Seniors have had enough of Trump

It is for these provable reasons and many more, I will not support this charlatan N chief. I will support Joe Biden, whose character, conservative common sense and love for the whole country and it's founding principles (not just the 35% or 1% or his personal position) would never allow him to make any of the divisive, damaging mistakes to America and our image abroad outlined in this writing.
I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire.........he abused his job for himself and not the country........a self serving Crony who is rich for doing the credit cards bidding...........and getting money for nothing around the world for his family.

Sorry, he is the problem and he caused the shit we have now.

MAGA.......I will cancel your vote...........
Opinions vary, and yours doesn't mean much to me.
<iframe width="795" height="338" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Cool movie ...........but you are still a douchebag.

Spoke like a trumpling.:puke3:

Why thank you.........Seems your tribe is killing in Denver now........was this what you wanted .......hmmm
It is for these provable reasons and many more, I will not support this charlatan N chief. I will support Joe Biden, whose character, conservative common sense and love for the whole country and it's founding principles (not just the 35% or 1% or his personal position) would never allow him to make any of the divisive, damaging mistakes to America and our image abroad outlined in this writing.
I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire.........he abused his job for himself and not the country........a self serving Crony who is rich for doing the credit cards bidding...........and getting money for nothing around the world for his family.

Sorry, he is the problem and he caused the shit we have now.

MAGA.......I will cancel your vote...........
Opinions vary, and yours doesn't mean much to me.
<iframe width="795" height="338" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Cool movie ...........but you are still a douchebag.

Spoke like a trumpling.:puke3:

Why thank you.........Seems your tribe is killing in Denver now........was this what you wanted .......hmmm

Did not know about it til you typed. Still do not know who shot shot. I do know that two guns and a can of mace were recovered at the scene. Two men were originally arrested and that John Tiegen, organizer of the Patriot Rally said the day before that they were not going in there to do violence, but we are going in there prepared to do violence. I have no idea, who had the can of mace or who had the two guns, but suspect the guns did not belong to the dead guy. Never bring a can of mace to a gunfight??? I have no tribal connections to Denver. I just fly in and out of their beautiful airport when vacationing in the area about once a year.
A senior warning sign for Trump: ‘Go Biden’ cry at Villages

View attachment 399676
THE VILLAGES, Fla. (AP) — Sara Branscome’s golf cart whizzed down the smooth asphalt path that winds through The Villages, the nation’s largest retirement community, an expanse of beautiful homes,...

I am voting Joe Biden. Lots of senior are. Most of us would never see the newest scientific miracle drug combinations made available to the science disbeliever 74 year old president when he came down with the coronavirus, and we know it. It is not forgotten that trump supporters, supporting their candidate, said we should take one for the country (trump), regarding Coronavirus. We will not go quietly into that good night to support one who does not support us. Donnie has got to go.
Most of us would never see the newest scientific miracle drug combinations made available to the science disbeliever 74 year old president

Lefty....dead giveaway....if you guys are going to fake being independent...then don't use far left talking points.
Sorry, didn't get the memo. Your doctor has access to experimental antibody cocktail being developed by the drug maker Regeneron? You sir, are either very connected, or else you have not inquired. It is experimental. Production has not been ramped up. It is not openly approved, yet. It is not listed on insurance companies payment schedules. Try your BS down the hall. :smoke:
WEll I'm not a senior
Look this game is bullshit, we all know it's a lefty and they are using to scare people

If the election for president was held today, and the choices were [Democrat Hillary Clinton] and [Republican Donald Trump], for whom would you vote?
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump

Donnie scared over 210,000 people to death if the virus is a hoax and promises more of the same, by his leadership. I can't go for that. I value me, more than I value him. Vote Joe Biden For Better Public Health and to keep your kids on your insurance until you get them out of college and to protect you from insurance companies jacking up rates or refusing to cover pre-existing condition. It worked for me. My kids were covered through college years and premiums did not get jacked up after my wife had cancer. I wish you all the same. Dump Trump, Now more Than Ever Before.
Your post is just a talking point. Trump didn't cause those deaths and it's sick you blame him for it. We know you would not blame a democrat for this with the same results. We know this, becasue you guys blame Republicans for hurricanes and never democrats....

To you guys, logic, honesty and fairness do not matter. All that matters is you do or say whatever you have to get your guy elected.
BenGhazi: a random YouTube video with like 50 views caused it, not the incompetence and stupidity of the admin
Riots: Biden has no office(But he is the Democrat nominee for President, which carries more weight than almost any elected office in the country), therefore he can't call anyone to say arrest and prosecute rioters. HE can't even ask for that in a press comment for months....then when the polls look bad, a comment, and wait the riots die down for a couple of weeks, how crazy is that!
Well, Biden is the best candidate in the race. The choice is clear, not like last time choosing between both parties running a villain. Fact is, Russia influence the last election in favor of trump. Trump won after James Comey re-opened the investigation 11 days before the election. Trump associated with and hired crooks, liars, thieves, tax evaders, people acting as agents of foreign governments. He put a coal and oil guy over the interior and EPA. He put a rich donors wife, who had never had anything to do with education of Education. He hired great military leaders, but paid them no mind except to ridicule them. He tweeted like a maniac at all hours of the day and night. He ran the White House like a temp employer, hiring indiscriminately and firing the same way, sometimes using social media while they were out of town to fire them. A civilian employer would have probably got an as whipping out of that one. He supported dictators, oligarchs, autocrats,(even when known to be directly connected to murder of a writer for an American newspaper) Communists leaders (exchanging love letters while they worked on their nuclear program. They showed off their latest delivery ICBM in a parade yesterday) and failed to restrain their nuclear ambition. He insulted soldiers, injured, families of soldiers killed, green lighted when (when asked by Putin and Erdigon a pullback of US and allied force so Erdigon could launch a cross border attack on allies that had supported us throughout the war. He involve himself in and over ruled UCMJ, even denying the Seal board to meet to see if they wanted the man he favored back in their ranks. He tried to blackmail a foreign power under attack by a long term enemy of the United States invading their country to get political dirt on the son of his political opponent, only to have it blow up in his face as his own people spilled the beans, getting him impeached. Now we have the Covid-19 pandemic and him on tape know exactly how serious and deadly it was going to be and lying to the American public all these months, and influencing to not take it seriously, not slow down the economy, it was just going to go away, be gone by summer, it only effects older sicker Americans, his refusal to set an example of masking and sacrifice and support of the American people, holding super spreader rally event spreading the disease, even killing long time republican supporters and his latest super spreader in the rose garden and inside the the white house (the infected count is between 11 and 34 now). He pushed false cures and wishful thinking, but when he caught (as we knew he would) he used 3 experimental treatment not available to the public or used together before, as real science rules the day when it is about him (including STEM cells from aborted fetuses to make the antibody cocktail he took), nothing too good for the man against science and public health over his re-election. His divisive rhetoric used to separate his view of the wheat from the chaff of society has helped spur irrational left wing and right wing violence in major cities of the country and now right wing militia supporters in Michigan have undertaken direct terrorist activity to attack government and the Governor of that great state, that included plans to blow up a bridge, kidnapping and possibly murder.
It is for these provable reasons and many more, I will not support this charlatan N chief. I will support Joe Biden, whose character, conservative common sense and love for the whole country and it's founding principles (not just the 35% or 1% or his personal position) would never allow him to make any of the divisive, damaging mistakes to America and our image abroad outlined in this writing.
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No, it's not a parade of Trump supporters in gray F-150's with flags, it's 500 golf carts with Biden bumper stickers.
And they are seniors at The Villages. Looks like they have dumped Trump.
Go get 'em Granny!

"President Donald Trump may have won the state of Florida in the 2016 general election, but one Florida county could be an early indicator that things may change for the upcoming November election.
According to NBC News, The Villages, known as one of the most staunch Republican communities in the state of Florida, turned heads on social media when a caravan of more than 500 golf carts carrying supporters of Democratic presidential nominee paraded around one of Florida’s largest retirement community. Reports have indicated that the senior citizen residents were heading to cast their ballots by mail."


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