Senators overseeing impeachment trial got campaign cash from Trump legal team members

This is hilarious.

Maybe Democrats should start another impeachment hoax so Trump can be exonerated again.
Anything it takes to deny the dems another chance at fucking up our nation....

You just rather the right wingers fuck it up.
But they aren't...this is the best economy I've ever seen in my life...and I'll be dammed before I let the dems have the keys back....

This economy was booming before Trump hit the scene.

You speak as if none of us were alive back then...we all know Obama did nothing to help the economy fact he did the opposite.....dems love them some poor it love it learn it.....

So you are saying the economy improved -- it's just that Obama didn't do anything to improve it?

Is that the delusion you started to tell yourself once reality started to kick you in the ass about Obama's economic numbers....
This is hilarious.

Maybe Democrats should start another impeachment hoax so Trump can be exonerated again.
You mean like the 10 different Benghazi investigations that ended up exonerating the people you hate over and over and over and over again....

At least in this impeachment trial -- the GOP is admitting he did it, they just don't feel its worthy of a president to be the 10 different Benghazi scam trials -- no such evidence was found...

Republicans are cucks......
This is hilarious.

Maybe Democrats should start another impeachment hoax so Trump can be exonerated again.

No they will have to wait until they take over the Senate, because the spineless republicans in the Senate have no balls. MAWA.
Some members of President Donald Trump’s impeachment defense team are campaign donors to jurors in the Senate.

Former independent counsels Ken Starr and Robert Ray, who investigated then-President Bill Clinton around the time of his impeachment, each made large campaign contributions to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell(R-Ky.) last year before joining Trump’s legal team.

Starr, who on Monday lambastedwhat he called the “age of impeachment” before the Senate, gave $2,800 to McConnell in July 2019. Just after House Democrats launched an impeachment inquiry in September, Ray gave McConnell $5,600, the maximum allowed for the primary and general elections.

Among Starr’s other political contributions, he gave $2,700 to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) in 2017. Graham has emerged as one of Trump’s staunchest allies in the Senate, but he indicated Monday he’s interested in seeing what Bolton wrote in the manuscript.


Damn I wonder why Mitt Romney didn't get any cash.
Ken Starr is a Republican. He has been on Fox news several times commenting on certain topics. He has been supporting the Republican party before Bill Clinton. Do you think that Pres.Trump should put Hillary Clinton on his legal defense team instead of Starr? Maybe the reason why he didn't hired Hillary because she is a woman. And why in the hell has nobody gave to Roger Stone legal defense?
Ken Starr was a National embarrassment for what he did during the Clinton impeachment...he was rightfully shunned because of it...

Then he slithered his way down to Baylor -- and once again became the object of national disgust when he resigned due to his willful cover-up of sexual assault at that university...he had Jeffrey Epstein level of disgust -- and just like that, he ends up on the Trump defense to Allen D -- who speaking of Epstein, defended Epstein and was also one of the people accused by Epstein's victims.....a real classy legal team you got there
The only thing that he has done disgraceful is. He stopped investigating Bill Clinton colluding with China during the election, that Bill was receiving campaign funds from Chinese officials, and Starr went after Monica Lewinsky when she all of a sudden while the DOJs were closing in on Bill's Chinagate scandal. That she stand up quickly and shouted out loud that she has sucked it. That it started to get the public's attention because the investigation started getting good. That everyone loves a cliffhanger. That Monica open confession was more popular than Who shot J.R.? That it has drowned out Chinagate.

But they aren't...this is the best economy I've ever seen in my life...and I'll be dammed before I let the dems have the keys back....

The economy is pretty much the same as it was under President Obama, but the deficits are twice the size of more now.

What part of that is good?

Everyone has a good job and is paying taxes into the treasury....and stop with the crocodile tears for the deficit because you know and we all know if Hillary were president it would be much much worse...if you want the national debt to go down call Pelosi...she holds the purse....

No, we don't know that. You saying that just proves how effective the Russian brainwashing techniques are.

Don't know what?...that the job numbers are better than we have ever seen?...what is it that you don't know?....and are you really still hung up on Russia? you got it bad...TDS is ruining your life...get out and enjoy this economy...its the best in the world and we are all fortunate to be alive today.....

It's the same economy it was 3 years ago only with bigger deficits.

Lay off the damn koolaide.

There are manufacturing jobs that have been increasing since then. Remember, Obama said we could not get any of them back. Not one. Not a morsel. Not a crumb. Not a whiff...... Of a manufacturing job would ever, ever, ever return to the shores of the continental United States. And kool aide may have expanded their operations.
It's the same economy it was 3 years ago only with bigger deficits.

Lay off the damn koolaide.
No, it's a much better economy with bigger deficits.

I'm glad Democrats discovered deficits.

It's too bad they don't control at least 1/2 of the Congress, or they could do something about it.
No, it's the same economy. Any improvement is smoke and mirrors or very small.
The economy is pretty much the same as it was under President Obama, but the deficits are twice the size of more now.

What part of that is good?
Everyone has a good job and is paying taxes into the treasury....and stop with the crocodile tears for the deficit because you know and we all know if Hillary were president it would be much much worse...if you want the national debt to go down call Pelosi...she holds the purse....
No, we don't know that. You saying that just proves how effective the Russian brainwashing techniques are.
Don't know what?...that the job numbers are better than we have ever seen?...what is it that you don't know?....and are you really still hung up on Russia? you got it bad...TDS is ruining your life...get out and enjoy this economy...its the best in the world and we are all fortunate to be alive today.....
It's the same economy it was 3 years ago only with bigger deficits.

Lay off the damn koolaide.
Lay off of the BS swamp numbers that don't mean shit to the common mans life and get out and talk to your neighbor....things are better under the Trump administration and there is no denying it....look at the market and the unemployment business start ups for women and minorities...African American employment better than it has been in 60 years..Home ownership on the rise personal debt dropping and even today we hear for the first time in 20 years that life expectancy is going can quote copy and paste all the BS you want it will not erase the truth that people are living....
Where do you get your news?

Home ownership is falling, personal debt is rising, life expectancy is falling.

I admit, your fantasy world seems nicer than the real one, but that doesn't make it any less of a fantasy.
The economy is pretty much the same as it was under President Obama, but the deficits are twice the size of more now.

What part of that is good?
Everyone has a good job and is paying taxes into the treasury....and stop with the crocodile tears for the deficit because you know and we all know if Hillary were president it would be much much worse...if you want the national debt to go down call Pelosi...she holds the purse....
No, we don't know that. You saying that just proves how effective the Russian brainwashing techniques are.
Don't know what?...that the job numbers are better than we have ever seen?...what is it that you don't know?....and are you really still hung up on Russia? you got it bad...TDS is ruining your life...get out and enjoy this economy...its the best in the world and we are all fortunate to be alive today.....
It's the same economy it was 3 years ago only with bigger deficits.

Lay off the damn koolaide.
There are manufacturing jobs that have been increasing since then. Remember, Obama said we could not get any of them back. Not one. Not a morsel. Not a crumb. Not a whiff...... Of a manufacturing job would ever, ever, ever return to the shores of the continental United States. And kool aide may have expanded their operations.
Lol, no.

Who told you that? Limbaugh? Hannity?

They lied to you.

President Obama said there were certain kinds of jobs that weren't coming back. He was talking about jobs that have been automated.

Manufacturing is the slowest part of the economy, and the sector has been contracting for a couple of years now.

Wake up, deal in realities, not fantasies.
The economy is pretty much the same as it was under President Obama, but the deficits are twice the size of more now.

What part of that is good?
Everyone has a good job and is paying taxes into the treasury....and stop with the crocodile tears for the deficit because you know and we all know if Hillary were president it would be much much worse...if you want the national debt to go down call Pelosi...she holds the purse....
No, we don't know that. You saying that just proves how effective the Russian brainwashing techniques are.
Don't know what?...that the job numbers are better than we have ever seen?...what is it that you don't know?....and are you really still hung up on Russia? you got it bad...TDS is ruining your life...get out and enjoy this economy...its the best in the world and we are all fortunate to be alive today.....
It's the same economy it was 3 years ago only with bigger deficits.

Lay off the damn koolaide.
There are manufacturing jobs that have been increasing since then. Remember, Obama said we could not get any of them back. Not one. Not a morsel. Not a crumb. Not a whiff...... Of a manufacturing job would ever, ever, ever return to the shores of the continental United States. And kool aide may have expanded their operations.

Give us some factual evidence ie. link, website, etc.
The economy is pretty much the same as it was under President Obama, but the deficits are twice the size of more now.

What part of that is good?
Everyone has a good job and is paying taxes into the treasury....and stop with the crocodile tears for the deficit because you know and we all know if Hillary were president it would be much much worse...if you want the national debt to go down call Pelosi...she holds the purse....
No, we don't know that. You saying that just proves how effective the Russian brainwashing techniques are.
Don't know what?...that the job numbers are better than we have ever seen?...what is it that you don't know?....and are you really still hung up on Russia? you got it bad...TDS is ruining your life...get out and enjoy this economy...its the best in the world and we are all fortunate to be alive today.....
It's the same economy it was 3 years ago only with bigger deficits.

Lay off the damn koolaide.
There are manufacturing jobs that have been increasing since then. Remember, Obama said we could not get any of them back. Not one. Not a morsel. Not a crumb. Not a whiff...... Of a manufacturing job would ever, ever, ever return to the shores of the continental United States. And kool aide may have expanded their operations.
Some members of President Donald Trump’s impeachment defense team are campaign donors to jurors in the Senate.

Former independent counsels Ken Starr and Robert Ray, who investigated then-President Bill Clinton around the time of his impeachment, each made large campaign contributions to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell(R-Ky.) last year before joining Trump’s legal team.

Starr, who on Monday lambastedwhat he called the “age of impeachment” before the Senate, gave $2,800 to McConnell in July 2019. Just after House Democrats launched an impeachment inquiry in September, Ray gave McConnell $5,600, the maximum allowed for the primary and general elections.

Among Starr’s other political contributions, he gave $2,700 to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) in 2017. Graham has emerged as one of Trump’s staunchest allies in the Senate, but he indicated Monday he’s interested in seeing what Bolton wrote in the manuscript.

Damn I wonder why Mitt Romney didn't get any cash.
This sort of Republican corruption comes as no surprise.
Everyone has a good job and is paying taxes into the treasury....and stop with the crocodile tears for the deficit because you know and we all know if Hillary were president it would be much much worse...if you want the national debt to go down call Pelosi...she holds the purse....
No, we don't know that. You saying that just proves how effective the Russian brainwashing techniques are.
Don't know what?...that the job numbers are better than we have ever seen?...what is it that you don't know?....and are you really still hung up on Russia? you got it bad...TDS is ruining your life...get out and enjoy this economy...its the best in the world and we are all fortunate to be alive today.....
It's the same economy it was 3 years ago only with bigger deficits.

Lay off the damn koolaide.
There are manufacturing jobs that have been increasing since then. Remember, Obama said we could not get any of them back. Not one. Not a morsel. Not a crumb. Not a whiff...... Of a manufacturing job would ever, ever, ever return to the shores of the continental United States. And kool aide may have expanded their operations.
Putin has tRumps.

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When this is all over, every GOP senator will solicit Russia for jobs to their states....Ky is the first, the rest will follow suit. Its okay, but I don't plan to learn Russian. We are now, after the vote offical stooges for the Russians and they are gonna eat this country alive and rednecks for Trump, who can barely read and speak English, will love their 12 buck an hour jobs.
This economy was booming before Trump hit the scene.
Are you perhaps mentally handicapped? It would explain a lot.
News Flash you moronic simp, Obama was handed as are all democrats who follow GOP-igs to the white house a fucked up failing economy....He took us from the edge and got a second term without Putin, without cheating, stealing or lying and turned this economy around. Now you blow hards can deny the shit all you want, but this economy is an Obama economy, not a trump deal, cause all the mf has done since taking office is try to cover his corrupt white ass and hold Klan rallies for you chicken heads.
Some members of President Donald Trump’s impeachment defense team are campaign donors to jurors in the Senate.

Former independent counsels Ken Starr and Robert Ray, who investigated then-President Bill Clinton around the time of his impeachment, each made large campaign contributions to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell(R-Ky.) last year before joining Trump’s legal team.

Starr, who on Monday lambastedwhat he called the “age of impeachment” before the Senate, gave $2,800 to McConnell in July 2019. Just after House Democrats launched an impeachment inquiry in September, Ray gave McConnell $5,600, the maximum allowed for the primary and general elections.

Among Starr’s other political contributions, he gave $2,700 to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) in 2017. Graham has emerged as one of Trump’s staunchest allies in the Senate, but he indicated Monday he’s interested in seeing what Bolton wrote in the manuscript.


Damn I wonder why Mitt Romney didn't get any cash.


This economy was booming before Trump hit the scene.
Are you perhaps mentally handicapped? It would explain a lot.
News Flash you moronic simp, Obama was handed as are all democrats who follow GOP-igs to the white house a fucked up failing economy....He took us from the edge and got a second term without Putin, without cheating, stealing or lying and turned this economy around. Now you blow hards can deny the shit all you want, but this economy is an Obama economy, not a trump deal, cause all the mf has done since taking office is try to cover his corrupt white ass and hold Klan rallies for you chicken heads.

I bet you would test an 83 on an IQ test....and I am being generous.....

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