Senator Warren wants to pack 4 more judges on the Supreme Court

You mean like the rule that McConnell made up to deny Obama a Court nominee and then discarded ?

Like that?

Sure, just like that. The SCJ would be 5-4 if his nominee would have been appointed. The Democrats would still be pushing to pack the court now. They did everything they could do to smear Kavanaugh.
You mean like the rule that McConnell made up to deny Obama a Court nominee and then discarded ?
Like that?
You do not understand the difference between what happened in 2016 and in 2020.
If you did you'd understand your apples/oranges argument has no merit
Not that you'd admit it.
And in any case - as this does not equate to "packing the court", you speak from ignorance or dishonesty.
Silly conservative. There is no rule against adding justices.

Let's add 100. If the Democrats don't cheat and we get another Republican president, he can add 1000. Then Democrats can add another 10,000. You see my little ignorant fool, diluting the SC diminishes their power and thus the entire point of the court and thus the entire judicial branch of our government.
Let's add 100. If the Democrats don't cheat and we get another Republican president, he can add 1000. Then Democrats can add another 10,000. You see my little ignorant fool, diluting the SC diminishes their power and thus the entire point of the court and thus the entire judicial branch of our government.
Great idea. The SC isn’t worth a sack of shit as is. Fuck the Supreme Court.
Biden should pack the hell out of the court. I’d add 4 justices immediately. Make it 7-6. Come on Biden, do it!
I agree. Than the rEpubs can add more. But so not worry. They will not pack it with the total opposite of the Prog extremists. There will be many Judge Roberts types included. I am telling you...We will have them legalize sending Christians to the cattle trains and to the death camps and they will make it official.
You only say this because you don't like their rulings.
You want to pack their court so you will like their rulings
In short: You're a hyperpartisan bigot.
The conservative justices are fascist shitbirds. Correct, their rulings are wrong. “Money is speech!”
That is the conservative end goal.
That is your goal. With the help of the sell out Repubs to cushion your laws and legislations and edicts. Pelosi and Biden have the opportunity to prove their beliefs. They have failed.
The conservative justices are fascist shitbirds. Correct, their rulings are wrong. “Money is speech!”

Funny, I feel exactly the same about the leftist judges. They are all activists.
That is your goal. With the help of the sell out Repubs to cushion your laws and legislations and edicts. Pelosi and Biden have the opportunity to prove their beliefs. They have failed.
Pack the court. I’m not interested in proving shit to conservatives. Pack the court and steamroll them.

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