Send her back

She LOVES CAIR.............Imagine that.

NEVER FORGET..........

Never Forget: CAIR's Dirty Deeds - Rasmussen Reports®

Never forget: The federal government designated CAIR an un-indicted terror co-conspirator in 2007 in the prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation and others for providing support to violent Hamas jihadists. Investigators tied CAIR's founders to the Islamic Association for Palestine, founded by a senior Hamas jihadist to serve as the terrorist group's public relations and recruitment arm in America. The Holy Land Foundation, a terror-financing charity, provided seed money for CAIR's Beltway office.

Never forget: CAIR is a designated terror organization in the United Arab Emirates.

Never forget: Federal law enforcement investigators banned interactions with CAIR to "prevent CAIR from publicly exploiting such contacts with the FBI."

Never forget: Ghassan Elashi, a founding board member of CAIR's Texas chapter, was convicted of laundering money for Hamas terrorism. CAIR's civil rights director Randall Todd Royer trained with the al Qaeda-linked jihad group Lashkar-e-Taiba and was convicted of conspiring to engage in terror activities. Bassem Khafagi, former CAIR community affairs director and a founder of the sharia-promoting Islamic Assembly of North America, was deported back to his home country of Egypt after being convicted for bank and visa fraud.
Federal Judge Hands Downs Sentences in Holy Land Foundation Case

HLF was incorporated by Shukri Abu Baker, Mohammad El-Mezain, and Ghassan Elashi. Mufid Abdulqader and Abdulrahman Odeh worked as fund raisers. Together, with others, they provided material support to the Hamas movement.

Shukri Abu Baker, 50, of Garland, Texas, was sentenced to a total of 65 years in prison. He was convicted of 10 counts of conspiracy to provide, and the provision of, material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization; 11 counts of conspiracy to provide, and the provision of, funds, goods and services to a Specially Designated Terrorist; 10 counts of conspiracy to commit, and the commission of, money laundering; one count of conspiracy to impede and impair the Internal Revenue Service (IRS); and one count of filing a false tax return.

Mohammad El-Mezain, 55, of San Diego, California, was sentenced to the statutory maximum of 15 years in prison. He was convicted on one count of conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization.

Ghassan Elashi, 55, of Richardson, Texas, was sentenced to a total of 65 years in prison. He was convicted on the same counts as Abu Baker, and one additional count of filing a false tax return.

Mufid Abdulqader, 49, of Richardson, Texas, was sentenced to a total of 20 years in prison. He was convicted on one count of conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, one count of conspiracy to provide goods, funds, and services to a specially designated terrorist, and one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering.

Abdulrahman Odeh, 49, of Patterson, New Jersey, was sentenced to 15 years in prison. He was convicted on the same counts as Abdulqader.

HLF, now defunct, was convicted on10 counts of conspiracy to provide, and the provision of, material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization; 11 counts of conspiracy to provide, and the provision of, funds, goods and services to a Specially Designated Terrorist; and 10 counts of conspiracy to commit, and the commission of, money laundering.
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out

You don't like Americans, maybe you ought to go somewhere else.
I love all real Americans.. not who democrats tell me who’s American
Well, since lock her up was such a joke, I guess they needed something new.

Even his worshipers know that is not going to happen
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out

Not liking certain aspects of America was what this country was built on. Our constitution was formed to ensure citizens have a right to protest their governments policies, have a right to vote for the policies they support and in the case of these four women......get elected to support your views
i havnt heard any of those for say what they like about America !!! according to wimps like you burning the flag is patriotic decent ,defending the flag is racist .

According to you, Americans have no right to dissent, no right to criticize the government, and no right to speak their minds. Whether you say "Send her back" or "America - love it or leave it", both sentiments are un-American and violate the Constitution.

The Founding Fathers were the ultimate protestors. They enshrined the rights you would take away from Oman and the other Congresswomen. What you're proposing is government by authoritarian dictatorship.
Who said they can’t talk?
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out

Not liking certain aspects of America was what this country was built on. Our constitution was formed to ensure citizens have a right to protest their governments policies, have a right to vote for the policies they support and in the case of these four women......get elected to support your views
You are right and the majority will shout her out until she leaves, free speech, go back you where you belong. You don’t like it see ya..
You really think this will make her leave?

Is that what they're saying in the Trumpiverse?
No........when they start bringing indictments for immigration fraud and income tax evasion....she'll be gone in no time.......

Ilhan Omar is just like the Somalis that wanted to kill us when we were in Mogadishu in 93'.
She is evil to the core.
I saw them on the streets of Mogadishu every day.
She has no soul because she hates us with a passion.
The way she talks about white people is a dead giveaway.
And only a cold soulless bitch could come here and trash the country that saved her from extinction.
She thinks that what she's saying is what most of America wants to hear.....but most us us remember what happened in Somali. I was there.
If she was still in Somalia she'd probably be dead.
Okay, well, I'll keep an eye peeled for those indictments.
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out

You don't like Americans, maybe you ought to go somewhere else.
I love all real Americans.. not who democrats tell me who’s American
I love all Americans with the exception of racists, Especially those who when called to serve our great country; went ,,Not like this yellow degenerate scum in our WH now
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out

You don't like Americans, maybe you ought to go somewhere else.
I love all real Americans.. not who democrats tell me who’s American
I love all Americans with the exception of racists, Especially those who when called to serve our great country; went ,,Not like this yellow degenerate scum in our WH now
You hate America because most of America is made up of trump supporters.. you only like 3 counties in America that are over populated with foreigners who vote illegally lol

So you should def move out
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
Bwaaaahhhaaaaaaa...Boy are you one stupid asshole. If you love the US and where it is going, then stay, if you hate the US and it's greatness, then fucking leave. It isnt much easier than that. Of course you have to have an IQ over 70 to understand the difference between the two, but typical of liberals they fall far from being that high in intelligence.

America, love it or leave it

The most unpatriotic statement any American can make
my my, go on about a diatribe of free speech etc and then when us cons use free speech it's unpatriotic.

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