Serial false rape claimaint in Wales finally jailed for it

Despicable. These men were her former boyfriends so she could use the DNA angle evidently. Very crafty woman. I think the boyfriends have a civil suit - class action civil suit - they can collect from her with a court judgment in their favor. Now that she has been convicted it should be open and shut case.

They can use a class action civil lawsuit and take her house, her car, her property, everything she owns. Then after they take that they can get a court order to garnish her wages so it comes directly out of her paycheck. If she tries to avoid paying they can put her back in jail. I'd drag her through the court system for the rest of her life and make sure the other guys joined me. If she was late for one payment I'd report it immediately - get her arrested and dragged into court again.

The key to this story is to make an example out of her. Then others will think twice before following her lead.
There are plenty of women out there who lie about getting beaten up by their boy friends / husbands just to avenge some perceived wrong done by their men. Lying about rape is a serious issue because this can destroy an innocent man's life. I hope the latter is rare.
Despicable. These men were her former boyfriends so she could use the DNA angle evidently. Very crafty woman. I think the boyfriends have a civil suit - class action civil suit - they can collect from her with a court judgment in their favor. Now that she has been convicted it should be open and shut case.

They can use a class action civil lawsuit and take her house, her car, her property, everything she owns. Then after they take that they can get a court order to garnish her wages so it comes directly out of her paycheck. If she tries to avoid paying they can put her back in jail. I'd drag her through the court system for the rest of her life and make sure the other guys joined me. If she was late for one payment I'd report it immediately - get her arrested and dragged into court again.

The key to this story is to make an example out of her. Then others will think twice before following her lead.

I hope one (or all) of them snatches her and vivisects her on a live Webcast.

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