Senator Warren wants to pack 4 more judges on the Supreme Court

The last YEAR of his Presidency.

And when was Barrett appointed? In the last two MONTHS of Trump's Presidency?
Difference is who controlled Congress. The People spoke and wanted to block Merrick.
Difference is who controlled Congress. The People spoke and wanted to block Merrick.
The two occasions the same, but only for people who do not understand the reasoning behind the former and how it differs from the reasoning behind the latter.
Or the people who -do- understand the difference, but choose to lie.
You know, you have to be the most ignorant poster I've seen in the short time I've been here. You add nothing to any thread that I have had the misfortune to see you post in.....It's pretty amazing given your volume of posts.

Yep, he's a real dingleberry. Though sometimes I wonder if he's just trolling 100% of the time.
The last YEAR of his Presidency.

And when was Barrett appointed? In the last two MONTHS of Trump's Presidency?
Obama faced a hostile congress, historically presidents rarely got partisan appointments passed in their last year. If Obama had been willing to nominate someone acceptable to the Republicans, there wouldn’t have been a problem. We can see from the AG’s partisan actions, what a disaster he would have been as a justice.
That's speculation

As opposed to the FACT that Republicans DID do just that
It's a safe bet. Politicians always take advantage of opportunities and spout inanities to justify themselves. If faced with that situation, Quid Pro will act the same way.
Obama faced a hostile congress, historically presidents rarely got partisan appointments passed in their last year. If Obama had been willing to nominate someone acceptable to the Republicans, there wouldn’t have been a problem. We can see from the AG’s partisan actions, what a disaster he would have been as a justice.
We'll never know. McConnell blocked that nomination without it ever getting a vote...and then discarded then "rule" he used to do that.

And that "hostile Congress" never had to face the fact that they voted against Obama's nominee
It's a safe bet. Politicians always take advantage of opportunities and spout inanities to justify themselves. If faced with that situation, Quid Pro will act the same way.
Thanks for your cynical take on things.

I would posit that you are projecting REPUBLICAN actions tonto the opposition
FDR said the same thing.

Only he wanted to add 6.

He failed.
It was very unpopular during FDR and the Democrats at the time would not back him because they needed to get re-elected. It was a blatant attempt by FDR to pass his political agenda. At that time the Democrats held the House, Senate and of course the Presidency.
What Mitch MC did was political game playing and wrong. If it gave some of you what you wanted you are most willing to disregard honesty in government when it serves your desired aim. Both party's need to stop the dishonesty it has divided our nation into waring factions.
That credibility has already been lost

It is already
Only in the minds of a few partisans is that true, and if the democrats make a naked power grab like adding Justices, that credibility will vanish in the minds of a LOT more people. Then, of course, there will be the inevitable backlash when Republicans follow suit and add more Justices they like, and the ones now urging that the court be packed will be shrieking bloody murder when it actually is.
We'll never know. McConnell blocked that nomination without it ever getting a vote...and then discarded then "rule" he used to do that.
You know this is not true - and thus, your statement, above, is a lie.
Dimtards are such whiny asswipes. A few ruling don't go the way they want, and their answer is to pack the court.

What childish morons.
Thanks for your cynical take on things.

I would posit that you are projecting REPUBLICAN actions tonto the opposition
Republicans have not packed the court. democrats are seriously talking about packing the court, just adding more Justices until they get the rulings they want. It's a safe bet that Quid Pro would leap at a chance to nominate justices in the last few months of his one term, despite opining to the contrary earlier.

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