September Jobs Report

Biden created more jobs this month alone than Tramp created in 4 years!!!!!
Tramp LOST over 2 million jobs in 4 years, and Biden has created over 3.6 million jobs in 8 months, but to the lying scum TrumpNAZIS, LOSING over 2 million jobs is the greatest economy in the history of the universe, snd creating over 3.6 million jobs in 8 months "sucks ass."
Ever heard of Covid?
Biden created more jobs this month alone than Tramp created in 4 years!!!!!
Tramp LOST over 2 million jobs in 4 years, and Biden has created over 3.6 million jobs in 8 months, but to the lying scum TrumpNAZIS, LOSING over 2 million jobs is the greatest economy in the history of the universe, snd creating over 3.6 million jobs in 8 months "sucks ass."

I despise how you view me Ray.
Believe it or NOT. I was voted "Man of the Year" in my community. People Love Me. USMB members, not so much.

Now, you and fellow RWI's can call BS all you want, but the FACTS won't change.

I support (D), you don't.
(R) are not evil, but some are.......I will agree that there are some crazy (d) members of Congress, I I'm not the problem Ray, MEMBERS of Congress are the problem.

And you helped put them there.

Take away the name and face and you'd realize how great our country was doing until the Wuhan flu. But instead of voting on that, you vote based on how much you like or dislike a guy. Again, choosing leaders is not a personality contest. You hire the best person for the job and toss your personal feelings out of it. That's how everybody should vote.
Liberals, even you dumbshits can do this math:



Which number is higher?

If LESS people are now working than does that prove Biden is doing a good job?
Just because some :asshole: who is never right about anything expects something that doesn't happen, does not mean that nothing good happened!
You tell me which is better, LOSING over 2 million jobs in 4 years, or creating over 3.6 million jobs in 8 months?

Which number is higher?
MINUS 2 million or PLUS 3.6 million.
Ever heard of Covid?
Tramp LOST over 2 million jobs with the Trump Pandemic raging and Biden created 3.6 million jobs with the SAME pandemic raging, so what is Tramp's excuse now?
How can Biden create jobs during covid while the incompetent senile Tramp LOSES jobs during covid?????
Name one policy he had that created one job. Bullshit. The jobs have been out there for months. It's just now some are forced to start taking them.
They obviously don't want to go back now. Unemployment paid so well they are living on what they saved up.
You can't have it both ways, claiming workers are staying home because the pandemic assistance pays so well, while claiming Biden's jobs numbers are so much better than LOSER Tramp's because now some are forced to start working!
Strange what happens when the government hands out "free money", huh?
Pull back the freebies and things do change.
Tramp handed out 8 trillion in free money and LOST over 2 million jobs.
The pandemic assistance ended Sept 4 and what changed???
Supply chains way down Ships backed up in ports no place to put cargo ,lack of truck drivers a mess that repubs want to put at Bidens door Meanwhile unemployment down to 4.8%
It's his door, it's his job, it's his desk where the buck stops, it's his rodeo, it's his economy. Heck, the whole shebang is his. The first thing he did when he took office was to stupidly undo everything TRUMP! did that he could get his hands on, whether it made sense to do so or not. Now we're paying for that.
If they weren't sitting at home they would be at work & Biden's numbers would not be so bad.

If so mNy weren't getting fired because of Biden's Un-Constitutional vaccine mandate they would be at work & Biden's numbers would not be so bad.
You can't have it both ways, claiming workers are staying home because the pandemic assistance pays so well, while claiming Biden's jobs numbers are so much better than LOSER Tramp's because now some are forced to start working!

It's the only reason to go back. We all need money to live. As long as you're getting it from government, why work?

And why do you leftists think you can win any debate using lies? Everybody knows they are lies. All jobs lost under Trump were due to Biden's buddies in China, not Trump. So stop it already. You're making an idiot out of yourself.

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