Send a brick for Border Security


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Send YOUR Brick by
May 30th!
They will give you your reps addresses at where to send your brick, or they will send a brick for you. Can you imagine when all these bricks start being delivered to their offices. We all can't take off work to protest in the streets, but we CAN AND MUST send out OUR MESSAGE anyway we can.. :salute:

The Send-A-Brick Project was created by concerned citizens to send bricks to Washington encouraging our Congressmen to stand tough on border security.

Each brick sends a message to our Senators and Representatives that we want our borders secured before any other action is taken on illegal immigration.

We believe that if everyone who visits this site sends a brick to their Congressmen, we will send a BIG message that the American public wants secure borders NOW.

The open border policies of the United States are hurting our country. We have a tide of illegal immigrants entering our nation and our unsecured borders are an open invitation for terrorists to enter our country.

Please Send A Brick to your Congressmen today and let them know that you want a comprehensive border security plan that includes:

- A security wall along the entire southern border
- Better technology for customs and border operations
- More funding and personnel for our Border Patrol
- An overall increased security presence on our southern border.

When our border is secure, only then can we talk about other aspects of illegal immigration.

We are tired of open borders, uncontrolled immigration, terrorist infiltration, the spread of pandemic diseases, criminal alien gangs and all the other horrors that can arise due to our defenseless borders and unenforced immigration laws.

Thank you for your support with the Send-A-Brick Project!
onthefence said:
Should I send a little red brick or a cinder block?

I dare you to send a cinder block.. :teeth:
I ordered two bricks, for my reps. I want something done Now, with the border.. :beer:
Stephanie said:
I dare you to send a cinder block.. :teeth:
I ordered two bricks, for my reps. I want something done Now, with the border.. :beer:

Is that a double dog dare? Cause I'll do it.
Sending a couple of bricks to my Congressman Gibbons..he is going to run for Governor of Nevada giving up his congressional seat...sending a note telling him I will support him for his Governor run if he also reinstates the State Defense(Militia) so we have some recourse to solve our own state problems with Illegal aleins!

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