Separating Hillary From Hillary


Sep 23, 2010
There is a touch of repetition in the following two videos, but they pretty much capture the obvious; Hillary has to put a lot of daylight between Barack Taqiyya and herself. Without saying it in so many words, Carl Cameron, in the final few seconds of the first video, hits on the Clinton charity hustle:

NOTE: Should Elizabeth “Cherokee” Warren knock off Hillary for the nomination —— whoever happens to be the Republican candidate should run commercials rolling on the floor laughing.


I’m close to Steve Hayes in the second video:

Hillary Clinton separating herself from Barack Taqiyya is like separating herself from herself. She was for all of the things he did to this country years before he arrived at the same positions. Most notably Hillarycare-Obamacare. The MSM is doing its best to separate the two starting from the day she became secretary of state, but she will have to hire a magician to saw her in half if she wants to separate herself from that one:

Bill Clinton made waves last week with his pronouncement over Obamacare's most infamous (for now) dishonored promise. Conspicuously absent from the resulting hullabaloo was any comment from Bill's wife, Hillary, whose fingerprints are all over the imploding health law:

Aides to Hillary Clinton did not respond to a request for comment about whether Bill Clinton’s views reflect her own. They come at a time when it seems increasingly likely that Hillary Clinton, who’s said she’s considering running for president in 2016, will have to open up some daylight with Obama on specific issues.​

Friendly Reminder: Obamacare is Hillarycare
Guy Benson | Nov 19, 2013

Friendly Reminder: Obamacare is Hillarycare - Guy Benson

I cannot separate Romneycare from the harm it did to Mitt, yet Hillarycare II is not supposed to hurt Hillary with voters across the board now that everybody knows what it is doing to the country.

No matter how well-intentioned Socialists like Hillary Clinton and Barack Taqiyya may appear, their ultimate goal is absolute power. One of the oldest chestnuts in the book says, “The highway to hell is paved with good intentions.” That sums it up better than anything anyone can say about her lust for sainthood.

Who has done more to brighten the lives of the world’s less fortunate: Hillary Clinton (1947-present)? Or the Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997)?

Put another (less trollish) way: What has Hillary Clinton done for poor people that distinguishes her from any other liberal celebrity with a massive bank account and a burning desire to prove to the world how much she cares by raising money and attending galas? What has she done recently, now that her salary is no longer funded by the American taxpayer?

The media always had Hillary Clinton up for sainthood simply because she is Hillary, but if she expects to be canonized on her good works, she should have followed in the footsteps of Mother Teresa by going and living in a Third World country where she could have devoted her life to a little hands-on compassion instead of seeking all of the political power she could lay her hands on.

No one ever called Mother Teresa dangerous. No one can deny that Hillary Clinton is dangerous because she is an avowed big government Socialist no different than Barack Taqiyya. She was on the highway to hell long before the public first heard his name. Should she ever get the power she wants it must end in hell for a great many people. Totalitarian government does not willingly coexist with individual liberty. Socialism ends in totalitarianism. There is no place else for it to go.

For the life of me, I cannot figure out why the smartest woman in the world is broadcasting where she wants to take the country:

Democracy is the road to socialism. Karl Marx

The foundation’s website touts Clinton’s extensive accomplishments, such as “winning respect as a champion of human rights, democracy, civil society, and opportunities for women and girls around the world.”

Hillary Clinton vs. Mother Teresa: Who Has Done More to Help the Poor?
BY: Andrew Stiles // July 7, 2014 5:00 pm

Hillary Clinton vs. Mother Teresa: Who Has Done More to Help the Poor? | Washington Free Beacon

Finally, Hillary sounds good when she is preaching to the choir in a media sound bite, while this does not say much for her “. . .opportunities for women and girls around the world.”:

Instead General Suhaila Siddiq, 60, sighs with exasperation at Western feminists and their obsession with the burqa, the all-enveloping veil whose forcible use symbolized for many outsiders the Taliban's oppressive rule.


General Siddiq is Afghanistan's only woman general, a surgeon, hospital director and heroine to a generation of young women who remained in the country.


Now head of the Women and Children's Hospital in Kabul, she is scornful of exiled Afghan women's rights campaigners and Western feminists who champion their agenda. Her most withering comments are reserved for such vaunted women's champions as Emma Bonino, the former EU Commissioner, who brought the wrath of the Taliban down on Afghan women when a CNN crew accompanying her filmed women patients in Kabul in 1997.

Of Hillary Clinton, another supposed advocate, she simply says: "She cannot defend her own rights against her husband. How can she defend the rights of my country?"

Afghan Female General Criticizes Western Feminists
Published November 28, 2001
London Times

Afghan Female General Criticizes Western Feminists | Fox News
Hillary the Liar has to separate herself from Taqiyya the Liar, and Marco Rubio has to separate himself from amnesty for illegals. The entire rotten New World Order structure has a lot of time and money invested in the Clintons; so she might get her party’s nomination. On the other hand, Rubio is pushing a large square rock up a steep hill in his quest for the Republican party’s nomination.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) believes he can beat Hillary Clinton in the race for the 2016 presidency.

"Multiple people can beat her. Hillary Clinton is not unbeatable," the GOP presidential hopeful told radio host Hugh Hewitt in an interview Friday.

July 11, 2014, 07:59 pm
Rubio: I can beat Hillary
By Rachel Huggins

Rubio: I can beat Hillary | TheHill

Frankly, the corpse of a true conservative could beat Hillary in the general election, but because of Rubio’s starring role in the Gang of Eight the only way he can beat her is with a big stick.
NOTE: Should Elizabeth “Cherokee” Warren knock off Hillary for the nomination —— whoever happens to be the Republican candidate should run commercials rolling on the floor laughing.


Any time a Democrat bashes Wall Street you know you are being setup for a royal screwing:

July 14th, 2014
06:27 PM ET
Elizabeth Warren bashes Wall Street in West Virginia
Posted by CNN National Political Reporter Peter Hamby

Elizabeth Warren bashes Wall Street in West Virginia ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
For the sake of fairness and in the spirit of equality, Hillary Rodham Clinton should always be referred to as Mitt Romney, John McCain, Rick Perry, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum:


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