Senator Who Owns 3 Houses Rails Against Americans Who ‘Worship Wealth’

This thread is full of lies... and MANY Americans that work and save money over their life that are Bernie's age can be millionaires. Sanders IS ONE OF THE POOREST people in Congress. He has 2 homes, one of which was paid for mostly from the sale of a house they inherited. What a bunch of bullshit.
This thread is full of lies... and MANY Americans that work and save money over their life that are Bernie's age can be millionaires. Sanders IS ONE OF THE POOREST people in Congress. He has 2 homes, one of which was paid for mostly from the sale of a house they inherited. What a bunch of bullshit.

Does he own 3 houses or not?
If I was going to complain about wealthy Senators

Bernie Sanders would be at the bottom of my list
This thread is full of lies... and MANY Americans that work and save money over their life that are Bernie's age can be millionaires. Sanders IS ONE OF THE POOREST people in Congress. He has 2 homes, one of which was paid for mostly from the sale of a house they inherited. What a bunch of bullshit.

Does he own 3 houses or not?

Bernie Sanders is a worthless loser who has leeched from the taxpayers for 40 years. He's never accomplished a thing in his life outside of sucking off the government tit. For a man who's enjoyed well above average income for many many years, he has managed to accumulate very little. He is an economic illiterate and failure, just as his policies would be for all Americans.

He is a despicable turd that needs to be flushed down the toilet.
Bernie Sanders is a worthless loser who has leeched from the taxpayers for 40 years. He's never accomplished a thing in his life outside of sucking off the government tit. For a man who's enjoyed well above average income for many many years, he has managed to accumulate very little. He is an economic illiterate and failure, just as his policies would be for all Americans.

He is a despicable turd that needs to be flushed down the toilet.

So which is it?

Is he a Limousine Liberal or financial failure?
You guys need to make up your mind
That's the thing with the left - they always expect for someone else to do what they think people should be doing.

View attachment 117611

Bernie Sanders on Twitter

Why are you criticizing people for being successful? Being a liberal doesn't mean you give away everything you work for, it means paying your fair share of taxes and supporting fair wages and opportunities for all.

No one asks anyone to take refugees into their homes, they ask them to take them into their communities, help them get settled, make them feel welcome.
Bernie Sanders is a worthless loser who has leeched from the taxpayers for 40 years. He's never accomplished a thing in his life outside of sucking off the government tit. For a man who's enjoyed well above average income for many many years, he has managed to accumulate very little. He is an economic illiterate and failure, just as his policies would be for all Americans.

He is a despicable turd that needs to be flushed down the toilet.

So which is it?

Is he a Limousine Liberal or financial failure?
You guys need to make up your mind

Who' is "you guys"?
Thing is Bernie is the least corrupt among the neo-bolsheviks.

He would have been purged quickly 95 years ago in Moscow.

Bernie Sanders is hardly an example of a Senator who "worships wealth". Over a lifetime, he has managed to accumulate slightly over a million dollars, much of which came from a summer house in Maine that his wife inherited
The guy reports an income of slightly more than $200,000

Keep in is the party that elected Richie Rich to be president who are criticizing Sanders for his 'wealth"
I really do not care what he owns. I care more about his charitable contributions and if he will lead by example and if not fuck him...
Bernie gave only 4% to charity.
He also reported upwards of $65,000 credit card debt, showing what a fiscal conservative he truely is.

On tax returns, Sanders and wife report $200,000 in income — mostly from his Senate post
I know of a church that claims to be a charitable organization that only contributes 1% to charity. Maybe that's typical.

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