Serial false rape claimant

She should be in jail for longer than the accused! She knew he did nothing wrong and sat on her ass while he rotted away for 10 years.

Not only that she got a bunch of guys to walk in high heels believing she was t
Raped to walk in her shoes. She banked in on a crime that never occurred while he sat in jail
Better look quick before they take this down off their website.

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Episode 11 - Sara Ylen

On a sunny Saturday in May, 2001, Sara Ylen pulled her van into a crowded department store parking lot in Port Huron, Michigan. But, when she opened her door to get out, a man grabbed her. He forced her into the back of the van behind its darkly tinted windows, then hit Sara until she passed out. When she regained consciousness, he was gone. Bleeding and bruised, she drove home, locked herself in the bathroom and showered with scalding hot water. The next day, Sara and her husband Jim reported the assault to the authorities. Three days went by before she finally told her husband the truth: she had been raped. He took her to the ER, where doctors informed her it was too late to collect forensic evidence. For months, Sara struggled to come to terms with the attack. Then, one day while she was driving, Sara became terrified when she saw a man in another vehicle who resembled her attacker. She knew she had to do something. She went back to the police. The cops had no evidence to work from, but Sara was determined. She spent hours at her computer going through the Michigan sexual-offenders' registry. When that failed, she went to the police station in October 2002 and sat down with mug shot books. More than four days and 10,000 faces later, Sara broke into tears. She'd found the face she was looking for: James Eugene Grissom, a department store employee, had molested a six-year-old child two months before Sara was raped. The police arranged a lineup. Grissom arrived with a shaved head and beard and Sara was unable to identify him. But, when Sara remembered a lost detail from the rape - a skull tattoo that matched Grissom's, he was arrested on March 22, 2003. At trial, Grissom's attorney tried, and failed, to suppress evidence of the tattoo. Then, Sara took the stand herself and during twenty hours of testimony, she detailed what she remembered from the attack. Grissom was found guilty. At sentencing, the judge sentenced Grissom to fifteen to thirty-five years, the maximum the law allowed.

Was she faking cancer as well? She was under hospice care in 2009?

James Eugene Grissom, who was convicted of the brazen daylight rape of a woman in the parking lot of the Meijer store in Fort Gratiot eight years ago, could leave prison as early as March 2018.

His victim, Sara Ylen, should be so lucky. She is looking at a possible death sentence.

Ylen, 34, is under hospice care at the Lexington home she shares with her school-age sons, Keenan and Ethan. She is waging a difficult war with cancer.

"We're in the 11th hour; we really are," says her good friend Barb Soffin, a sergeant at the Michigan State Police post in Sandusky.

Ylen is partially paralyzed and has taken a leave of absence from her job at the Sandusky post.

Her many friends and admirers have been sharing cards and letters as well as prayers. Organizations such as the Port Huron chapter of Woman's Life and the congregation of North Street United Methodist Church have reached out with donations of food and household items.

IF YOU'RE not familiar with Sara's story, let me offer a summary.

Shortly after noon on May 12, 2001 -- a lovely spring day -- Ylen stopped at the Meijer store on her way home to Sanilac County. She had driven into Port Huron to have her hair done in anticipation of a wedding rehearsal that evening.

I wrote about her case six years ago. Here is how I described what happened in the Meijer parking lot on that sun-splashed Saturday:

"The moment Ylen stuck her foot out the door of her minivan, her life changed in ways that would prove horrific and irreversible.

"She never saw her attacker coming. When she reached back for her purse and a handful of coupons, he struck from behind, shoving her deeper into the Grand Caravan with its darkly tinted windows. Bold and cruel, he stunned her with the fury and violence of his assault.

"'Every time I would attempt to call out, he would hit me. He knew how to do it, where to hit to keep me from yelling out.' As she described the scene, she touched her collarbone and winced, as if remembering the pain."

SHE LOST consciousness. When she came to, she found herself alone but bleeding, bruised, partially unclothed and in excruciating pain.

To this day, Ylen does not remember the 25-mile drive home. What she does remember is deceiving her husband, telling him she had been mugged and insisting there had been no rape.

They contacted the authorities, but it was three days before Ylen summoned the courage to tell others of the sexual assault. By then, it was too late to do a proper "rape kit," or the collection of physical evidence such as semen or hairs.

Investigators had no reason to suspect Grissom, a Meijer employee.

A few weeks after the assault on Ylen, the late Elaine Butts, a detective with the Port Huron Police Department, arrested Grissom for molesting a 6-year-old girl. He would spend much of the next year in the county jail.

GRIEF IS said to have seven stages, from shock and denial to acceptance and hope. Victims of violent assault typically go through a similar process.

It took nearly a year, but Ylen gradually regained her strength and resolved to bring her attacker to justice.

She found a tremendous ally in Sandy Jacobson, a tough-minded detective with the St. Clair County Sheriff Department.

Port Huron police had no jurisdiction in the case, but Lt. Phil McCarty, who has since retired, agreed to let Ylen look through the department's voluminous mug-shot files.

Ylen's attacker had used an oversized ring in an especially vicious way. She remembered the ring vividly. She also recalled a skull tattoo. Both would help confirm the identification after she found Grissom's mug shot.

He went on trial in August 2003. Jurors deliberated only 50 minutes before finding him guilty on all counts.

On Sept. 22, 2003, Judge Peter Deegan handed down a sentence of 15 to 35 years. "Frankly, for what you are, I don't think that's enough," he told Grissom. "Unfortunately, I'm limited by the law."

THE STORY should have ended there, a satisfactory ending if not precisely a happy one.

But this is real life, not theater, and three acts weren't enough.

Ylen and her husband separated. She and her sons moved to a rental near Lexington. She took a job with the Sandusky post, where she found herself surrounded and shielded by strong, good-hearted people.

Grissom, now 51, has served six years of his sentence. He is currently housed at the Cotton Correctional Facility in Jackson.

Rape victims are seldom identified, but Ylen voluntarily went public with her story. She hoped other women might learn from her mistakes, particularly her failure to report the rape promptly.

Her story appeared in the Times Herald and Lansing State Journal. It inspired an episode of "Captured," a TV series featuring real-life crime dramas. She was interviewed on national television by a callous Montel Williams. She joined "Take Back the Night" rallies and spoke with rape-survivor groups across Michigan.

WITH THE same courage she had shown in pursuing her attacker, Ylen quietly began a long battle with HPV, a sexually transmitted disease.

She believes the infection occurred during the attack, although she has no way of proving it.

With each passing year, her health has deteriorated. The HPV became cervical cancer. In 2007, she was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a cancer of the white blood cells.

The disease has spread throughout her body including tumors on her spine and clavicle. "Her bones are like lace," Soffin says.

Ylen is partially paralyzed. Her bones snap at the slightest misstep. The options for treating her cancer are complicated by the hepatitis, which is destroying her liver.

SARA YLEN has a glorious smile. It shows itself only reluctantly, begrudgingly, before it becomes luminous, as if lit from a lamp deep within.

Her smile is never brighter than in the presence of her sons, who give her strength. I have seen that smile take form, like God bringing brilliance to the void, even when her eyes were moist with tears from the ever-present pain.

Let us be brutally honest here. Ylen's situation is difficult. Her friends fear for her.

And yet hope remains, a fragile tendril, a rootlet reaching for moist soil.

When all the usual options failed, her doctors decided on an alternative and largely experimental treatment.

IT'S CRAZY stuff. Crazy and cutting edge. Basically, her bones are deteriorating as part of a life-or-death race between the cure and the cancer. If all goes well, the cancer --- all of it -- will be destroyed before Sara is.

It will be a close-run thing.

Job of the Old Testament had nothing on Sara Ylen. Those who have watched her relentless suffering, and who have witnessed her unconquerable spirit, can offer nothing except our love, our admiration and our prayers.

Those who wish may send Sara a card in care of Sgt. Soffin at the Michigan State Police, 90 W. Sanilac, Sandusky, MI 48471.

Mike Connell is a freelance writer and a former Times Herald reporter. Contact him at [email protected].
Buried in that, she claims the cancer she has is from HPV, which she claims she got during the rape.

What a compulsive, pathetic liar.
Curious how many donations she got due to her lies.

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Cancer patient finds support throughout Blue Water area

Published: Sunday, July 04, 2010

By James Kelley, Voice Reporter

A local woman who has endured more than her share of hardship is finding she has friends throughout the community.

Last Sunday at the Elks Lodge in Port Huron a spaghetti dinner was held to raise funds for Sara Ylen and her two children, Keenan and Ethan.

"The support for this event has left me speechless," Ylen said. "People are coming forward and doing whatever they can to help out and it has left me speechless."

Over nine years ago, Ylen was raped in the Fort Gratiot Meijer parking lot. Since then, Ylen has served as an inspiration to sexual assault victims by making her case public and encouraging others to come forward if they have been attacked.

Yet, Ylen was presented with another challenge five years ago when she was diagnosed with cancer. But according to Ylen, 13-year-old Keenan and 11-year-old Ethan are her motivation.

"My two kids are the reason I keep fighting and the reason I keep going," Ylen said. "Had it not been for those two and their love and support, I might have given up a long time ago. They have been my warriors through everything."

Kristen Richardson, who organized the spaghetti dinner event, said it's important to get involved and help out someone who has dedicated their life to helping others.

"Sara is just a wonderful person who has turned such an awful situation into something positive," Richardson said. "She has been a huge advocate of sexual assault survivors by speaking to groups and even as she struggles with her illness, she still gets online to help in that way. There is only one way to describe her and that is as a hero."

Ylen currently helps out victims of sexual assault and domestic violence through an on-line support group. She said it is a great way for anyone looking for support, whether anonymous or not, to find people who can relate to the situation. Anyone interested in joining the on-line support group can apply by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

Event committee member Carol Koob said there was no problem getting backing from the community to help support the brave mother of two. The Port Huron Police Department, the St. Clair County Sheriff's Department, Safe Horizons and Michael's Car Center all chipped in as sponsors. The evening was complete with music, good food and a silent auction. Continued..

"Sara has been a huge inspiration as she has spent a lot of time doing public speaking on rape and abuse," Koob said. "She is a very loving and giving person and hopefully the community will give back to her for all her efforts on such an important topic."

As Sara continues to fight, Richardson said donations will still be accepted for those who wish to show their appreciation and admiration for Sara and her family.

"Sara coming forward with her story was unheard of and she has helped a lot of sexual assault victims dig up the courage to come forward and not be ashamed," Richardson said. "For everything that she has done for the community, the least we could do is hold an event for her to say thank you and we love you for everything you have done."

For Ylen, she said she is happy to be able to help those who are going through tough times in their lives.

"I don't see myself as courageous or brave - I just want to do something positive," Ylen said. "The payoff is that there are people I can help out. Just helping that one person make it another day means a lot to me."

Anyone wishing to donate money to help the Ylen family can contact Kristen Richardson at (810) 956-0661.
IF all this stuff was made up, it's called Munchausen syndrome - fantasized sickness. Presumably to attract attention, sympathy, etc. It's amazing - this woman was in & out of the news in CA & in MI - yet no one in the DA's office bothered to run her name through a search engine? No one objected that there was no forensic evidence whatsoever to convict Mr. Grissom for rape?

She seems to need help. & as soon as she's healthy enough, she should stand trial on false testimony charges, & there may be felonies involved, since she apparently put several people behind bars, ruined marriages, careers, educations, posioned relationships, & so on.

The courts should uphold justice, & if it takes punishing false accusers, so be it. MO, the 2nd or 3rd time this woman showed up with - apparently - the same claim, alarm bells should have gone off in the DA's office. That's where poor official performance starts, in CA. & then again in MI, when this kinda-famous person surfaced again ...
If she got donatins based upon a lie that is fraud. Mental illness is no excuse for fraud. She was trying to bank off of her lies.
Kind of shocked why more people aren't commenting on this story. This is some of the most abhorrent behavior I've ever read about. A woman makes multiple false rape claims, and man goes to jail for 10 years. She then lies about having cancer to make money off people's pity. There's no more pure evil people than someone like this. It saddens me people will defend her my saying she's mentally ill. Lots of people are mentally ill and it's not used as an excuse for deliberate wrongful acts. If Madoff were mentally ill would that be an excuse for defrauding people?

A man went to jail for 10 years because she lied.

She should be jailed for as long as the accused was.

She should get the same sentence a rapist would get, PLUS time for perjury. Nothing she says should EVER be admissible in court again.

IF she claims she is raped again, feminists will demand the man not be allowed to defend himself, for that would be putting her on trial.
Women who do that are worse than rapists. They should go to prison for a very long time. That guy spent nearly 10 years in prison because this bitch lied. And what's with the jury who convicted him without ANY physical evidence, just her saying that he raped her? What the fuck was wrong with them?

Men, you had better wise up and keep a close watch on this. We can't have a society where women can get revenge on men or toy with men by easily getting them convicted of rape. This kind of nonsense will backfire and make it harder for convictions in true cases of rape.

Won't happen, she's a full blown Progressive Liberal.

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