September Jobs Report

This isn't Biden's fault either.
There are over 40 container ships sitting off the coast of San Diego as we speak.
Perhaps if Biden and the Democrats figure out that exempting people from paying rent and paying them to stay at home rather than go back to work is a major reason why those ships remain unloaded, no dock workers to put those containers on semis, no truck drivers to move that equipment things would improve.

Perhaps if Joe realized getting thousands of Americans who do those jobs fired by pushing his Un-Constitutional vaccine mandate, that you don't fire people to improve your economy, we would be better off.
Fuck Joe needs to pay more people not to work and put more covid mandates in place. He can whittle than half in half. Fuck Joe really believes that mass firings and lay offs improve the economy.
Great, the Marxist Un-Constitutional mandates are working because companies and organizations are firing thousands of Americans for refusing to comply with Biden's edict, for exercising their Constitutional freedoms, because medical institutions are refusing to treat / refusing to give these people organ transplants, because Americans are being extorted and forced into compliance.

The USSC ruled against the Democrats by telling them the Un-Constitutional quarantine mandates and punishment of Americans and businesses, abusive Un-Constitutional policies that destroyed over 50 of minority owned businesses.

Today its vaccines. What will it be next time? Oh yeah, using federal agencies as Democrat ideology enforcers through the intimidation and silencing of parents to maintain the Marxist playbook execution of separating parents and students, replacing parents with govt indoctrination.

You seem to have no problem with Biden and his government demonizing and villainizing unvaccinated Americans, calling them murderers and threats to America or calling concerned parents 'terrorists' if they disagree with / disapprove of Marxist, liberal ideology and agenda. The Majority of Americans have a serious problem with that, as shown by Biden's 67% disapproval rating just recently.

Dumbass, Biden's approval rating is not 33%. Damn, math is not your jam.
Gallup has him at 43%, the latest survey.

And it's a pandemic, stupid. 710,000 dead just doesn't move your sorry ass, does it?
If social media and this shit message board and idiots like you were around during the early 1950s, we would still have polio.
Everybody lined up for the shot back then because they didn't want to end up here:


So you just go fuck yourself with your bullshit Marxist crap. And get vaxxed, asshole. I bet you got vaxxed for measles, mumps and rubella, didn't you asshole? Did you put up a fight about that, too?
This is the reason the jobs numbers are down:

As The Pandemic Recedes, Millions Of Workers Are Saying 'I Quit'

I design and create Facebook postings for national brands, household names: a national aerospace corporation, national hospital chain, and a couple of national restaurant chains, etc. 75% of the postings these last 4-5 months are recruiting posts. These companies have jobs going unfilled. It's getting very difficult coming up with different copy and graphics for the same message: "WE ARE HIRING!!!"
And I myself get at least 5-6 recruiters calling and texting me every week with positions they are trying to find candidates for.
Don't blame this on Biden. He has nothing to do with it, you stupid fucking moron.

Why do you think people aren't taking those jobs?
This is the reason the jobs numbers are down:

As The Pandemic Recedes, Millions Of Workers Are Saying 'I Quit'

I design and create Facebook postings for national brands, household names: a national aerospace corporation, national hospital chain, and a couple of national restaurant chains, etc. 75% of the postings these last 4-5 months are recruiting posts. These companies have jobs going unfilled. It's getting very difficult coming up with different copy and graphics for the same message: "WE ARE HIRING!!!"
And I myself get at least 5-6 recruiters calling and texting me every week with positions they are trying to find candidates for.
Don't blame this on Biden. He has nothing to do with it, you stupid fucking moron.

So basically, Biden has nothing to do with anything. He is just a potted plant shitting his Depends.
Dumbass, Biden's approval rating is not 33%. Damn, math is not your jam.
Gallup has him at 43%, the latest survey.

Way to cherry-pick the overall rating while Biden's handling of the economy is at 67% disapproval rate, as is his border handling.

Biden is under water on just about every single individual issue.
This isn't Biden's fault either.
There are over 40 container ships sitting off the coast of San Diego as we speak. They cannot come to dock because there's a shortage of truck drivers in this country. And our supply chain got fucked up by the pandemic when everybody started hoarding last year. The supply chain had to be reconstructed to meet demand.

Of course, nothing is Biden's fault now is it? Forget the fact the US government was paying people more money to stay home than work. Nah, that had nothing to do with it. Now it seems they made enough money to survive without working even longer.

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland
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It's like 4 more years of the Obama economy. That happens when a dipshit who's never ran a business is in charge.

Obama came in on the heels of a Republican-made economic crash the likes unseen since 1929.
And you assholes wanted him to wave a magic wand or something?

Yeah, and that Trump, who had to file bankruptcy six times....
Pay went up Get off your ass republicans and get back to work No more dole for you
I really don't know what it is. My wife's professional job went "poof" and is not coming back. She's got a part time gig of sorts, but she took early soc sec, and isn't going back. We may be "the new typical" of a boomer workforce.

I'm honestly not sure why service jobs are unfilled, or even if they are. My experience is so small from Mississippi where we don't really buy much. The grocery stores are understaffed and costs are going up because grocery supply chains are broken, and workers there are reportedly in short supply. But the restaurants we go to don't seem severely understaffed.

I thought more would go back to work as school opened and UI ended.
Way to cherry-pick the overall rating while Biden's handling of the economy is at 67% disapproval rate, as is his border handling.

Biden is under water on just about every single individual issue.
You presented an overall rating, asshat.
Post a link or shut your fly trap.
But, but, but, it's a booming economy according to Joe and the left loons right on this board.
There are 12 million open jobs but only 8 million to fill them Seems to me when S&P DOW and NAS are within striking distance of record highs how bad are things ,,,,,really?
There are 12 million open jobs but only 8 million to fill them Seems to me when S&P DOW and NAS are within striking distance of record highs how bad are things ,,,,,really?
Is it maybe that the econ is not a full production capacity? If it's not, that wouldn't really affect corp profits. That's my guess, anyway based on the little of cnbc I watch at the gym ....
Supply chains way down Ships backed up in ports no place to put cargo ,lack of truck drivers a mess that repubs want to put at Bidens door Meanwhile unemployment down to 4.8%
This isn't Biden's fault either.
There are over 40 container ships sitting off the coast of San Diego as we speak. They cannot come to dock because there's a shortage of truck drivers in this country. And our supply chain got fucked up by the pandemic when everybody started hoarding last year. The supply chain had to be reconstructed to meet demand. Just ask Jeff Bezos.
Grocery stores shelves were full when biden took over. Now they are starting to be empty. Thanks Biden.

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