Sens Tillis (R) & Sinema (D) reach historic deal on immigration: *Protections for 2 million Dreamers *New resources to processing asylum seekers+more!

Embrace the fact that there are people from all over the world that want to come here to take part in capitalism and help us grow our economy and wealth? And maybe figure out a better distribution of that wealth so that we get the best out of our workforce and they get the best out of their labor rather than allowing a few to bleed us all dry as if we're nothing more than fuel for the machine?
There are about 8 billion people in the world, with a very huge chunk of them who would be better off in the US than wherever they currently are. The US does not have space for 6 billion people simply because they would be better off here. And, we shouldn't be footing the bill for them. Most of these people leach off the government, it not pretty close to all. Right off the bat the US pays for their medical care, food, lodging, and even transportation costs. And, that's just before they get off the lot. Once they get wherever they eventually wind up there are even more benefits they get from the government. I can't stand you socialists who want the government to just take care of everyone by taking money away from the rich and just giving it to people just because they are there. Screw 'em. We have about 200 countries in the world for a reason - we have our people and the other countries have their people.
There are about 8 billion people in the world, with a very huge chunk of them who would be better off in the US than wherever they currently are. The US does not have space for 6 billion people simply because they would be better off here. And, we shouldn't be footing the bill for them. Most of these people leach off the government, it not pretty close to all. Right off the bat the US pays for their medical care, food, lodging, and even transportation costs. And, that's just before they get off the lot. Once they get wherever they eventually wind up there are even more benefits they get from the government. I can't stand you socialists who want the government to just take care of everyone by taking money away from the rich and just giving it to people just because they are there. Screw 'em. We have about 200 countries in the world for a reason - we have our people and the other countries have their people.
That's difference between progressives and you fearful bunch of Simps. You're all paranoid and scared that people are coming here like locusts to leech off you but the reality is that it's white Europeans that have leeched off the rest of the world through imperialism, slavery and exploration. Now that isn't a dig on all white people it's just the history of the last 400 odd years. They brought the wealth from all over the world to here you didn't think those people would follow?

We don't have to let in the entire world. Immigrants want to work and provide and take care of their families both here and back in their native countries. If we allow them to they will export that back home to all our benefits.
That's difference between progressives and you fearful bunch of Simps. You're all paranoid and scared that people are coming here like locusts to leech off you but the reality is that it's white Europeans that have leeched off the rest of the world through imperialism, slavery and exploration. Now that isn't a dig on all white people it's just the history of the last 400 odd years. They brought the wealth from all over the world to here you didn't think those people would follow?

We don't have to let in the entire world. Immigrants want to work and provide and take care of their families both here and back in their native countries. If we allow them to they will export that back home to all our benefits.
I am against all leeches. If you can't survive without benefits from the government you are a leech, unless you are truly disabled in some fashion. The left have made it so that no one wants to work anymore.
I am against all leeches. If you can't survive without benefits from the government you are a leech, unless you are truly disabled in some fashion. The left have made it so that no one wants to work anymore.
Except we're at nearly full employment and productivity has never been better. You cosplayers will believe anything even if it's the total opposite of reality because your psyches can't handle anything but you being the victim in your tragic fanfic.
Except we're at nearly full employment and productivity has never been better. You cosplayers will believe anything even if it's the total opposite of reality because your psyches can't handle anything but you being the victim in your tragic fanfic.
Illegals cost us billions and billions of dollars.
One step at a time.
So, the first step is to build a massive wall in an attempt to combat the LEAST of the problem? How does that make sense? If you read the article, it is like twice as many illegal immigrants come on legal Visa's and just overstay the Visa. How hard is it to deal with that problem? Put an RFID tag on their passport, what would that cost? Hell, chip em for all I car, like a damn dog or cat. We could probably chip em all for less than the cost of five miles of border wall. I mean it as if the roof got blown off during a tornado, it is raining cats and dogs, and you guys want to fix the broken window.

The fact that the biggest contributor to illegal immigration is never even mentioned tells you it is all bullshit. For every illegal that walks across the border, two come over in an airplane and check in through airport security, passport and Visa in hand.

Look, Republicans never intended to do anything about the problem. Hell, they never intended to do anything about abortion but those crazy ass SCOTUS judges they nominated done went and did something. Whoops. The Republican backers extort the cheap labor of illegal immigrants and yes, those here on temporary work Visas. I mean it is almost a kind of servitude. Get fired, you got to go back to where you came from. Not much negotiating room, on salary, on working conditions, on benefits.

Hershey is a fine example. Google "Hershey's foreign labor force". But hell, go to any resort community, like say Myrtle Beach. Go out to dinner and note the accent of the waiter or waitress. They get recruited and come work the summer on a J-1 guest worker Visa. Unlike the Hershey workers, they actually make bank. So hell, they just stay, keep working, shack up with some citizen, buy a car and before you know, they are popping out citizen kids and living the American dream.

For me, it is not a problem. But, if you are opposed to illegal immigration you should be more concerned with the primary source of that illegal immigration. But white Irish kids waiting tables just don't present the same perception as brown people crossing a desert and working in the fields in California.
Well, assuming that I didn't know that, which I did, that makes things even worse. With hundreds of thousands of illegals crossing the southern border every year, you say that is just a small percentage of the actual problem. In other words, we have a very serious, extremely huge problem. What is your solution?
The free market
Illegals cost us billions and billions of dollars. You are a denier.
Actually, that is totally incorrect.

But what about the immense strain on social services and money spent on welfare for these law breakers? The Congressional Budget Office in 2007 answered this question in the following manner: “Over the past two decades, most efforts to estimate the fiscal impact of immigration in the United States have concluded that, in aggregate and over the long term, tax revenues of all types generated by immigrants—both legal and unauthorized—exceed the cost of the services they use.” According to the New York Times, the chief actuary of the Social Security Administration claims that undocumented workers have contributed close to 10% ($300 billion) of the Social Security Trust Fund.

I mean the reality goes so much deeper than those stats quoted. The birth rate would be negative if it weren't for immigrants, and mostly illegals. A country with a negative birth rate is one that is getting older by the minute and DYING. Look at Europe or Japan. I mean talk about inflation, get rid of the illegal immigrant work force and watch milk prices close to double. And I don't give a damn what you say, illegals do jobs Americans refuse to do.

I mean I have said it before. My son, at six foot four, worked the tomato fields with his buddy, even taller, while he was in High School. They were the only "citizens" on the workforce. And he made damn good money, cash, under the table. Of course, there was no overtime. I remember one day, it was raining, and my wife picked him up and bought him home. She called me balling her eyes out. He was covered in mud, absolutely exhausted, and she felt so bad for him. I just laughed and told her, "Hard work never hurt anybody".

Today that son is one of the most successful people I have ever known. Completing the course work for his Phd, he only needs to write and defend his dissertation. A world renowned expert in his field, delivering presentations on three continents, he is all of 27. The youngest project manager in the history of his top notch company and with a retirement account already three times the average retirees, he contributes his success to two things. Those tomato fields, and shop classes in High School. His brothers give him hell, claim he is the luckiest person in the world and his response is always the same, "I made my luck". I think he is right.

Now, contrast him with the youngest. He spent his summers as a lifeguard at the Country Club. Probably the highest IQ of all my six kids, but dumber than a box of rocks when it comes to decision making. Unfortunately, I see so much of myself in him, and remember Dad telling me that was smart as a whip, but had no damn common sense. Drove him to work this morning because his car is in the shop, mostly from his bad decision making. An hour of listening to how wonderful he is but eventually coming to the conclusion that his best option is to join the military, mostly so he can finally get some discipline. Damn but the tomato fields would have been so much more appropriate and timely.
Actually, that is totally incorrect.

But what about the immense strain on social services and money spent on welfare for these law breakers? The Congressional Budget Office in 2007 answered this question in the following manner: “Over the past two decades, most efforts to estimate the fiscal impact of immigration in the United States have concluded that, in aggregate and over the long term, tax revenues of all types generated by immigrants—both legal and unauthorized—exceed the cost of the services they use.” According to the New York Times, the chief actuary of the Social Security Administration claims that undocumented workers have contributed close to 10% ($300 billion) of the Social Security Trust Fund.

I mean the reality goes so much deeper than those stats quoted. The birth rate would be negative if it weren't for immigrants, and mostly illegals. A country with a negative birth rate is one that is getting older by the minute and DYING. Look at Europe or Japan. I mean talk about inflation, get rid of the illegal immigrant work force and watch milk prices close to double. And I don't give a damn what you say, illegals do jobs Americans refuse to do.

I mean I have said it before. My son, at six foot four, worked the tomato fields with his buddy, even taller, while he was in High School. They were the only "citizens" on the workforce. And he made damn good money, cash, under the table. Of course, there was no overtime. I remember one day, it was raining, and my wife picked him up and bought him home. She called me balling her eyes out. He was covered in mud, absolutely exhausted, and she felt so bad for him. I just laughed and told her, "Hard work never hurt anybody".

Today that son is one of the most successful people I have ever known. Completing the course work for his Phd, he only needs to write and defend his dissertation. A world renowned expert in his field, delivering presentations on three continents, he is all of 27. The youngest project manager in the history of his top notch company and with a retirement account already three times the average retirees, he contributes his success to two things. Those tomato fields, and shop classes in High School. His brothers give him hell, claim he is the luckiest person in the world and his response is always the same, "I made my luck". I think he is right.

Now, contrast him with the youngest. He spent his summers as a lifeguard at the Country Club. Probably the highest IQ of all my six kids, but dumber than a box of rocks when it comes to decision making. Unfortunately, I see so much of myself in him, and remember Dad telling me that was smart as a whip, but had no damn common sense. Drove him to work this morning because his car is in the shop, mostly from his bad decision making. An hour of listening to how wonderful he is but eventually coming to the conclusion that his best option is to join the military, mostly so he can finally get some discipline. Damn but the tomato fields would have been so much more appropriate and timely.
LOL. So you're saying our government doesn't pay for their medical care, food, lodging, transportation, etc when they first cross the border?
That's difference between progressives and you fearful bunch of Simps. You're all paranoid and scared that people are coming here like locusts to leech off you but the reality is that it's white Europeans that have leeched off the rest of the world through imperialism, slavery and exploration. Now that isn't a dig on all white people it's just the history of the last 400 odd years. They brought the wealth from all over the world to here you didn't think those people would follow?

We don't have to let in the entire world. Immigrants want to work and provide and take care of their families both here and back in their native countries. If we allow them to they will export that back home to all our benefits.

They're takers, not makers.
Otherwise, historically, they wouldn't feel the need to follow!
To you, everyone gets a VICTIM badge, you Marxist piece of crap!!

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