Seniors have had enough of Trump

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Oops. Please merge, but post the name of the thread to this thread, that senior may know where to respond.

I'm not modding anymore.
Why not? You mean at this time of day or in general?
Gave up my Staff of Power, and Cloak of Invincibility about 2 weeks ago.

Needed a vacation
Glad to have you around, though, even if we do not always agree.:)
Seniors are making a mistake and are not educated enough about Trump’s trajectory, but adhere to media coercion on meth. Mask wearing itself has become suspect for increased susceptibility to C19, and Trump’s meds are the best way forward in lieu of a vaccine.
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Seniors are making a mistake and are not educated enough about Trump’s trajectory, but adhere to media coercion on meth. Mask wearing itself has become suspect for increased susceptibility to C19, and Trump’s meds are the best way forward in lieu of a vaccine.
Yeah, right. Would you want a surgeon operating on you or a loved one that refused to mask? Did you think doctors wore them just to hide their identity? Any filter is better than no filter.
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Seniors are making a mistake and are not educated enough about Trump’s trajectory, but adhere to media coercion on meth. Mask wearing itself has become suspect for increased susceptibility to C19, and Trump’s meds are the best way forward in lieu of a vaccine.

Please stop spouting non-science disinformation Mr Atlas.

Biden is not popular with mainstream voters
Wrong. Biden is very popular, as most state and national polling reflects. Trump in increasingly unpopular, especially with seniors. He does not give a damn about coronavirus, threatening our age group, so voting for him is bad, not only for our health, but our survival. Dump Trump!
Lol. Here we go with polls again.
Got to love those that actually believe all the fairytales about only raising taxes on the rich and free stuff they will get.

but then again I never have seen a democrat voter that could handle simple math and thought processes
Feel free to disregard what many seniors are thinking. Trump has. Vote as you like. I will vote for Joe Biden for President, next week when early voting starts here.
I don’t care who you are that there is funny. I guess you don’t know may seniors. I live around and talk to hundreds of seniors, they claim just the opposite.
I plan to vote as I like and you should to. The only problem is you don’t know who you are voting for. Is it Harris or someone behind the curtain pulling Biden’s strings? If you think he has sound policies I feel sorry for you.
Why would ANY Senior vote for Biden?

It was BIDEN whose open border policies made the pandemic worse.

It was the Obama/Biden Administration that sent grant money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology where the virus came from.

BIDEN has strong support of the flag kneelers.

BIDEN is a puppet of NAZI collaborator, George Soros

BIDEN endangers Social Security, as he has since 1973, by diverting funds to liberal scams and foreign wars.

and the UNITED STATES would be a satellite of China, where the virus came from.

I, for one, think the SENIORS are a lot smarter then the MSM (mouthpiece of the SUPER Rich) believe.
There are a few ignorant out of touch people in every community....I'll bet they are outnumbered by Trump voters 10-1.....
"Seniors have had enough of Trump"

Along with everyone else.
Seniors may feel they earned things, but they better take things in perspective. The Millennial generation does not like them. And they do not want to pay for them. Even though they love socialism.
Not all seniors succumb to throwing the next generation under the communism bus. Many of us grew up hearing our parents' stories of widespread poverty of the 30s and product shortages during WWII, and read weekly readers of even worse shortages of staples in Russia we took for granted in our prosperous capitalist economy which engenders prosperity for everyone. I'm siding with making America greater than squelching, welshing communism. I'd rather fight than take leftovers off Stalin's vacuous table. God blessed America, and intended us all to enjoy what we worked for to the max.
A senior warning sign for Trump: ‘Go Biden’ cry at Villages

View attachment 399676
THE VILLAGES, Fla. (AP) — Sara Branscome’s golf cart whizzed down the smooth asphalt path that winds through The Villages, the nation’s largest retirement community, an expanse of beautiful homes,...

I am voting Joe Biden. Lots of senior are. Most of us would never see the newest scientific miracle drug combinations made available to the science disbeliever 74 year old president when he came down with the coronavirus, and we know it. It is not forgotten that trump supporters, supporting their candidate, said we should take one for the country (trump), regarding Coronavirus. We will not go quietly into that good night to support one who does not support us. Donnie has got to go.
Seniors have had enough of Trump
Free shit begging needy seniors have always been Leftist filth...Foolish old desperate fucks whom think they need Father Government to lead them around by the nose and keep them safe....yep, all voting for the ticket with half a century in government and no notable accomplishments other than wing man to the Kenyan.....nothing new to see here.

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