Send her back

You mean like when you phonies babble about 'trailer trash' and other dog whistle words? Makes one wonder, though, since trailer parks have more minority residents than white ones, but of course in your bizarre world white people who are poor deserve tio be abused, while 'everybody else' we're supposed to pretend are just frustrated neurosurgeons and geniuses of one sort or another. I'm sure Rodney King and Saint Trayvon were on their way to being future Einsteins if it hadn't been for DA Evul White Debuls that got in their way.
Not at all. Poor white people are poor because of their own stupid decisions. They have to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. By themselves without any govt or societal help.

You already know that's how it works in Trump's 'Murica so kwitcherwhining.

Yes, you can't get past your own racism, we already know that about you left wing frauds. Your load of bullshit duly noted.
Well, since lock her up was such a joke, I guess they needed something new.

Even his worshipers know that is not going to happen
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out

Not liking certain aspects of America was what this country was built on. Our constitution was formed to ensure citizens have a right to protest their governments policies, have a right to vote for the policies they support and in the case of these four women......get elected to support your views
i havnt heard any of those for say what they like about America !!! according to wimps like you burning the flag is patriotic decent ,defending the flag is racist .
Well, since lock her up was such a joke, I guess they needed something new.

Even his worshipers know that is not going to happen
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out

Not liking certain aspects of America was what this country was built on. Our constitution was formed to ensure citizens have a right to protest their governments policies, have a right to vote for the policies they support and in the case of these four women......get elected to support your views
i havnt heard any of those for say what they like about America !!! according to wimps like you burning the flag is patriotic decent ,defending the flag is racist .

According to you, Americans have no right to dissent, no right to criticize the government, and no right to speak their minds. Whether you say "Send her back" or "America - love it or leave it", both sentiments are un-American and violate the Constitution.

The Founding Fathers were the ultimate protestors. They enshrined the rights you would take away from Oman and the other Congresswomen. What you're proposing is government by authoritarian dictatorship.
Well, since lock her up was such a joke, I guess they needed something new.

Even his worshipers know that is not going to happen
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out

Not liking certain aspects of America was what this country was built on. Our constitution was formed to ensure citizens have a right to protest their governments policies, have a right to vote for the policies they support and in the case of these four women......get elected to support your views
i havnt heard any of those for say what they like about America !!! according to wimps like you burning the flag is patriotic decent ,defending the flag is racist .

According to you, Americans have no right to dissent, no right to criticize the government, and no right to speak their minds. Whether you say "Send her back" or "America - love it or leave it", both sentiments are un-American and violate the Constitution.

The Founding Fathers were the ultimate protestors. They enshrined the rights you would take away from Oman and the other Congresswomen. What you're proposing is government by authoritarian dictatorship.

lol the Founding Fathers would have put Omar and the rest of them on the first ship heading east, and you along with them. You don't know squat about it, and what they're proposing is necessary for a country to work. You filthy deviants and haters have no place in free societies based on principles and morals, you're all sociopaths and fascists.
Well, since lock her up was such a joke, I guess they needed something new.

Even his worshipers know that is not going to happen
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out

Not liking certain aspects of America was what this country was built on. Our constitution was formed to ensure citizens have a right to protest their governments policies, have a right to vote for the policies they support and in the case of these four women......get elected to support your views
i havnt heard any of those for say what they like about America !!! according to wimps like you burning the flag is patriotic decent ,defending the flag is racist .

According to you, Americans have no right to dissent, no right to criticize the government, and no right to speak their minds. Whether you say "Send her back" or "America - love it or leave it", both sentiments are un-American and violate the Constitution.

The Founding Fathers were the ultimate protestors. They enshrined the rights you would take away from Oman and the other Congresswomen. What you're proposing is government by authoritarian dictatorship.
i did not say anything about taking away her right of free speech ,she has the right to say as her anti Semitic American hating ass pleases ...i also have the right to say love it or leave it you condemn antifa for physically attacking people they disagree with ???
Divided We Stand.....
United We Fall....

I wonder what all these Socialists and America haters are gonna do when the bank is busted and the well runs dry?

1). Celebrate
2). Starve

Oh wait! That's exactly what they did in Venezuela come to think of it.

FYI: We don't live in Venezuela.

FYI: I know what will happen when the Plutocrats take control and bleed the Middle Class and the working poor - remember the Bastille.
Well, since lock her up was such a joke, I guess they needed something new.

Even his worshipers know that is not going to happen
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out

Not liking certain aspects of America was what this country was built on. Our constitution was formed to ensure citizens have a right to protest their governments policies, have a right to vote for the policies they support and in the case of these four women......get elected to support your views
i havnt heard any of those for say what they like about America !!! according to wimps like you burning the flag is patriotic decent ,defending the flag is racist .

According to you, Americans have no right to dissent, no right to criticize the government, and no right to speak their minds. Whether you say "Send her back" or "America - love it or leave it", both sentiments are un-American and violate the Constitution.

The Founding Fathers were the ultimate protestors. They enshrined the rights you would take away from Oman and the other Congresswomen. What you're proposing is government by authoritarian dictatorship.
i did not say anything about taking away her right of free speech ,she has the right to say as her anti Semitic American hating ass pleases ...i also have the right to say love it or leave it you condemn antifa for physically attacking people they disagree with ???
Dang skippy........

Antifa not long ago tried to attack a ICE office...............hardly anything on it from the left wing BS media
Antifa ‘martyr’ wrote this manifesto before attacking an ICE detention center
Divided We Stand.....
United We Fall....

I wonder what all these Socialists and America haters are gonna do when the bank is busted and the well runs dry?

1). Celebrate
2). Starve

Oh wait! That's exactly what they did in Venezuela come to think of it.

FYI: We don't live in Venezuela.

FYI: I know what will happen when the Plutocrats take control and bleed the Middle Class and the working poor - remember the Bastille.
No shit Sherlock.

We don't want to become we want your far left freaks on a leash.............They need to be ridiculed and spoke out against..............Hell. even the Dem party is fractured because of them..................many in the Dem party are going how do we control these lunatics.

No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out

You don't like Americans, maybe you ought to go somewhere else.

How about racist, right-wing loon Americans. Is it okay to dislike them? Or are they immune from criticism?
How about we be honest here...................We don't like don't like us.

There..............sums it up.

Now Omar is a dang own the Traitor............too dang bad for you.

Treason is hard to prove, and easy for someone ignorant of that law to label someone as a traitor. Grow up.
This is a opinionated thread...................I have seen her comments and don't like them. PERIOD............that is my opinion............and would help her pack to leave.

Clear it up for you..............Her comments are BS.................MY OPINION.........TRAITOR........

You don't agree I don't care.............It's way past dang time we state what we believe openly in this country. And pussy footing around the subject.......Which is what the PC idiots want.................My point stands.

I agree, and it is my opinion that you and other supporters of trump are fascists.
You don't like Americans, maybe you ought to go somewhere else.

How about racist, right-wing loon Americans. Is it okay to dislike them? Or are they immune from criticism?
How about we be honest here...................We don't like don't like us.

There..............sums it up.

Now Omar is a dang own the Traitor............too dang bad for you.

Treason is hard to prove, and easy for someone ignorant of that law to label someone as a traitor. Grow up.
This is a opinionated thread...................I have seen her comments and don't like them. PERIOD............that is my opinion............and would help her pack to leave.

Clear it up for you..............Her comments are BS.................MY OPINION.........TRAITOR........

You don't agree I don't care.............It's way past dang time we state what we believe openly in this country. And pussy footing around the subject.......Which is what the PC idiots want.................My point stands.

I agree, and it is my opinion that you and other supporters of trump are fascists.
Well good for you..............Now explain the Fascists actions of the Far left...........

Burning cities down........going postal because someone of a different opinion is gonna speak..........Antifa TERRORISTS.........

Your side has a lot of nerve calling us fascists................and Omar is Anti Semitic from hell............SHE DOESN'T SPEAK FOR US...........If she speaks for you then that is your dang problem........

She is a TRAITOR...................My point stands.............
You don't like Americans, maybe you ought to go somewhere else.

How about racist, right-wing loon Americans. Is it okay to dislike them? Or are they immune from criticism?
How about we be honest here...................We don't like don't like us.

There..............sums it up.

Now Omar is a dang own the Traitor............too dang bad for you.

Treason is hard to prove, and easy for someone ignorant of that law to label someone as a traitor. Grow up.
This is a opinionated thread...................I have seen her comments and don't like them. PERIOD............that is my opinion............and would help her pack to leave.

Clear it up for you..............Her comments are BS.................MY OPINION.........TRAITOR........

You don't agree I don't care.............It's way past dang time we state what we believe openly in this country. And pussy footing around the subject.......Which is what the PC idiots want.................My point stands.

I agree, and it is my opinion that you and other supporters of trump are fascists.
You're an idiot.
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
Kick rightwinger out! That would be fine, of course you would be alright. You sucked Obama's cock, I'm sure you gladly accept another communist cock. You're welcome.

Your post is vulgar and in all honesty stupid. Why go out of your way to be seen as a degenerate? If I had the power I'd ban you from this message board, you bring discredit to every person who posts here with decorum.
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
Kick rightwinger out! That would be fine, of course you would be alright. You sucked Obama's cock, I'm sure you gladly accept another communist cock. You're welcome.

Your post is vulgar and in all honesty stupid. Why go out of your way to be seen as a degenerate? If I had the power I'd ban you from this message board, you bring discredit to every person who posts here with decorum.
Lol, you got rightwinger's 'oh nevermind.
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
Kick rightwinger out! That would be fine, of course you would be alright. You sucked Obama's cock, I'm sure you gladly accept another communist cock. You're welcome.

Your post is vulgar and in all honesty stupid. Why go out of your way to be seen as a degenerate? If I had the power I'd ban you from this message board, you bring discredit to every person who posts here with decorum.
Lol, you got rightwinger's 'oh nevermind.

Double down on stupid, no surprise here.
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
Kick rightwinger out! That would be fine, of course you would be alright. You sucked Obama's cock, I'm sure you gladly accept another communist cock. You're welcome.

Your post is vulgar and in all honesty stupid. Why go out of your way to be seen as a degenerate? If I had the power I'd ban you from this message board, you bring discredit to every person who posts here with decorum.
Lol, you got rightwinger's 'oh nevermind.

Double down on stupid, no surprise here.
Stupidity is liberalism, and anti American. Sorry your party has finally collapsed.

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