scholarship at 16.

Was the scholarship given because she claimed to be Native American
Hah! Liz “Pocahontas” Warren’s Senate Challenger Sends Her 23&Me DNA Kit for Her Birthday

Damn that's cold Pocahontas! Poor thing...running against a REAL Indian and she doesn't like it.
You're such a fucking idiot it's beyond belief. Everyday Senator Warren fights for YOU and she's one of the few that does.
Trump doesn't care about you. His HC plan and dozens other examples prove it.

Senator Warren is a wealthy elitist percenter that fights for herself and her cheekbones....after they were her dotted lined path to becoming 1/32 Native Americann.
She's devoted her life fighting for families and the middle class. She's Wall Street biggest nemesis.
You're an ignorant partisan putz who doesn't even know who's on your side.
Yeah because socialism always works out so well. The fake bitch lived off the public titty, it's all she knows.

Except, that's a lie.

Seriously, why do RWNJs always lie?

When accusing someone of lying, you need to back it up with substantive examples and events. Otherwise, it is merely a specious comment on your end.
You're such a fucking idiot it's beyond belief. Everyday Senator Warren fights for YOU and she's one of the few that does.
Trump doesn't care about you. His HC plan and dozens other examples prove it.

Senator Warren is a wealthy elitist percenter that fights for herself and her cheekbones....after they were her dotted lined path to becoming 1/32 Native Americann.
She's devoted her life fighting for families and the middle class. She's Wall Street biggest nemesis.
You're an ignorant partisan putz who doesn't even know who's on your side.
Yeah because socialism always works out so well. The fake bitch lived off the public titty, it's all she knows.

Except, that's a lie.

Seriously, why do RWNJs always lie?

When accusing someone of lying, you need to back it up with substantive examples and events. Otherwise, it is merely a specious comment on your end.

Take it up Iceweasel He wrote "Yeah because socialism always works out so well. The fake bitch lived off the public titty, it's all she knows.

Don't wait for an answer though. Iceweasel never backs up his delusional nonsense.

Besides, you would just add to his lie by whining fake news fake news fake news. - cuz regurging that crap is all you nutters know.:puke3:
Ah, well.

Refusing the DNA test kit simply proves that Liz is not "Poka....". merely FAUXahontax.

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