Separating someones art from their politics?


Road Warrior
Aug 6, 2012
Currently stationed at the kitchen table
Does the political bent of the artist color how you feel about their art? Are there bands you dislike, or authors you won't read because of their political positions? Do you try to avoid learning about the political side of the person?

One of my favorite authors is Orson Scott Card, even though politically he's a bit of a nutter. I love his books, and while I have friends who feel his writing is tainted because of his opinions, I dont agree with them.

I won't see Jane Fonda movies, since she literally is a traitor - in strict, constitutional terms.

I admit that I watch Matt Damon movies, even though the guy is a complete scumbag. I don't watch anything from Michael Moore.
Michael Moore tends to bring his politics into everything, so I could see avoiding that.

Typically I find myself annoyed when an artist becomes vocal politically only because I don't really care about their opinions on such issues. Plus I often get the impression they speak out because they think their opinion is important, and its no more important than anyone else's.
Some learn to keep their mouths shut. Channeling the Dixie Chicks.
I really don't care what their politics are, I'd just as soon not know their political beliefs, their opinions mean nothing to me.

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