Separation of church and state makes him want to throw up

You might want to look up what a common law system is since that is what this country is. Case law interpreting the words of the constitution has equal weight with the document itself, since we aren't a code state like France.

You would do well to actually learn something about constitutional construction.

Isn't that the problem we are talking about? The common law system?

it's the system we have. it works fairly well, if imperfectly. you can whine about it to your heart's content.

USC : Table of Contents | LII / Legal Information Institute

Except shit doesn't need to always be changing on the whim of the 5 people who happen to agree with each other at that time.

And normally it doesn't . That's why judicial precedent is considered law. So that courts just don't just change things on a whim.

creating the precedent is doing just that.

again. that is the system retained by the founders who came from the english common law system.

stop whining.
Dude you aren't giving any links to statements in the constitution.

You might want to look up what a common law system is since that is what this country is. Case law interpreting the words of the constitution has equal weight with the document itself, since we aren't a code state like France.

You would do well to actually learn something about constitutional construction.
And you might want to look up "admiralty maritime law"...You'll find it in Black's....Then you might learn something about the real jurisdiction we're subjugated under.

yokie dokie, chiefy... :cuckoo:
So, now Christianity is a superstition? are all religions.

Well then, so is atheism.... as it is also a belief system.. welcome to the club!

You guys are so fucking easy...


Quote: Originally Posted by Lakhota
One should always shit, piss, spit, and jerk off toward Israel.

BTW, Soggy, I notice you like to quote my Israel comment. That is funny, except that you're leaving out the context. The context is that that is pretty much how I feel about Netanyahu and the other Israeli hardliners - not Jews in general.

BTW, if a leper is cured - are they still a leper? are all religions.

Well then, so is atheism.... as it is also a belief system.. welcome to the club!

You guys are so fucking easy...


Quote: Originally Posted by Lakhota
One should always shit, piss, spit, and jerk off toward Israel.

BTW, Soggy, I notice you like to quote my Israel comment. That is funny, except that you're leaving out the context. The context is that that is pretty much how I feel about Netanyahu and the other Israeli hardliners - not Jews in general.

BTW, if a leper is cured - are they still a leper?

Then perhaps you should have said Netanyahu, not the entire Jewish state.

You come off as a bigot.
Santorum: Separation Of Church And State 'Makes Me Want To Throw Up'

Damn that pesky little First Amendment. Its just SO inconvenient to Santorum.

Sadly, there are many rw's who are so dumb, they actually don't realize what this creep is saying.

First Amendment fail

It doesn't call for separation of Church and State. Merely calls for no official religion.

That's correct, It's vague when it comes to many constitutional questions, it's why the supreme court defined it further to mean that there is a wall that the founders were too negligent to build. They have consistently ruled in a way leaves no gray areas. There is a wall for a very good reason, Santorum would make it a ramp where the government has no power to protect us from religious fanatics doing away with our sinful rights.

There is no ambiguity whatsoever. The Establishment clause clearly states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof".......Very clear and concise. Not even a hint of separation.
Atheism is a religious faith. I do believe it should not be allowed to impact our government either.

How do you resolve this hypocrisy?

there is no hypocrisy. one does not have to be an atheist to want, and zealously protect, the separation of church and state. think about how you would feel if the majority religion were islam and you were forced to watch as they legislated the tenets of their belief system.

and no, atheism is not a religion. it is the absence of religious belief.

Wrong on all points honey, as usual.... atheism is a belief system as I've never seen an atheist prove what happens to you once you die or what created the universe.

1. A belief system does not equal religion.

2. When you die you rot. We see that constantly.

3. How does the Bible prove what created the universe?
there is no hypocrisy. one does not have to be an atheist to want, and zealously protect, the separation of church and state. think about how you would feel if the majority religion were islam and you were forced to watch as they legislated the tenets of their belief system.

and no, atheism is not a religion. it is the absence of religious belief.

Wrong on all points honey, as usual.... atheism is a belief system as I've never seen an atheist prove what happens to you once you die or what created the universe.

1. A belief system does not equal religion.

2. When you die you rot.

3. How does the Bible prove what created the universe?

1. Yes it does, by your own admission.
2. Your soul too?
3. It doesn't, we believe it explains it, hence belief system.

You're welcome.
Well then, so is atheism.... as it is also a belief system.. welcome to the club!

You guys are so fucking easy...


Quote: Originally Posted by Lakhota
One should always shit, piss, spit, and jerk off toward Israel.

BTW, Soggy, I notice you like to quote my Israel comment. That is funny, except that you're leaving out the context. The context is that that is pretty much how I feel about Netanyahu and the other Israeli hardliners - not Jews in general.

BTW, if a leper is cured - are they still a leper?

Then perhaps you should have said Netanyahu, not the entire Jewish state.

You come off as a bigot.

Perhaps I should have. BTW, I am a bigot when it comes to Netanyahu and the Israeli hardliners.
BTW, Soggy, I notice you like to quote my Israel comment. That is funny, except that you're leaving out the context. The context is that that is pretty much how I feel about Netanyahu and the other Israeli hardliners - not Jews in general.

BTW, if a leper is cured - are they still a leper?

Then perhaps you should have said Netanyahu, not the entire Jewish state.

You come off as a bigot.

Perhaps I should have. BTW, I am a bigot when it comes to Netanyahu and the Israeli hardliners.

I don't think it's possible to be bigoted toward an individual....
Wrong on all points honey, as usual.... atheism is a belief system as I've never seen an atheist prove what happens to you once you die or what created the universe.

1. A belief system does not equal religion.

2. When you die you rot.

3. How does the Bible prove what created the universe?

1. Yes it does, by your own admission.
2. Your soul too?
3. It doesn't, we believe it explains it, hence belief system.

You're welcome.

1. Are Democrats and Republicans considered religions? After all, they have different belief systems. What about global warming believers and deniers? They have different belief systems.

2. Who said we have a soul? Can you prove we have a soul?

3. You believe it - good for you. I don't.
Last edited:
A typical mistake made by many on the right is the incorrect perception that to prohibit the conjoining of church and State is somehow a violation of religious expression, as protected by the Free Exercise Clause.

One is allowed to express his faith any way he wishes, in any venue he wishes, public or private. That has always been the case.

There are also circumstances where church and State may co-exist, provided the religious expression has a secular purpose, such as chaplains in the military, a homily before a session of Congress, or ‘in god we trust’ on currency. The religious expression must also not act to promote religion and there may not be an ‘excessive entanglement’ between representatives of the state and the religious expression. And with regard to the Free Exercise Clause, government may not preempt religious expression without a compelling reason supported by evidence, such as those claiming sex with children as part of religious doctrine. See: Lemon v. Kurtzman

The state may not require, by policy or statute, religious expression designed to promote religion, such as prayer in public schools, where there is clearly no secular purpose and it manifests excessive entanglement of school employees, where teachers are leading prayer.

For more than 5 decades the courts have established a framework of Constitutional case law that can accommodate virtually every circumstance of potential church/State conflict, allowing law and policy makers more than adequate guidance to avoid potential violations.

Clearly Santorum and those of his ilk wish to destroy this framework of Constitutional case law in favor greater religious authority exercised by the State. This violates the rule of law, as Constitutional rights are not determined by majority rule.

What people are twisting the phrase 'seperation of church and state' to mean is 180 degrees opposite to what the First Amendment actually affirms; complete religious freedom for law abiding citizens. It barred the establishment of an official church like England had at that time and many American states had also.

In your opinion, but not as a fact of law.

The seconf amendment was specifically about gun rights, whatever name you choose to refer to it by.

As with the First Amendment, the Second Amendment is interpreted by the Supreme Court, its rulings become part of Constitutional case law, where the Constitution exists only in the context of that case law.
BTW, Soggy, I notice you like to quote my Israel comment. That is funny, except that you're leaving out the context. The context is that that is pretty much how I feel about Netanyahu and the other Israeli hardliners - not Jews in general.

BTW, if a leper is cured - are they still a leper?

Then perhaps you should have said Netanyahu, not the entire Jewish state.

You come off as a bigot.

Perhaps I should have. BTW, I am a bigot when it comes to Netanyahu and the Israeli hardliners.

You are an anti-Semite. Just admit it. You hate Jews.
Then perhaps you should have said Netanyahu, not the entire Jewish state.

You come off as a bigot.

Perhaps I should have. BTW, I am a bigot when it comes to Netanyahu and the Israeli hardliners.

You are an anti-Semite. Just admit it. You hate Jews.

If I hated Jews I'd say so. As a Native American, I can easily sympathize with how the Jewish people have suffered historically. I can also easily understand how the Palestinians are suffering.
Clearly Santorum and those of his ilk wish to destroy this framework of Constitutional case law in favor greater religious authority exercised by the State. This violates the rule of law, as Constitutional rights are not determined by majority rule.

If it's so clear, why don't you illustrate that wish with some quotes, position papers, laws offered or SOMETHING other than your own fucking OPINION.
There is no separation of church and state mentioned in the first amendment

Well then, guess we don't really have to entertain those arguments about it being unconstitutional to require all employers to provide coverage for birth control in their health insurance plans.
There is no separation of church and state mentioned in the first amendment

Well then, guess we don't really have to entertain those arguments about it being unconstitutional to require all employers to provide coverage for birth control in their health insurance plans.


The real debate is that the government is requiring that people have to buy ANY health insurance anyway.
Perhaps I should have. BTW, I am a bigot when it comes to Netanyahu and the Israeli hardliners.

You are an anti-Semite. Just admit it. You hate Jews.

If I hated Jews I'd say so. As a Native American, I can easily sympathize with how the Jewish people have suffered historically. I can also easily understand how the Palestinians are suffering.

Really? You think you know the plight of the so called Palestinians? First, what is a Palestinian? Then ask yourself why it is there is no room in any of the other Arab nations for their Palestinian brothers?
"As a Native American"....Yeah and? That makes you think you have insight on a people that lives 1/3 the way around the globe?
Look, don't start this "I'm a PC minority, so I am an expert on this" bullshit.
You know as much about the Palestinian plight as a dude from Wisconsin. In other words unless you've walked a mile in the shoes ( or sandals) of a Palestinian living in the Middle East, you know precisely DICK.
Your claim to "abused minority status" is a legitimate as the people who wanted white people of European descent residing in the Appalachian Mountains of the SE USA to be declared a minority group. In other words, they wanted money from the federal government AND they wanted Politically correct protected class status.
I get sick and fucking tired of people who place themselves into protected classes do nothing with the advantages those classes offer and whine about how rotten their lives are.
Or the ones who take every advantage, assimilate to the American Culture then as a matter of convenience and gain an advantage, remind anyone who will listen " I am a minority, so kiss my ass"....Yeah well ask me if I care if you're an Indian. Big fucking deal. Go open a casino.

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