Send Out The Clowns

Idiocy. Ask the South how secession worked out for them.
Let them go, no more palousey, feinstein, waters or other crazy assed bitches. I can live with it.
they pull this in texas from time to time to appease the lemmings. not gonna happen to either one.
sounds like a good idea

then the northern section can secede from the state

Do these idiot Progs really believe they will be permitted to secede? Do they have even a smidgen of awareness of what will rain down upon their headpoints should they try?

They are welcome to leave the Union if they so choose. We keep the real estate and all on it.

‘Calexit’ backers confident about latest plan to leave the United States

After 37 years of living in California, I raised a family, had a productive career and retired last June 30th

I put that shit hole in my rear-view mirror one day later

The place is a mexican infested third world country, save for the media darlings of Malibu, Carlsbad, etc.

Schools are dummed down to the illegal alien class. Hell, they even have bilingual classes where your kid is deprived from a full day of instruction instead they are forced to sit in the slow lane so the illegals can come up to speed

Need I mention Waters, Boxer, Crimestein and that Acid head Brown? And that asshole thought he was going to tax my pension to pay for his illegal mexican votes. He was sadly mistaken. Oh, and they want your guns bad. That state is so Un-American who gives a shit if they want to become a part of Mexico again. Have at it

California can fuck off

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Texas and a few other states have made motions to secede in the last 10 years as well. Everyone get on board and let's get it done. Red states can go be their own country, build a huge wall all the way around it, make slavery legal again, deport everyone that isn't fake Kristian.

All we need are enough people to agree it's time and we can get it done. Just imagine cons, you never have to listen to a 'librul' politician on tv again running for office as your new government will outlaw all opposing opinion to yours! Sweet and just what you want. Put 9 uber evangelicals on the new red state supreme court and outlaw all religions except yours! Make it mandatory for people to buy, eat, burn, and bathe in coal! Good times! And, no more colleges that teach pesky facts. Only bible colleges that teach about talking snakes and eating apples.

Just imagine the conservative utopia you can create. So let's 'git 'er done'!
Go read some of the comments at bottom of the page. I really like one where they said the other 49 states should be allowed to sign the ballot initiatives and they would meet their mark in 24 hours

Texas and a few other states have made motions to secede in the last 10 years as well. Everyone get on board and let's get it done. Red states can go be their own country, build a huge wall all the way around it, make slavery legal again, deport everyone that isn't fake Kristian.

All we need are enough people to agree it's time and we can get it done. Just imagine cons, you never have to listen to a 'librul' politician on tv again running for office as your new government will outlaw all opposing opinion to yours! Sweet and just what you want. Put 9 uber evangelicals on the new red state supreme court and outlaw all religions except yours! Make it mandatory for people to buy, eat, burn, and bathe in coal! Good times! And, no more colleges that teach pesky facts. Only bible colleges that teach about talking snakes and eating apples.

Just imagine the conservative utopia you can create. So let's 'git 'er done'!

You asshats would be Venzuela in a decade
Texas and a few other states have made motions to secede in the last 10 years as well. Everyone get on board and let's get it done. Red states can go be their own country, build a huge wall all the way around it, make slavery legal again, deport everyone that isn't fake Kristian.

All we need are enough people to agree it's time and we can get it done. Just imagine cons, you never have to listen to a 'librul' politician on tv again running for office as your new government will outlaw all opposing opinion to yours! Sweet and just what you want. Put 9 uber evangelicals on the new red state supreme court and outlaw all religions except yours! Make it mandatory for people to buy, eat, burn, and bathe in coal! Good times! And, no more colleges that teach pesky facts. Only bible colleges that teach about talking snakes and eating apples.

Just imagine the conservative utopia you can create. So let's 'git 'er done'!

Big difference: Texas is a self-reliant state with oil, cattle, and a lot of other resources. California pretty much exists by sucking the government tit.

The pandemonium ensuing after California seceded, would be hilarious.
Texas and a few other states have made motions to secede in the last 10 years as well. Everyone get on board and let's get it done. Red states can go be their own country, build a huge wall all the way around it, make slavery legal again, deport everyone that isn't fake Kristian.

All we need are enough people to agree it's time and we can get it done. Just imagine cons, you never have to listen to a 'librul' politician on tv again running for office as your new government will outlaw all opposing opinion to yours! Sweet and just what you want. Put 9 uber evangelicals on the new red state supreme court and outlaw all religions except yours! Make it mandatory for people to buy, eat, burn, and bathe in coal! Good times! And, no more colleges that teach pesky facts. Only bible colleges that teach about talking snakes and eating apples.

Just imagine the conservative utopia you can create. So let's 'git 'er done'!

Big difference: Texas is a self-reliant state with oil, cattle, and a lot of other resources. California pretty much exists by sucking the government tit.

The pandemonium ensuing after California seceded, would be hilarious.
It would be fun to watch! LOL
I disagree. I want California to secede.

If they do, it is likely other states will follow. This will put an end to the Empire. How great would that be?
It's not going to happen, Cali is like the lazy unmotivated kid still living in our basement.
If they leave the Union then they should take Oregon, and Arizona with them to live under Mexican law. Thereby making several azzhat politicians Mexican. LOL
Texas and a few other states have made motions to secede in the last 10 years as well. Everyone get on board and let's get it done. Red states can go be their own country, build a huge wall all the way around it, make slavery legal again, deport everyone that isn't fake Kristian.

All we need are enough people to agree it's time and we can get it done. Just imagine cons, you never have to listen to a 'librul' politician on tv again running for office as your new government will outlaw all opposing opinion to yours! Sweet and just what you want. Put 9 uber evangelicals on the new red state supreme court and outlaw all religions except yours! Make it mandatory for people to buy, eat, burn, and bathe in coal! Good times! And, no more colleges that teach pesky facts. Only bible colleges that teach about talking snakes and eating apples.

Just imagine the conservative utopia you can create. So let's 'git 'er done'!
the asshat is strong in this one.
What's the best way that we can show our support for our Progressive brothers and sisters to take CA and leave the USA?

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