Sequestration Scare: Hoax to Protect Uncontrollable Entitlements


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012

"We want more gubment teat, NOW!"

Sequestration Scare: Hoax to Protect Uncontrollable Entitlements


What has been gotten lost in the fear-mongering leading up to the March 1 sequestration deadline is that this is another Administration manufactured crisis to protect the real villain in this propaganda war on the debt/deficit cancer America’s long-term financial instability.


Since the re-elected Administration has been given a mandate by the Democratic process, it will now be emboldened to further the “redistribution of wealth” theme at the core of its say over the electorate. This means maintaining the untouchability of medicare, medicaid, food stamps, and debit cards; in addition to unlimited employment compensation, and welfare without workfare.

Entitlement expansion will continue to be the theme of President Obama’s second term since he believes, unfortunately justifiably, that this is what the majority of America’s electorate favors.
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