Seniors have had enough of Trump

Biden is not popular with mainstream voters
Wrong. Biden is very popular, as most state and national polling reflects. Trump in increasingly unpopular, especially with seniors. He does not give a damn about coronavirus, threatening our age group, so voting for him is bad, not only for our health, but our survival. Dump Trump!

Oh, well since you say so, I guess it must be fact....I think I'll wait for the results of the election.
What has also been scaring seniors, as well as affecting their immune systems, is b.l.m./a.n.t.i.f.a terror and racism, and as far as the image of golf carts go, seniors will have to face their own stupidity when comparing the eye-pain of destruction that all of us have had to witness, exacerbated by a fentanyl eater.
A senior warning sign for Trump: ‘Go Biden’ cry at Villages

View attachment 399676
THE VILLAGES, Fla. (AP) — Sara Branscome’s golf cart whizzed down the smooth asphalt path that winds through The Villages, the nation’s largest retirement community, an expanse of beautiful homes,...

I am voting Joe Biden. Lots of senior are. Most of us would never see the newest scientific miracle drug combinations made available to the science disbeliever 74 year old president when he came down with the coronavirus, and we know it. It is not forgotten that trump supporters, supporting their candidate, said we should take one for the country (trump), regarding Coronavirus. We will not go quietly into that good night to support one who does not support us. Donnie has got to go.
Seniors have had enough of Trump
Free shit begging needy seniors have always been Leftist filth...Foolish old desperate fucks whom think they need Father Government to lead them around by the nose and keep them safe....yep, all voting for the ticket with half a century in government and no notable accomplishments other than wing man to the Kenyan.....nothing new to see here.
I guess we all have our own perspectives, but many seniors built a life around their children who instead of reciprocating the good life that their parents gave them, abandoned family for selfish pursuits. Having emptied their savings on college educations or transferring homes and the family businesses to the children, they often are left with nothing but welfare. Life hands each of us good times and bad.
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A senior warning sign for Trump: ‘Go Biden’ cry at Villages

View attachment 399676
THE VILLAGES, Fla. (AP) — Sara Branscome’s golf cart whizzed down the smooth asphalt path that winds through The Villages, the nation’s largest retirement community, an expanse of beautiful homes,...

I am voting Joe Biden. Lots of senior are. Most of us would never see the newest scientific miracle drug combinations made available to the science disbeliever 74 year old president when he came down with the coronavirus, and we know it. It is not forgotten that trump supporters, supporting their candidate, said we should take one for the country (trump), regarding Coronavirus. We will not go quietly into that good night to support one who does not support us. Donnie has got to go.
Seniors have had enough of Trump
Free shit begging needy seniors have always been Leftist filth...Foolish old desperate fucks whom think they need Father Government to lead them around by the nose and keep them safe....yep, all voting for the ticket with half a century in government and no notable accomplishments other than wing man to the Kenyan.....nothing new to see here.
That is just exactly what seniors think trumpers and trump think. It doesn't matter to you, your narrative is false, that most of the senior I know (including me) live in nice paid for homes, drive nice paid for cars, take expensive paid for vacations, have well stock retirement accounts, pay our taxes on time or early as most of us make enough in retirement, we still have to pay more taxes the trump, probably more than you. We are just not willing to blithely sit by while trump encourages contempt for communicable disease spread at risk to our lives and many of us do not like the effect he is having on the country we grew up in, supported in war and peace, sacrificed for and now wish to simply enjoy and pass it along to our children in one piece when we are ready. Trump is bad for seniors, bad for for the country as a whole and only good for dictators and autocrats around the world. Trump has got to go. Most of us will be voting for Joe Biden for President in 2020, to bring sanity back to government (and hopefully politics) and to protect ourselves and the country from trump's foolish policies.
A senior warning sign for Trump: ‘Go Biden’ cry at Villages

View attachment 399676
THE VILLAGES, Fla. (AP) — Sara Branscome’s golf cart whizzed down the smooth asphalt path that winds through The Villages, the nation’s largest retirement community, an expanse of beautiful homes,...

I am voting Joe Biden. Lots of senior are. Most of us would never see the newest scientific miracle drug combinations made available to the science disbeliever 74 year old president when he came down with the coronavirus, and we know it. It is not forgotten that trump supporters, supporting their candidate, said we should take one for the country (trump), regarding Coronavirus. We will not go quietly into that good night to support one who does not support us. Donnie has got to go.
Seniors have had enough of Trump
Free shit begging needy seniors have always been Leftist filth...Foolish old desperate fucks whom think they need Father Government to lead them around by the nose and keep them safe....yep, all voting for the ticket with half a century in government and no notable accomplishments other than wing man to the Kenyan.....nothing new to see here.
I guess we all have our own perspectives, but many seniors built a life around their children who instead of reciprocating the good life that their parents gave them, abandoned family for selfish pursuits. Having emptied their savings on college educations or transferring homes and the family businesses to the children, they often are left with nothing but welfare. Life hands each of us good times and bad. And some older folks listen to promises they cannot ignore. Our native ancestors left us with a belief and a saying, never judge another unless we've walked a mile in their moccasins.

It's a good saying, and I'm sticking with elder advice, even if it hurts my pride.
That is just exactly what seniors think trumpers and trump think. It doesn't matter to you, your narrative is false, that most of the senior I know (including me) live in nice paid for homes, drive nice paid for cars, take expensive paid for vacations, have well stock retirement accounts, pay our taxes on time or early as most of us make enough in retirement, we still have to pay more taxes the trump, probably more than you. We are just not willing to blithely sit by while trump encourages contempt for communicable disease spread at risk to our lives and many of us do not like the effect he is having on the country we grew up in, supported in war and peace, sacrificed for and now wish to simply enjoy and pass it along to our children in one piece when we are ready. Trump is bad for seniors, bad for for the country as a whole and only good for dictators and autocrats around the world. Trump has got to go. Most of us will be voting for Joe Biden for President in 2020, to bring sanity back to government (and hopefully politics) and to protect ourselves and the country from trump's foolish policies
This senior is voting Trump . You have no clue
A senior warning sign for Trump: ‘Go Biden’ cry at Villages

View attachment 399676
THE VILLAGES, Fla. (AP) — Sara Branscome’s golf cart whizzed down the smooth asphalt path that winds through The Villages, the nation’s largest retirement community, an expanse of beautiful homes,...

I am voting Joe Biden. Lots of senior are. Most of us would never see the newest scientific miracle drug combinations made available to the science disbeliever 74 year old president when he came down with the coronavirus, and we know it. It is not forgotten that trump supporters, supporting their candidate, said we should take one for the country (trump), regarding Coronavirus. We will not go quietly into that good night to support one who does not support us. Donnie has got to go.
Seniors have had enough of Trump
Free shit begging needy seniors have always been Leftist filth...Foolish old desperate fucks whom think they need Father Government to lead them around by the nose and keep them safe....yep, all voting for the ticket with half a century in government and no notable accomplishments other than wing man to the Kenyan.....nothing new to see here.
I guess we all have our own perspectives, but many seniors built a life around their children who instead of reciprocating the good life that their parents gave them, abandoned family for selfish pursuits. Having emptied their savings on college educations or transferring homes and the family businesses to the children, they often are left with nothing but welfare. Life hands each of us good times and bad.
I don’t view social security and or Medicaid as welfare when paid out to our long time positive contributors. I take great pride in taking care of our seniors who paid their dues...however, simply breathing oxygen in America for 65 years does not mean one has paid his/her dues.
I have to believe the bulk of seniors voting for Biden either have faggot children or grandchildren, illegal roots or by and large have always been dead weight to society.
There’s just no way good productive NORMAL positive contributing folks can support the Democrat Way.
A senior warning sign for Trump: ‘Go Biden’ cry at Villages

View attachment 399676
THE VILLAGES, Fla. (AP) — Sara Branscome’s golf cart whizzed down the smooth asphalt path that winds through The Villages, the nation’s largest retirement community, an expanse of beautiful homes,...

I am voting Joe Biden. Lots of senior are. Most of us would never see the newest scientific miracle drug combinations made available to the science disbeliever 74 year old president when he came down with the coronavirus, and we know it. It is not forgotten that trump supporters, supporting their candidate, said we should take one for the country (trump), regarding Coronavirus. We will not go quietly into that good night to support one who does not support us. Donnie has got to go.

Seniors who vote for Biden must have acquired a taste for cat food.
Cause if he wins, they'll be eating alot of it.
Trump is bad for seniors, bad for for the country as a whole

Yes, he’s been absolutely terrible for TDS infected backward thinkers.
A record high stock market, a record low unemployment, higher wages, blacks being pried from the taxpayer tit in record numbers, lower taxes for our most productive citizens, beaners shut down at our border and being sent home to Mehico, our best citizens unified like never before....Try this sane stable mind shit once might enjoy the perception we good real Americans have.
Trump is bad for seniors, bad for for the country as a whole

Yes, he’s been absolutely terrible for TDS infected backward thinkers.
A record high stock market, a record low unemployment, higher wages, blacks being pried from the taxpayer tit in record numbers, lower taxes for our most productive citizens, beaners shut down at our border and being sent home to Mehico, our best citizens unified like never before....Try this sane stable mind shit once might enjoy the perception we good real Americans have.
Well son, you know demofks can’t have that!
A senior warning sign for Trump: ‘Go Biden’ cry at Villages

View attachment 399676
THE VILLAGES, Fla. (AP) — Sara Branscome’s golf cart whizzed down the smooth asphalt path that winds through The Villages, the nation’s largest retirement community, an expanse of beautiful homes,...

I am voting Joe Biden. Lots of senior are. Most of us would never see the newest scientific miracle drug combinations made available to the science disbeliever 74 year old president when he came down with the coronavirus, and we know it. It is not forgotten that trump supporters, supporting their candidate, said we should take one for the country (trump), regarding Coronavirus. We will not go quietly into that good night to support one who does not support us. Donnie has got to go.

Funny to hear TDS fools describe Trump as a Grim Reaper armed with the Kung-Flu.
These same fools criticized him for being a “xenophobic racist” when he did the unthinkable and shut down travel from China...What if he wasn’t a “xenophobic racist”, what if he was more like Cuomo and sent C-19 patients to snuggle with seniors in convalescent homes? How many more of you fragile pussies would have croaked?
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A senior warning sign for Trump: ‘Go Biden’ cry at Villages

View attachment 399676
THE VILLAGES, Fla. (AP) — Sara Branscome’s golf cart whizzed down the smooth asphalt path that winds through The Villages, the nation’s largest retirement community, an expanse of beautiful homes,...

I am voting Joe Biden. Lots of senior are. Most of us would never see the newest scientific miracle drug combinations made available to the science disbeliever 74 year old president when he came down with the coronavirus, and we know it. It is not forgotten that trump supporters, supporting their candidate, said we should take one for the country (trump), regarding Coronavirus. We will not go quietly into that good night to support one who does not support us. Donnie has got to go.

Funny to hear TDS fools describe Trump as a Grim Reaper armed with the Kung-Flu.
These same fools criticized him for being a “xenophobic racist” when he did the unthinkable and shut down travel from China...What if he wasn’t a “xenophobic racist”, what if he was more like Cuomo and sent C-19 patients to snuggle with seniors in convalescent homes? How many more of you fragile pussies would have croaked?
TDS fools? Who is it spouting grim reaper and kung-flu rhetoric that is already proven not to work? Has not worked so far, yet you keep trying the same thing? Who is the fool? What is it they say about trying the same exact thing over and over hoping for different results? See you after the election in January, during the Joe Biden administration.
A senior warning sign for Trump: ‘Go Biden’ cry at Villages

View attachment 399676
THE VILLAGES, Fla. (AP) — Sara Branscome’s golf cart whizzed down the smooth asphalt path that winds through The Villages, the nation’s largest retirement community, an expanse of beautiful homes,...

I am voting Joe Biden. Lots of senior are. Most of us would never see the newest scientific miracle drug combinations made available to the science disbeliever 74 year old president when he came down with the coronavirus, and we know it. It is not forgotten that trump supporters, supporting their candidate, said we should take one for the country (trump), regarding Coronavirus. We will not go quietly into that good night to support one who does not support us. Donnie has got to go.

Funny to hear TDS fools describe Trump as a Grim Reaper armed with the Kung-Flu.
These same fools criticized him for being a “xenophobic racist” when he did the unthinkable and shut down travel from China...What if he wasn’t a “xenophobic racist”, what if he was more like Cuomo and sent C-19 patients to snuggle with seniors in convalescent homes? How many more of you fragile pussies would have croaked?
TDS fools? Who is it spouting grim reaper and kung-flu rhetoric that is already proven not to work? Has not worked so far, yet you keep trying the same thing? Who is the fool? What is it they say about trying the same exact thing over and over hoping for different results? See you after the election in January, during the Joe Biden administration.

You make little to no sense bud...take your old guy meds and report back.
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  • #56
A senior warning sign for Trump: ‘Go Biden’ cry at Villages

View attachment 399676
THE VILLAGES, Fla. (AP) — Sara Branscome’s golf cart whizzed down the smooth asphalt path that winds through The Villages, the nation’s largest retirement community, an expanse of beautiful homes,...

I am voting Joe Biden. Lots of senior are. Most of us would never see the newest scientific miracle drug combinations made available to the science disbeliever 74 year old president when he came down with the coronavirus, and we know it. It is not forgotten that trump supporters, supporting their candidate, said we should take one for the country (trump), regarding Coronavirus. We will not go quietly into that good night to support one who does not support us. Donnie has got to go.

Funny to hear TDS fools describe Trump as a Grim Reaper armed with the Kung-Flu.
These same fools criticized him for being a “xenophobic racist” when he did the unthinkable and shut down travel from China...What if he wasn’t a “xenophobic racist”, what if he was more like Cuomo and sent C-19 patients to snuggle with seniors in convalescent homes? How many more of you fragile pussies would have croaked?
TDS fools? Who is it spouting grim reaper and kung-flu rhetoric that is already proven not to work? Has not worked so far, yet you keep trying the same thing? Who is the fool? What is it they say about trying the same exact thing over and over hoping for different results? See you after the election in January, during the Joe Biden administration.

You make little to no sense bud...take your old guy meds and report back.
I do not take any medications. The White 6 Machine, Zero Defects. We'll see if it makes sense after the election, kid.
A senior warning sign for Trump: ‘Go Biden’ cry at Villages

View attachment 399676
THE VILLAGES, Fla. (AP) — Sara Branscome’s golf cart whizzed down the smooth asphalt path that winds through The Villages, the nation’s largest retirement community, an expanse of beautiful homes,...

I am voting Joe Biden. Lots of senior are. Most of us would never see the newest scientific miracle drug combinations made available to the science disbeliever 74 year old president when he came down with the coronavirus, and we know it. It is not forgotten that trump supporters, supporting their candidate, said we should take one for the country (trump), regarding Coronavirus. We will not go quietly into that good night to support one who does not support us. Donnie has got to go.
Leftists transplant that couldn't take it anymore under leftists rule and I'm supposed to be impressed?
I know of hundreds of senoirs who will be voting for President Trump
Same area as before...........migrated Yanks there..........and just below little Cuba.

Pan Handle decided it now the only question is just HOW MANY from Puerto Rico stayed there after the storm.........that will decide that state..........and those still running from States like New York.
A senior warning sign for Trump: ‘Go Biden’ cry at Villages

View attachment 399676
THE VILLAGES, Fla. (AP) — Sara Branscome’s golf cart whizzed down the smooth asphalt path that winds through The Villages, the nation’s largest retirement community, an expanse of beautiful homes,...

I am voting Joe Biden. Lots of senior are. Most of us would never see the newest scientific miracle drug combinations made available to the science disbeliever 74 year old president when he came down with the coronavirus, and we know it. It is not forgotten that trump supporters, supporting their candidate, said we should take one for the country (trump), regarding Coronavirus. We will not go quietly into that good night to support one who does not support us. Donnie has got to go.
Seniors have had enough of Trump
Free shit begging needy seniors have always been Leftist filth...Foolish old desperate fucks whom think they need Father Government to lead them around by the nose and keep them safe....yep, all voting for the ticket with half a century in government and no notable accomplishments other than wing man to the Kenyan.....nothing new to see here.
I guess we all have our own perspectives, but many seniors built a life around their children who instead of reciprocating the good life that their parents gave them, abandoned family for selfish pursuits. Having emptied their savings on college educations or transferring homes and the family businesses to the children, they often are left with nothing but welfare. Life hands each of us good times and bad.
I don’t view social security and or Medicaid as welfare when paid out to our long time positive contributors. I take great pride in taking care of our seniors who paid their dues...however, simply breathing oxygen in America for 65 years does not mean one has paid his/her dues.
I have to believe the bulk of seniors voting for Biden either have faggot children or grandchildren, illegal roots or by and large have always been dead weight to society.
There’s just no way good productive NORMAL positive contributing folks can support the Democrat Way.
There,s so much right in what you say, but when I see a fatherless child being raised by a single mom, my heart goes out to that baby. That's why I took my life of quilts business into retirement to make quilts to donate to the family care center in a nearby community, because I feel a deep commitment to the scripture in the old testament book of Micah that commands us to take care of the widow and the orphan. Fatherless babies are orphaned more often than not. I believe in helping them by providing a warm quilt as time and resources allow. Today's work is a scrap red strips running vertical, and I have to get back to sewing now to finish the top before sunset in about 5 hours. :woohoo: :huddle:

See y'all tomorrow.
TDS fools? Who is it spouting grim reaper and kung-flu rhetoric that is already proven not to work? Has not worked so far, yet you keep trying the same thing? Who is the fool? What is it they say about trying the same exact thing over and over hoping for different results? See you after the election in January, during the Joe Biden administration
See you after you wake up

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