Send her back

Ilhan Omar is just like the Somalis that wanted to kill us when we were in Mogadishu in 93'.
She is evil to the core.
I saw them on the streets of Mogadishu every day.
She has no soul because she hates us with a passion.
The way she talks about white people is a dead giveaway.

I'll bite.

What did she say about white people?
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out

Not liking certain aspects of America was what this country was built on. Our constitution was formed to ensure citizens have a right to protest their governments policies, have a right to vote for the policies they support and in the case of these four women......get elected to support your views
You are right and the majority will shout her out until she leaves, free speech, go back you where you belong. You don’t like it see ya..
You really think this will make her leave?

Is that what they're saying in the Trumpiverse?
It kept dumb minority’s out of America for hundreds of years lol
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out

Not liking certain aspects of America was what this country was built on. Our constitution was formed to ensure citizens have a right to protest their governments policies, have a right to vote for the policies they support and in the case of these four women......get elected to support your views
Unless someone like Obama was in office, then you were a racist if you even hinted how fucked up his policies were.

If you dislike Obama you’re a racist! You just don’t know it yet | Flopping Aces

Unlike normal US citizens who love this country, we using our intelligence saw what the 1/2 white faggot was going to try to do Fundamentally Transform this country into a 3rd world shithole, while you who have no intelligence just hate this country with a passion, not because of its greatness, but because your liberal politicians tell you to. Braindead, thy name is Democrat.
And now...the same CRCs are doubling down.
Wtf is a CRC you keep saying it
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
Bwaaaahhhaaaaaaa...Boy are you one stupid asshole. If you love the US and where it is going, then stay, if you hate the US and it's greatness, then fucking leave. It isnt much easier than that. Of course you have to have an IQ over 70 to understand the difference between the two, but typical of liberals they fall far from being that high in intelligence.

America, love it or leave it

The most unpatriotic statement any American can make

Nope you are wrong...

Admitting you are a left wing nut job

is the most unpatriotic statement any American can make.
Ilhan Omar is just like the Somalis that wanted to kill us when we were in Mogadishu in 93'.
She is evil to the core.
I saw them on the streets of Mogadishu every day.
She has no soul because she hates us with a passion.
The way she talks about white people is a dead giveaway.

I'll bite.

What did she say about white people?
Maybe you need to watch her press conference the other day.
She makes a point of talking about whites when it's not necessary.
She talks about every time there is a WHITE supremisist....or a WHITE shooting innocent Muslims in a explain why she says "Every Time A White Person Shoots Up A Mosque" when the only time I've ever heard of it happening was in NEW ZEALAND only once. She conflates a guy from Australia with America.

Most of the time it's always MUSLIMS flying planes into buildings killing 3000 people, and MUSLIMS, attacking people with a knife, or a MUSLIM attacking people on the sidewalks with their car.....or a MUSLIM shooting up a gay bar...or a MUSLIM setting off pressure-cooker bombs at the Boston Marathon. She must think all of that is nothing.....because "Some people did some things" on 911. Muslims like Omar think that those Whites had it coming when the crazy Muslim lost his shit and killed innocent people. So she won't dignify any questions about her avid support for al Qaeda, which is obviously an attempt not to have to answer the question....because Muslim Fundamentalists feel that denying their true feelings is a they won't answer one way or another about an answer that will hang their ass if they admit to it in public outside of the mosque.......but she has no problem Trashing Trump, Christians, Jews, ICE, and America in general. THAT she doesn't avoid talking about.

Last edited:
You missed what he said then.

Trump's point was, we have these people who immigrate here, and then claim they know how our government should work. Well... if their ideas on how government should work, are so much better than the American system of government, then why don't they use those ideas in the countries they came from?

That's all Trump said. I read the entire twitter feed. He was dead on right. If their way of government is some much better than ours, why are their countries such total garbage? And their countries are total garbage.

That should be self-evident.... because if those countries were so great, they would not have come here. If Haiti was such a fantastic utopia, then why are they immigrating here? If Somalia was such a blissful paradise.... why did she immigrate here?

So obviously those places suck, which is why they came to the US.

I have no problem with that. But don't tell me that our system is so terrible, and your system is so great.... because if it was remotely true, the countries you came from wouldn't be such crap that you immigrated here.

Trump is dead on right.
That is not what our President said

He spoke (inaccurately) specifically about four brown women who disagree with him
Those women got elected to Congress to fight for those who believe as they did

Then here is your chance to prove me wrong. Because I looked up the tweets in question, and read them all in context.

So, if you are right, please post the tweets in question.

Now if you are referring to the article you posted here....

"Tonight I have a suggestion for the hate-filled extremists who are constantly trying to tear our country down," Trump told the crowd in North Carolina, a swing state he won in 2016 and wants to claim again in 2020. "They never have anything good to say. That's why I say, 'Hey if you don't like it, let 'em leave, let 'em leave.'"
I agree with Trump. 100%. If you hate this country, and never have anything good to say about it.... then put your money where your mouth is, and leave.

That's all he said. I agree! Let them leave. If this place is 'oh-so-terrible'.... there are planes leaving the country every minute. Pick one and get lost. If you think it sucks so bad, then stop running your mouth, and start moving your feet.

Whiny people should be deported. Honestly. All of them. If you really believe this country is racists, and bigoted, and intolerant, and it is so terrible you have nothing good to say about it.... then prove it by going to all these other countries that are so much better. Trump is dead on right.

"They never have anything good to say. That's why I say, 'Hey if you don't like it, let 'em leave, let 'em leave.'"

Trump never had anything good to say about Obama, should he have been encouraged to leave the country?

We are Americans, we don’t have to leave if we don’t like things about our country. We have a Constitution that gives you freedom of speech, a right to vote, a right to run for elective office and change things


They don't have anything good to say about the country. Trump wasn't talking about himself. "Tonight I have a suggestion for the hate-filled extremists who are constantly trying to tear our country down"

And he's dead on right.

We are Americans, we don’t have to leave if we don’t like things about our country

Are you an idiot? Did Trump pass an executive order forcing out all people who complain? No he did not.

So what the crap are you talking about?

Basically you are just whining that you crying whining left-wingers are not the only ones with freedom of speech.
Once again, Trump is urging that those who oppose him leave the country

Hint: Being anti Trump is not being anti American

But he said specifically.... people who have nothing good to say about the country. There are people who disagree with Trump on various issues, that have many good things to say about the country. I don't see Trump telling them that they should leave.

So no, you are factually incorrect. And by the way.... it exactly because of the lies you are telling here, that is bolstering support for Trump. When you can't even tell the truth about his statements, when we can look them up.... In fact, when you can't even tell the truth about Trumps statements when you yourself posted those statements......

That is why Trump won the previous election, and why he could win the reelection.

Republican support for Trump rises after racially charged tweets: Reuters/Ipsos poll - Reuters

You are going to get Trump reelected doing this crap. So if he wins again, and is president for another 4 years, look in the mirror to see why.
That is not what our President said

He spoke (inaccurately) specifically about four brown women who disagree with him
Those women got elected to Congress to fight for those who believe as they did

Then here is your chance to prove me wrong. Because I looked up the tweets in question, and read them all in context.

So, if you are right, please post the tweets in question.

Now if you are referring to the article you posted here....

"Tonight I have a suggestion for the hate-filled extremists who are constantly trying to tear our country down," Trump told the crowd in North Carolina, a swing state he won in 2016 and wants to claim again in 2020. "They never have anything good to say. That's why I say, 'Hey if you don't like it, let 'em leave, let 'em leave.'"
I agree with Trump. 100%. If you hate this country, and never have anything good to say about it.... then put your money where your mouth is, and leave.

That's all he said. I agree! Let them leave. If this place is 'oh-so-terrible'.... there are planes leaving the country every minute. Pick one and get lost. If you think it sucks so bad, then stop running your mouth, and start moving your feet.

Whiny people should be deported. Honestly. All of them. If you really believe this country is racists, and bigoted, and intolerant, and it is so terrible you have nothing good to say about it.... then prove it by going to all these other countries that are so much better. Trump is dead on right.

"They never have anything good to say. That's why I say, 'Hey if you don't like it, let 'em leave, let 'em leave.'"

Trump never had anything good to say about Obama, should he have been encouraged to leave the country?

We are Americans, we don’t have to leave if we don’t like things about our country. We have a Constitution that gives you freedom of speech, a right to vote, a right to run for elective office and change things


They don't have anything good to say about the country. Trump wasn't talking about himself. "Tonight I have a suggestion for the hate-filled extremists who are constantly trying to tear our country down"

And he's dead on right.

We are Americans, we don’t have to leave if we don’t like things about our country

Are you an idiot? Did Trump pass an executive order forcing out all people who complain? No he did not.

So what the crap are you talking about?

Basically you are just whining that you crying whining left-wingers are not the only ones with freedom of speech.
Once again, Trump is urging that those who oppose him leave the country

Hint: Being anti Trump is not being anti American
They oppose America.
They have been spewing Anti-American propaganda since they took office. They should have been censured by the House, but Nancy Pelosi is too gutless to do it.

Actually they called Pelosi a racists too. Which I think is great. These garbage people call anyone that disagrees with them, racists. And then the mindless left-wingers like that guy above, are ridiculous enough to say "Trump says anyone who disagrees with him should leave"....

Like I said, guys like that are who are going to get Trump elected.
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out

Not liking certain aspects of America was what this country was built on. Our constitution was formed to ensure citizens have a right to protest their governments policies, have a right to vote for the policies they support and in the case of these four women......get elected to support your views
You are right and the majority will shout her out until she leaves, free speech, go back you where you belong. You don’t like it see ya..
You really think this will make her leave?

Is that what they're saying in the Trumpiverse?
It kept dumb minority’s out of America for hundreds of years lol

And somehow you got here anyway.
I am the majority
Not liking certain aspects of America was what this country was built on. Our constitution was formed to ensure citizens have a right to protest their governments policies, have a right to vote for the policies they support and in the case of these four women......get elected to support your views
You are right and the majority will shout her out until she leaves, free speech, go back you where you belong. You don’t like it see ya..
You really think this will make her leave?

Is that what they're saying in the Trumpiverse?
It kept dumb minority’s out of America for hundreds of years lol

And somehow you got here anyway.
I am the majority

Guess again.
You are right and the majority will shout her out until she leaves, free speech, go back you where you belong. You don’t like it see ya..
You really think this will make her leave?

Is that what they're saying in the Trumpiverse?
It kept dumb minority’s out of America for hundreds of years lol

And somehow you got here anyway.
I am the majority

Guess again.
No it’s a fact I am the majority race
Then here is your chance to prove me wrong. Because I looked up the tweets in question, and read them all in context.

So, if you are right, please post the tweets in question.

Now if you are referring to the article you posted here....

"Tonight I have a suggestion for the hate-filled extremists who are constantly trying to tear our country down," Trump told the crowd in North Carolina, a swing state he won in 2016 and wants to claim again in 2020. "They never have anything good to say. That's why I say, 'Hey if you don't like it, let 'em leave, let 'em leave.'"
I agree with Trump. 100%. If you hate this country, and never have anything good to say about it.... then put your money where your mouth is, and leave.

That's all he said. I agree! Let them leave. If this place is 'oh-so-terrible'.... there are planes leaving the country every minute. Pick one and get lost. If you think it sucks so bad, then stop running your mouth, and start moving your feet.

Whiny people should be deported. Honestly. All of them. If you really believe this country is racists, and bigoted, and intolerant, and it is so terrible you have nothing good to say about it.... then prove it by going to all these other countries that are so much better. Trump is dead on right.

"They never have anything good to say. That's why I say, 'Hey if you don't like it, let 'em leave, let 'em leave.'"

Trump never had anything good to say about Obama, should he have been encouraged to leave the country?

We are Americans, we don’t have to leave if we don’t like things about our country. We have a Constitution that gives you freedom of speech, a right to vote, a right to run for elective office and change things


They don't have anything good to say about the country. Trump wasn't talking about himself. "Tonight I have a suggestion for the hate-filled extremists who are constantly trying to tear our country down"

And he's dead on right.

We are Americans, we don’t have to leave if we don’t like things about our country

Are you an idiot? Did Trump pass an executive order forcing out all people who complain? No he did not.

So what the crap are you talking about?

Basically you are just whining that you crying whining left-wingers are not the only ones with freedom of speech.
Once again, Trump is urging that those who oppose him leave the country

Hint: Being anti Trump is not being anti American
They oppose America.
They have been spewing Anti-American propaganda since they took office. They should have been censured by the House, but Nancy Pelosi is too gutless to do it.

Actually they called Pelosi a racists too. Which I think is great. These garbage people call anyone that disagrees with them, racists. And then the mindless left-wingers like that guy above, are ridiculous enough to say "Trump says anyone who disagrees with him should leave"....

Like I said, guys like that are who are going to get Trump elected.
Also get CNN booted off the air.
Ilhan Omar is just like the Somalis that wanted to kill us when we were in Mogadishu in 93'.
She is evil to the core.
I saw them on the streets of Mogadishu every day.
She has no soul because she hates us with a passion.
The way she talks about white people is a dead giveaway.

I'll bite.

What did she say about white people?
Maybe you need to watch her press conference the other day.
She makes a point of talking about whites when it's not necessary.
She talks about every time there is a WHITE supremisist....or a WHITE shooting innocent Muslims in a explain why she says "Every Time A White Person Shoots Up A Mosque" when the only time I've ever heard of it happening was in NEW ZEALAND only once. She conflates a guy from Australia with America.

Most of the time it's always MUSLIMS flying planes into buildings killing 3000 people, and MUSLIMS, attacking people with a knife, or a MUSLIM attacking people on the sidewalks with their car.....or a MUSLIM shooting up a gay bar...or a MUSLIM setting off pressure-cooker bombs at the Boston Marathon. She must think all of that is nothing.....because "Some people did some things" on 911. Muslims like Omar think that those Whites had it coming when the crazy Muslim lost his shit and killed innocent people. So she won't dignify any questions about her avid support for al Qaeda, which is obviously an attempt not to have to answer the question....because Muslim Fundamentalists feel that denying their true feelings is a they won't answer one way or another about an answer that will hang their ass if they admit to it in public outside of the mosque.......but she has no problem Trashing Trump, Christians, Jews, ICE, and America in general. THAT she doesn't avoid talking about.

Ok I watched the press conference and I'm caught up now.

She was addressing Trump saying that she was in favor of al-qaeda. She was saying that she shouldn't have to condemn Islamic terrorists every time one of them does something terrible, just as white people shouldn't have to condemn terrorist acts committed by white people. At least that's how I received it.

Her comment didn't seem out of line to me. Trump's false claims against her don't see anything wrong with that?

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